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Posts posted by Mazdan.2071

  1. Diablo IV drops June 6th. Public open beta this weekend. Solo play or group play. Open world events and bosses on a timer similar to GW2 where others participate (usually it's been a fail as the bosses are tough). Game looks and plays like a Diablo game should and uses the same music. Only problem is the fixed camera IMO. Give it try. Hopefully Blizzard won't incorporate P2W and other red flags like they did in Diablo Immortal.


    Que times were about an hour long last weekend tho and only 3 playable classes---Rogue, Barb and Sorc. Hopefully Druid and Necro will be playable this weekend.

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  2. >>>>>The privilege has been abused. It's done IMO.


    Wow, this is what is wrong with "current year" corporations and why so many like Netflix and Twitter are and will be feeling the upcoming consequences (looking at you Disney).


    It is "privileged" for the devs to listen or to correspond with their CUSTOMERS?!. Wow, jsut wow. Ok, well Anet does not get the "privilege" of my money or support. I guess we can agree on this. Enjoy the consequences of your actions Anet, and maybe you'll learn something but I doubt it.


    Remember one thing:  You are not entitled to anyone's money, time or support and you never will be. It will run out someday and you will only have yourselves to blame---look at the 450 employees at Netflix who thought the same way you currently do, they are out of a job within 2 months. If it can happen to them, it will happen to you. Nobody is too big to fail.


    Employment at Anet is "at will". So if things get too hot, a dev can always go somewhere else. Why are things so hot? Because the paying customers are not happy. Sure some of them are abusive but many of them are thoughtful and helpful in their suggestions because they care.


    Every job comes with the good and the bad. Folks who work at Walmart deal with more abuse than anyone at Anet ever will and this is face to face abuse and they are being paid nowhere near what Anet devs get. Is this right? No but life isn't fair and you can't make it that way.


    The main problem is that Anet devs are simply not knowledgeable, qualified or focused on the needs of this community or game, and folks are waking up to this and pushing back. The EOD xpack and last 2 "balance" patches prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.


     Customers are not a "privilege"; they are your life's blood and Anet has 10 stacks of bleeding piling up. 


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  3. >>>>>Yes, the pvp is falling apart and its the fault of those pesky pronouns! Go outside for some fresh air, good sir!


    Ahhh, the "touch some grass" rebuttal. So you openly admit that certain game elements are "falling apart" but it's not the devs fault for focusing on "other things", instead of focusing on game and class balance in all game modes or for not even listening to the player base (customers) about these issues, or for not even playing the game and various classes/game modes at all.

    Because you said a game mode is falling apart (PvP). Ok, let's break it down as to who/what is responsible? Players? Maybe to some degree. Bots? Again maybe to some degree. Hackers? To a much larger degree as outlined by Wooden Potatoes a year or so ago.

    Game/class balance? Very much so and easily the largest problem along with hackers. This has been and is being discussed ad nauseum on these boards and the reddit since the Esports move failed. Maybe even before then.

    Now ask:  Who can fix these problems? Hrmmmm, Players? Not really. Bots? Not a chance. Hackers? Why would they?

    Gee if there was only someone who could actually address this issue. Developers maybe? Nah, they're too concerned with coming up with new genders and pronouns to be bothered with these mundane issues. At least that what it seems like to me and again I am judging Anet by their actions, not words.

    There are so many hours in the day. The bulk of the time should be interfacing with customers besides collecting money and carefully analyzing what areas need work and then taking action on those action items.

    This update patch, like the last proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that this is not occurring so they must be focused on something else.....what could that be?

    You can shill all you want but facts and observable reality are on my side. Feelings are on your side I guess.



    Thanks for assisting me in proving my point.

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  4. Warrior has 2 traits (Defy Pain and Last Stand) on the Defense like with a 300 sec. CD. These 2 traits were standards in WvW and PvP (at least by me and many others) and when they were changed, Anet said the 300 CD cooldown was a placeholder until it was better reviewed (basically a "temporary fix").


    THIS WAS 2 AND 1/2 YEARS AGO!!! name me another class with more than 1 skill or trait with a 300 sec. CD in competitive play. BTW I'm asking sincerely because I don't know. Now answer if they are widely used in competitive play and on the same trait line. Racial skills don't count because they are inferior to class skills for the most part.


    Nonetheless. These 2 traits were standards in competitive modes and were nerfed into oblivion making the Defense line completely useless, and NOTHING has been done or reviewed as far as the player base knows. No communication whatsoever on this and yes, it's a big deal for warrior players.


    Another "balance patch" arrives and it's not addressed at all. Anet has no idea what they are doing at this point. It is clear they are more concerned with other things than balancing the game IMO. Again, judging this company by their actions, not words which is more than fair.


    Glad I uninstalled the game and will never give Anet another penny.

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  5. Stop giving Anet money. They hate you (especially if you're a "toxic" warrior) The game is destined to die. The fact that they have 2 300 CD cooldowns on one line (Defense) for over 2 1/2 years where NO other class has a 300 CD cooldown on any skill or trait shows you that they have no idea what they are doing.

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  6. Some folks have legitimate gripes and concerns and have voiced them very clearly only to be rebutted by "trolls" saying "You need to click the button" or "this is not alliances" or some other lefty kitten debate tactic putting the blame onto the person making the complaint.


    Hear my words you trolls:  We are paying customers. The customer is always right. We can and will take our business elsewhere. And before you say "good, do it"; wvw and mmos cannot survive without players. If enough players quit you have nothing. But again you trolls can only destroy, you cannot create.


    Also, answer me this anyone:  What does this system fix? Really. It just seems like a big man guild power play to take over wvw and kitten on the casuals. This isn't Esports. Go to LoL kitten.


    I can always spend my time playing my Strat and kicking kitten.


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  7. >>>>>>>I don't get all these people who claim to be serious WvW players yet weren't paying attention to this.


    Many are casual or semi casual which is, and has been the selling point of this game since day one--casual friendly. I play WvW almost every night; that week I was putting in longer hours at this place we call "work". So I could not play the two nights leading up the reset. Working is something a few of us have to do in order to pay for all the lazy freeloaders who play video games all day, kitten on Facebook, and troll others on Twitter. I know, many of you might not know we exist, like gnomes, or gravity, but we do.


    Also while I do this thing called "work", I do not have the luxury of monitoring the forums for news and such because I don't get paid to so that sort of thing. These are called "rules" and they go hand in hand with "work". So I never "got the memo", and now I can't play with my friends--which is kind of the whole point of MMO's, but I know, the problem lies with me and my "work". Silly Billy expecting to be able to play an MMO with friends whenever I want. Stupid me. I mean this is the norm with all MMO's.......err....amirite?


    I have tried to run WvW during this chaos, and found either folks who don't respond to callouts, or complete tryhards constantly asking " Wut build u runnin?" (from some bronze or silver tryhard in a "big man" guild) in order to verify if I am "worthy" to even play WvW on "their turf". As a Platinum General, I don't have to verify anything to anyone. I got PvP stats as well to back that up. I know the game and my build(s) well and do just fine. I just may be high when playing it so I don't always "run straight" but I'll get there. ; )


    P.S. Everytime Gw2 tries to go "hardcore" and cater to "that" crowd, it doesn't go well. PVP tried to become Esports and now it's basically an unfixable bot hackfest. In PVE they added Raids which are a flop. They scaled them down to strike missions and Dragon-whatever they are called and those are also a flop. ::shrug:: Fractals are still going strong though.


    BTW, what does Alliances actually "fix"? Blobbing? Not seeing it. Better group play? Not seeing it. Better matchups? I'm on Titan's Staircase (stupid name, sounds like a crap death metal band from the 90's), and they are kicking the complete crap out of the opponents. I don't see any positives, only negatives that are more than simple "bugs". Again, can't play with friends is a big deal. Big man guilds trying to dominate the space is also off-putting as well. Bad matchup as well with people I've come across who are complete jackasses.


    ESO is looking better and better which is sad in and of itself, but have fun and enjoy the eventual fall. I'll say it now:  I told you so.


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  8. I will uninstall the game if Alliances becomes the norm and no you cannot have my stuff. The supporters of this will go on the attack and troll those of us who do not like it instead of having an adult conversation because they are children who need to scream, insult, attack and pout to get their way. "Boomer in his Mom's basement can't handle alliances" kitten. Maybe you'll call me a white supremist or racist or some other crap instead of listening to opposing viewpoints like an adult; go ahead. I've heard it all and it means nothing.


    All I know is that I all I do is WvW and now I can't play with my friends and I'm not impressed with the folks I am matched with. I have no motivation to play WvW and thus GW2 in general if this is the future. 


    If GW2 wants more GvG, why not use Edge of the Mists? It's a great map, no gliding or mounts keeps things even and it doesn't hurt WvW as a whole. Increase the rewards for it and there you go. Edge of the Mists is too good of a map to let it keep going to waste.


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