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Posts posted by hackedraptor.3210

  1. On 2/22/2023 at 7:23 AM, dXfile.2863 said:

    Way faster than it should, at least? Cause something strange has been happening. I returned to the game almost two months ago and for the first time installed it on an SSD. It ran fine for a couple of weeks. Super smooth, just like the MMORPG I had been playing during my GW2 break. However, the performance is getting noticeably worse every week. It's baffling, really. I've been getting awful stutters seemingly out of nowhere, and stutters that would be somewhat expected (here and there during metas and wvw, for instance) if the game weren't on an SSD (16 GB RAM, RTX 2060, i5 9600k running between 60-75 °C, for reference). Actually, models and textures are taking a good 10 seconds or so to load when I reach the Trader's Forum, for instance. This didn't happen before and I'm assuming it shouldn't be happening now. Summon your mount there for the first time? Stutter. First dash? Have another stutter! To emphasize: the game was running far smoother when I started playing early January. No stutters, no matter the chaos on the screen. I'd never see models and textures load out of a sudden in front of me as I explored a map or even as I TP'd somewhere, everything would just load during the loading screens (those are taking longer too, by the way).


    I haven't been playing any other game, haven't installed anything, haven't messed with the settings - I've done nothing. It just really feels like playing the game is damaging my system so I thought I should ask if, by any chance, GW2 isn't a good game to have installed on an SSD. Perhaps something in the way the game's coded, perhaps it does a lot of rewriting of data or some old features don't go well with the way SSDs work? Does anyone have any advice to share, or has gone through something similar? Thanks in advance.

    hey man, my SSD that I used to play gw2 with for last couple months just died on me too. it just unpartitioned itself which means its about to die if not dead already. So yes this game definitely screws ur SSD and I wouldnt be surprised if it ruins ur cpu too. it is way too unoptimised a game to be running on a PC for hours and hours which is how we keep it running.

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  2. On 12/4/2023 at 8:13 PM, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

    This would cause a backlash of massive proportions. 
    People heavily dislike being funneled into a gamemode they don't want to do.
    It is why WvW was removed from World Completion and it is why we still have complaints about having to do WvW for Gift of Battle.
    Fractal: You can hop in on your LA fashion build in a T1 and get your weekly. 
    Strikes: Hop naked into Icebrood Construct and collect your reward.

    No such things for raids.
    I understand that you'd like this when you are a regular raider, but do understand that you are part of an utter minority in the game.

    I hate doing fractals but forced to do that crap for weeklies and dailies. Why cant WvW haters be forced to do WvW?

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  3. They either need to tone it done so people don't have to luck out by finding a random group or improve the rewards for public instance so veteran players have an incentive to run it and thus help out the people that need to complete the story.

    And for the people that tell others to just get gear or change classes or whatever.... please, it's totally unreasonable to require a particular type of gear for just one instance of an episode in the whole story.

    Who knows how many aspiring players were driven away by this horrible obstacle which is zero fun without a decent group which is very rare these days.

    Finally, I have no complain about the tower and its inherent design itself, it just shouldn't be placed as an obstacle in a story like that.

    A very easy and simple fix would be to allow players to run a private squad for the story too. I'm not saying that's the exact fix Anet should implement, just showing how easy it is to fix this issue for good.


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