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Mina Ion.7852

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Posts posted by Mina Ion.7852

  1. 1) Mount masteries are incredibly useful until rank 3 (rank 4 is purely optional). In fact, there are many areas in PoF that are not accessible if you don't have rank 3 in certain mounts. Totally worth them all.2) Level multiple characters. I don't even play that much compared to most, yet I have 7 max level characters. With so much leveling to do, plus all the elite specializations, I never run out of things to do.3) Help new players out. Grab your pimped out character and run around newbie zones bringing your formidable power into dynamic events there. Even scaled down, you are far far stronger than that content is intended to be.4) Dungeons, Raids, etc ... not really my thing, but a lot of people like group content.5) Zone metas are a lot of fun. Build up a support spec on your character(s) to give a hand, cause why not?6) PVP and WvW if you're into that. One of my closest friends is ridiculously competitive and spends his days doing tournament PVP like there's no tomorrow.

    6) ... Real Life. Yes, you are allowed to take a break from the game. I've done it plenty of times. In fact, I didn't play for two years straight. Now I'm back. I could be gone again in a few months. There's no sub fee or anything forcing you to play every day, so why do so if it just frustrates you. Better to take a break and come back later than force yourself to play and then rage quit permanently.

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