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Posts posted by Vennyhedgie.5369

  1. On 6/23/2024 at 2:35 AM, StraightPath.3972 said:

    Polar opposite of me then. The more I think about it, the more excited I get and ideas pop into my head.
    But to sum it up real short on my end - from where I stand spear's design is solid, the only make or break being the numbers.
    Both dps and healing from shards need to have proper values to matter, and encourage build craft.
    Still it's far easier to adjust the numbers if they are off, than a bad weapon design and I'm totally not talking warrior spear... maybe.

    But you can already do that with Greatsword and Swords...

  2. 1 hour ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

    Which still wouldn't make sense since every other class has a quickness build and a perma quickness build at that. So why aren't their spears just as slow? I mean hell, not to be pendantic about it since Engineer is one of my main three I play, but that use to be the quickness spec for the longest time and going to be blunt, Engineer spear seems to be the winner this time around.

    Thief spear stole the show for me. It's 100% a PvE weapon because I don't think you're gonna be hitting many combos considering they reset if you miss one of the skills, but I will commend them for making a weapon interesting to use in PvE on thief.

  3. 3 hours ago, astralrisotto.3206 said:

    We need to provide more vision on this. It's a UX error that can be easily rectified before going live. I'm confident they will refine animations, numbers, and so on, but having the highest impact ability with a tend to press it more than once in the last slot (#5) seems odd. You're absolutely right about placing it in #2. I'd like to provide proper feedback once the beta starts, but having the pulling ability in #5 seems okay-ish.

    Thanks for this! I actually work on game design myself so I probably care about this kind of stuff more so than other players. Talking about numbers feels kinda moot cause those are easy to tweak, and very rarely are they relevant until we get our hands on it. I think talking about how it's gonna feel to play is more important.

  4. The slow animation is honestly what baffles me the most. This is, and I don't use the word for emphasis, literally the slowest auto attack in the game by a huge margin. It's even slower than hammer used to be, which they just fixed on recent balance patches. 

    I'll admit, I see the value of a slow attack. If the attack is slow on a heavy weapon like the hammer, it does make it feel impactful (assuming the damage is there). Spears are NOT a heavy looking weapon, in fact quite the opposite. They look nimble and versatile. Quickness should NEVER be considered baseline. All classes in the game now have a way to give themselves quickness, and even if you don't, you still can use quickness sigils if you need to.

    How did that get past even to the beta is honestly shocking. 

  5. 7 hours ago, LichOverlord.6329 said:

    I must admit, I feel the same way

    I really want Axe/Spear to work on my mirage, and I'm going to try my damndest to make it a viable build (burst with spear while upkeeping mirage mantle and using axe/shatter to reapply torment/confusion), and the problem im running into is that it works *on paper*, and it LOOKS like it would be a viable build, but it lacks a needed weapon trait synergy that all specific weapons have

    Every build for mesmer relies on at least one vital trait that specifically functions off a specific weapon, and I just don't see that as being good for the class in a design space

    That actually doesn't sound viable at all considering Axe is almost exclusively condi and Spear is exclusively power. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, SWLDguitar.5746 said:

    The pull ability, that's it.  However, the skill should be reversed.  It should PULL enemies in first, and the damage should happen at the end.  Every game mode needs CC to happen at the correct time, not at a delayed time.  Trying to cc a Break Bar 3 seconds after it occurs is pretty much useless.  Trying to Pull enemies off a wall in WvW, WILL NOT HAPPEN WITH A DELAY.  Overall though, it's still not good since it's a basically a weaker Gravity Well with a new graphic. 

    You realize you're comparing Gravity Well, an Elite-Spec Elite Skill, to a weapon skill with like a 15 sec CD? If anything this should be compared to the focus pull on mesmer, which also has a slight delay.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, hash.8462 said:

    I'm seriously starting to get worried about the tooltips because they're becoming infinite walls of text... they already go out of screen in FullHD, I think we really need some option of miniaturization.

    It's really weird because they already have a system for this with certain traits having tooltip pages. They could try to port that functionality over to skills as well.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Markus.6415 said:

    It is not a bad argument, nor are Ele Warhorn or Mesmer Dagger bad examples. This is solely my opinion and the things i witnessed in the past. I'm here to add my personal thoughts and concerns on the matter. I'd be glad if you could appreciate as this and not try to render it the wrong opinion.

    Looks like power ranger really has a broad range of viable weapons due to the balance changes in the past. I can't really tell because i don't play it often and don't look what the players in groups are using mostly, but it's definately not the case for all professions.

    What Noro said is true though. The problem isn't that there's always a mathematically best option (there always will be). The problem comes when a weapon is better at everything, like Ele warhorn.

    Ranger weapons are, for the most part, doing roughly similar things. One might have a slight advantadge over the other, but they are balanced in a way where even the best ones are not far ahead by a huge margin, so it allows players to pick whichever they prefer even if the performance is slightly worse because no one is gonna care about a 3% difference.

    For example, ranger one hand sword is technically the best one, but it has a lot of animation lock/forced movement skills, which I've always disliked, so I've always prefered using Greatsword instead. Yes, it might not be necessarily as good, but if you're not having fun playing the game then what even is the point then.

  9. 11 hours ago, mirage.8046 said:

    I have been vouching for sword, axe, spear (on-land and UW), and even trident to count as blades because Virtuoso has zero reason to use anything that isn't dagger or greatsword, whether the build is for power or condi. The blade mechanic is great, but because the 4 said weapons don't count as blades, there's no reason to use them when they can't even trigger traits like Jagged Mind and Deadly Blades. It's been an inconsistent design since Virtuoso went live. 

    Mesmer is in a really weird spot where I feel like it's the only class where the developers draw a hard line into what weapons they want you to use. Instead of encouraging creative buildcraft, they have stupid traits that say "No, you WILL play alacrity mirage ONLY with staff. You WILL play virtuoso ONLY with the Dagger/GS". 

    If it was just the dagger I would understand, because it's the weapon the elite spec came with, similar to how Holosmith buffs sword or Untamed buffs hammer. However, the deliberate choice to include specifically greatsword and nothing else feels like a very clear case of playing favorites, and it annoys me inmensely.

    The staff mirage case is even worse when Solar outright came out and stated that he just wanted that to be a thing specifically.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Bomboed.5697 said:

    It could be a new type of condition, which stacks damage, but not duration, and has a baseline duration of 10 sec for example.
    So basically it could be a delayed burst damage condi: you stack it on enemies, it deals some DoT damage and then explodes for huge damage based on number of stacks.

    That'd be interesting, but it'd be a bit too hard countered by condi cleanses. The issue would also be the application of it from different sources, kinda like the issues we had with conditions when the game launched.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    My main issue with the spear is that ANet tried to make it an alternative short bow when it should have been an alternative greatsword.

    1. Speed up all the animations. Right now they have the velocity of a sloth stuck in cement.

    2. Rework the whole thing so it gives multiple condis because one condi in PvP and WvW is indeed worthless.

    3. Either give it 900 range or make it a melee weapon. 600 range is a weird and useless range.

    Idea for rework

    Skill 1: AA chain, if only melee have it apply 1 Torment on the first attack. 1 Burning on the second. 1 Burning and Torment on the third.

    Skill 2: Wide slash that applies Burning, and Torment, and does something to SKill 5.

    Skill 3: A rush that applies Weakness and Chlled, and does something to SKill 5.

    Skill 4. A block/parry, channelled ability, each block/parry affects Skill 5.

    Skill 5.  The big one, ammunition and cooldown, and applies more Burning and Torment in the area hit.

    We only have one ranged power weapon, thus we also only need one ranged condi weapon. This should be a melee-based condi weapon. Right now you have the greatsword pairing well with the sword and with mace/axe practically being a set of one weapon we need another to go with that. This way it would be mace/axe paired with the spear.

    I'm not a huge fan of advocating for full reworks because it's just not feasible at this point. This isn't an engie shortbow situation. What you suggested also sounds literally like Greatsword skills but condi, which isn't terribly interesting.

    I think the range component should still be viable, just make it at least 900. Having spears being a hybrid between melee and range is good and gives it a unique niche.


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  12. Mainly cleave and avoiding projectile hate. A lot of necro's condi comes from projectiles (especially pistol and harbinger). The other option is scepter wich... is kind of meh, and we've been playing that for 12 years. Something new to spice things up would be neat. A more pure condi weapon that doesn't rely on gimmicks like condi transfer, which are also just kinda horrible feeling to play with in PvE would be welcome. 

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    I'll answer the real (implied) question you're asking:

    Because scepter, pistol, torch, scourge and harb.
    If melee condi option gets introduced, current meta dps ranged options would have to take a hit
    to keep things fair (melee dps > ranged dps because ranged dps is more consistent and safe).
    And that would cause a kitten storm the size of Australia..

    This has never been true in GW2 and never will.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Dirame.8521 said:

    That wasn't a condition. That must have been a hex. The condition for Lightning/Air is Cracked Armour which is Vulnerability in GW2.

    Are you talking about GW1? I'm talking about a completely different game, Gigantic.

    If so, there's something different than Cracked Armor called Shock / Major Shock. It's mostly on Tripp's kit, but I think there were a couple of characters who could also apply it someway. I believe Roland can apply it through traits, as well as T-Mat.


  15. 18 minutes ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    Spear has a very clear purpose (provided a-net does not botch the numbers).

    PvE - number 1 power dps weapon, ahead of GS.
    PvP - chase and execute weapon, great for roaming and side noding.

    And I forsee a lot of builds being created around it.

    Okay then let me ask you this: Why create a weapon solely to replace existing ones? Why not create a weapon that at least brings a new playstyle?

  16. You know, an electricity based condition would have been a nice addition. I know confusion is used as a substitute on occasion but considering Engineer and Ele exist, it would've made sense here AND it could've also been brought to the Air pistol, instead of being the awkward one element on pistol that isn't used for condi. 

    In the game Gigantic (which fun fact, some original GW2 devs worked on!), they have a similar condition system with bleeds and burns, and there's a Shock condition there, dealing DoT and then a massive spike of damage when it expires, causing a lightning strike AoE on whoever had it. Obviously that would not work as well in GW2 because you typically don't want your DoTs to expire, but rather keep rolling, but some sort of unique effect would be cool.

  17. Hard disagree here. I actually feel like this is, by far, one of the best designed weapons in the entire game. The way the combo attacks system is designed, feeding into also the 4 skill and stealth skill, while preventing deadeye from overusing it, is pretty kitten clever. Well done team, this one stole the show for me.

    Yes, numbers might have to be adjusted but that's trivial compared to the core design, and this one was mechanically the best one by far, even surpassing Ele (but not Weaver, what they did there was also very clever).

    • Like 3
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  18. This wasn't terrible but at the same time it left me utternly unenthused. This feels too much like a mix of greatsword and swords. I'm not sure what role it's trying to fill and honestly, it just doesn't feel like it will add much of a new playstyle for necro. I still feel like a condi cleave weapon was more needed at the moment. Slapping a single chill on the auto attack, like they did with sword, and pretend it synergizes with Deathly Chill is not enough. The fact that it also has chill on the auto attack like greatsword and sword is very telling too. I remember back in the ye olden days of HoT when they were revealing the greatsword skills and mentioning "Chill is a very powerful condition that we'd avoid putting in an auto attack, but this one is so slow we thought it was worth the payoff". Now we have it on 3 weapons, one of which is a ranged piercing projectile. I genuinely am just bummed that this is so similar to 2 already existing weapons, it's just kinda boring.

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  19. Both axes, swords and spears SHOULD have the blade tooltip. It's a matter of Purity of Purpose.

    Adding new weapons should come with a pass of traits affecting them, otherwise they'll always feel like second class citizens. In a similar vein, it makes me wonder if Fencer's Finesse will affect on-land spear as well, both for the damage buff and cooldown reduction.

    • Like 2
  20. Honestly all they need to do is add a condi damage multiplier to one of the dodges like the power one and that's it. Revenant already has decent condi tools now that shortbow is available and maybe soon the spear if it ends up being a condi weapon (we'll see considering the feedback). Alliance already has torment and burning on a couple skills, which isn't that much, but it's enough to keep some condis rolling while not on Mallyx. 

    • Confused 1
  21. Considering it only has one damaging condi, honestly, might as well just remove the torment and make it a pure power weapon.

    HOWEVER. My actual biggest concern with this weapon (other than numbers cause those can be adjusted and tuned):

    The bread-and-butter skill being on skill 5 AND ground targetted will also make this incredibly unergonomic to use. Assuming the default controls, which a lot of people use, you most likely have to let go of the D key to reach over to 5, which heavily impairs your movement. Now, normally this isn't much of an issue on other weapons / classes since a quick dip is usually not an issue, but considering the mechanics of this skill, it means your finger is gonna be on that key a lot, severely limiting your ability to strafe correctly. One of the reasons most spammable skills are usually on the 2 and 3 keys is that they're easier to reach with the same finger you use for forward movement, which can be covered by either autorunning or holding both mouse buttons.

    I feel like the order of skills should be changed, similar to how Guardian's Greatsword was shuffled very early on in the game:

    Skill 2 should be Abyssal Raze. Full stop. If this is our bread-and-butter and we're gonna be recharging it constantly it should be front and center. I know revenant skills are ordered by Cooldown / Energy cost, but that just goes into how much energy this skill is costing already (10 energy is insane for a spammable skill).

    Skills 3 / 4 Should be Abyssal Force and Abyssal Blitz, can go in either position depending on the flow of the kit.

    Skill 5 should be Abyssal Blot. If you're sticking with Torment, this skill should apply Inmobilize in some way.

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  22. On 6/12/2024 at 9:17 AM, andreiblue.8231 said:

    Are we playing the same game? Compare main hand sword with dagger on mesmer. Balancing around dps is always done by Anet only with numbers and without taking cc or range in consideration.

    Dagger on Mesmer is kind of the outlier right now. It's just that powerful. It's not fair to compare to it

  23. On 6/9/2024 at 12:19 AM, Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:

    The main advantage to having a melee condi weapon is that it bypasses projectile hate.  Our main condi weapons do that anyway.

    Pistol is literally all projectiles, what are you talking about?

    The only one that does that is scepter, which while it does have some cleave skills, the auto attack is single target.

    Having a melee cleave condi weapon would be very welcome.

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