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  1. See, You got it Just after release. So For years you had the unique reward of being able to fly in GW2. You for years were given a special reward for your hard work and dedication to completing that quest chain. The ability to fly when other people couldn't. Now naturally as time went for you, the value of this ability diminishes to the point where you barely care at all. Now put yourself into someone else's shoe who wasn't interested at first in getting the mount and was constantly put off either due to time constraints, or simply didn't want to deal with the sheer tedium of this quest line. Then finally after having obnoxious levels of tedium, repetitive, boring tasks and the worst thought out series of quests for just the ability to fly. You then find out, If you had just waited for maybe a few months. I could have EA'd my way into flying. If you had read my post and the subsequent replies properly you'd have seen I am happy that other players won't have to deal with this level of Bullfrak to simply get the ability to fly. But Don't you dare tell I or other people that we all should just be happy with the pitiful reward that you've enjoyed for years. Nothing about what I've said here is entitled. This dissatisfaction of the decision that ignores those who've worked for this karking mount could have all been avoided if Anet just made a fraking skin to show you got the mount before the release of the expansion. Simply unlocked at launch that if you want to show off, you can or just remind you that you got recognition for working hard for something. Get off your high horse.
  2. It sounds like those who unlocked it will have the advantage of having it already unlocked and if they had already maxed out the masteries they may even not have to grind through those either. Not that it's much compensation mind.
  3. Because I don't settle for Masteries and the warm feeling in my heart after working hard for something. I had hoped Anet would at the very least like many other companies have done for other games to have at least a visual reward for those who were part of a process before a particular update. WOW has a Honor level for PVP which yields mounts, cosmetics and even some perks, Division had skins for weapons, trinkets and backpacks for taking part in the beta, being the first to play in the invaded mission event and completing the dark zone. Hell even GW2 has heritage Armour sets that show the world the player was a GW1 player. None of these offer a unique gaming advantage but they do offer a visual reminder as to the time spent in the game/game series or reflect the accomplishment they have worked hard to achieve. Just being able to fly now no longer cuts it because everyone else will be able to do it when the expansion comes out. The collection you unlock after getting it in the new expansion should have been there from the start rather than the hodge podge fest we've had up till now. Just because you either had it longer or didn't have as much of a bad grind doesn't mean you can dictate other people's thoughts and reactions.
  4. My apologies you are correct. I mis-read the news post. My hope is that that collection would not be super tedious to work through.
  5. The ability to do things that others can't will be a neat factor. But the shine of that will fade in time and it'll barely be noticeable. But at this point I guess I'm just gonna have to like it and lump it since everyone in this post seems to not mind so it seems i'm clearly the bad guy for feeling frustrated after spending a long time working on something that turns out not to be worth the hassle and voicing said frustration.
  6. The "unique" rewards I've gained so far from this grind is the mount itself. whoop de fraking do. The knowledge that the bonus masteries I'll unlock will give me bonuses in comparison to those who haven't gone through it. Apart from the achievement points I honestly don't see nor have I seen any real rewards for this. Not even an unlockable cosmetic for the character before all of this. What am I missing then?
  7. Masteries are all well and good but after using it for a while, you'll barely notice it. But having a skin or some unique cosmetic just adds that extra personal sense of satisfaction that won't go away with time so easily.
  8. That argument is the equivalent of "get gud" If you read my post all the way through you'll have noted in that and on multiple replies that I have no problems in the newer playerbase getting the skyscale. My issue with Arena net is that apart from some masteries there are no unqiue rewards put aside for someone who's gone through the collection. If there was a mount skin (like the one that everyone unlocks in the new collection) or hell even a pair of flying goggles that you'd get for completing the grind then I'd feel like there was a reason for the getting it.
  9. Again I do not have an issue that newer players will get it easier. I am glad that they won't need to go through the collection in order to enjoy the skyscale. And my Respects to you for going through the Frakfest that was the harder version of the skyscale collection. The main issue I've had throughout this main conversation is that due to the fraking bad timing of that announcement combined with the rough grind that I had gone through up to that point, tipped me over the edge and made me feel like I had been shafted. Yes I get it, Mastery bonus good, Not that you've read my original post but I will repeat myself. I just don't care about those Fraking masteries. Especially not since the completing the new streamline collection will give the player a free skin. Why not give those who worked hard for the thing their own skin!? What is honestly wrong with wanting a reward that matches your efforts!? That's all I've had issue with. That is singularly the main problem I have right now with GW2. It Just does not feel worth it at this moment. Surely you can understand at least in part how frustrating it'd be if you were in the similar circumstances.
  10. As said, I'm not angry at the fact newer players will get the mount easier. Its because it doesn't feel fulfilling at all at this point. It feels like a waste of time and even if I go back on GW2 I'll be reminded for the waste of time i spent every time I use the mount. It's soured my enjoyment of GW2 right now.
  11. I know a fair few people will view this post this way. This post may not amount to much but surely you can appreciate that spending alot of time and energy for something then finding out near the end you needn't have bothered would probably irritate you to some degree right?
  12. It's not about not wishing to share the ball, as mentioned I don't have an issue with new players getting the skyscale. I have an issue that there isn't some acknowledgement for those who got the mount during the time it was harder to get. Like some kind of title or something that makes it feel like the journey was worth it.
  13. So to start I've played GW2 on and off for 10 years. Hell my first true online gaming experience was GW1. I've enjoyed the GW2's story and the characters immensely through the base game, living world and expansions. Especially characters like Taimi, Canach and ofcourse Tybalt of whom the mention of apples still almost brings a tear to my eye everytime. I've never gotten bored of the combat system even with me using mostly physical range combat (Engineer Holosmith, Thief Deadeye) and the scope to customize my playstyle is greatly apreciated. Finally I gotta say the mount system is one of the best I've seen in any MMO game yet and I have played a fair few MMOs. WOW, FF14, ESO, Fallen Earth classic, New World, (Yes it is an MMO despite amazon's best attempts at bastardizing it) Division 1 &2, etc. Each mount brings its own use and effectiveness to the table that can make a struggling player's life much, much easier. But now after all that work. I feel empty, I feel no joy, no dancing desire, no feelings of accomplishment and pride, just a hollow bittersweet victory. It wasn't solely because of the journey I had to do to get the Fraking thing for any who are curious if its that. I am aware of the amount of players who burn out trying to get the mount. My reason is because in less than four weeks, the process of getting the Skyscale will be streamlined for all players. In less than four weeks, If I had known I could just have simply waited for the mount and saved myself the bother and just bought the blasted skyscale. Bad timing on my part I guess... I can already tell some will judge me as a gatekeeping vet who seemingly only wants noobs to suffer the same pain as he felt to feel like they're part of a special hierarchy. I tell you now that that is not the case. After putting the collection series off for years due to the ridiculous and obnoxious tasks you have to go through to simply get the skyscale. I finally set myself the goal of getting it and having gone through 3/4s of the journey, in the very last stage I find out the next expansion will streamline the process for everyone seemingly without any real consolidations for those who have already unlocked it or are in the process of unlocking it. So you can understand a little bit at least why I am pissed off at Arena net. Sure we've heard from the news that those who've gone through the masteries will have bonus perks in addition to the extended masteries. Whoop de Fraking do. Is it too much to ask for a unique bonus for the work I've put in for something? Like would it be gatekeeping if Arena net created a unique skin for the skyscale in the expansion for those who completed the collection series? Just something to make it feel like it was worth the effort. Because right now I feel like I've wasted tons my time for a god kitten flying worm with wings. I'm honestly happy that the newer players/those who skipped or waited will be able to avoid the tedious and frankly ridiculous quest collection to get skyscale and I'm sure GW2 will have some fun mechanics, stories and worlds for them to explore. After many years the community can all enjoy a cool flying mount with hella useful abilities that makes traversal a breeze. But for me, at this moment I feel quite burnt out from the grind and it just doesn't have that shine that i expected it would. I'll grab what masteries I can and just plod along but Jeez it just doesn't quite feel as satisfying.
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