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  1. Thank you! I definitely will 😄 The series is evolving a bit as I find ''my voice'' as a content creator and feedback is definitely the best way to key in on what connects our interests! So please, do keep that coming and feel free to point out the parts you feel could be improved upon as well 😉
  2. Fountains can tell us a lot about a culture. Were they built to drink from or as decoration?
  3. On a separate note. This is probably more of a topic for ''GW2 discussion'' or something like that, than ''community creations''. I think more people are active in there too, so you'll probably get a faster and/or better answer over there too - for next time 😉
  4. I think it should. That being said, I think the reason for it being different, is that ''Sentient Singularity'' is a part of the ''Gleam of Sentience'' meta-gizmo (if that's even a real term 😛 ). The Gleam of Sentience works as a vendor. Ohh. As I wrote that out, something occured to me. What if there's some sort of conflict between ''different'' vendors with the same ware? Like, could you do 6 purchases from Sentient Singularity *And* 6 from gleam of sentience, forcing you to carry all 4 items around?
  5. I'm happy you like them! I agree wholeheartedly! If these details weren't there, the game would feel empty and shallow - even if we don't actively engage with them in our daily routines 😄 And I wouldn't mind doing an episode on guild halls. I'll write down the idea. If I gain a following large enough, that some guilds would like to volunteer their guild halls for filming, positive commenting and ranking, that would be fun 😄
  6. Thank you 😄 Personally, I like to watch videos like these on a second screen. It's like watching the scenery while playing optimally #SilverwastesAndChill xD
  7. Thank you for the kind words! I've quite enjoyed making these so far and look forward to making them weekly for the foreseeable future. Next one should be up this saturday 😄
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