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Posts posted by Solaerin.8635

  1. 12 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    The only thing I can think of is you are moving during the evade frame and canceling the animation.

    Like I said, there are times where I will stand still, take my hands off of every other key, and only press the key to activate it and it will still go on an interrupt cooldown.

  2. Fiery Frost is the dual skill for Fire/Water while wielding a scepter. The skill launches out a projectile while causing your character to evade away from your target. 

    When I test out this skill, here's my experience:

    • It can be cast without a target. The projectile can hit something immediately in front of you, and you character will evade backwards.
    • It does not require you to have line of sight to your target to cast. It will simply give you Obstructed.
    • It does not require you to be in range to cast it. It will simply give you Out of range!
    • It does not require you to be facing your target. You can be running with your back to your target, moving your camera and it will still cause you to evade in the direction away from your target, and it will fire the projectile.

    Despite all of this, the skill consistently bugs out on me while I actually go to use it in games. I can never seem to recreate the bug when I am testing out different things on target golems, but when I am in PvP there are so many instances where I use it and it will go on an interrupt cooldown instead of activating, causing me to miss out on the evade when I need it. Can someone who understands the skill better than I do help me figure out why it fails to activate? There will be moments where I am fighting someone in PvP and I will take my hands off of my mouse and keyboard, only push the 3 key in order to activate the skill, and it will still go on an interrupt cooldown instead of activating. I don't understand it.

  3. Here are my main takeaways so far from playing Catalyst in PvP:



    • A lot of the hammer skills are really cool flavor-wise, but they are simply way, way under-tuned. I think the best example of this is Hurricane of Pain. This is a 3-second animation that you need to stow your weapon to get out of, and if you land every single hit of this attack you're only going to deal around 4k damage and 9 vulnerability. You can genuinely double both of these numbers and it wouldn't be overpowered given the animation lock.
    • The hammer 3 skills are awesome, but they don't last long enough and the payoff for building them all up isn't strong enough. They currently last 5 seconds, but this should really be more like 8+ seconds. When you shoot a target with all 4 elements, it should feel like a really powerful attack, similar to using a bladesworn's dragon trigger with max flow, but it simply doesn't feel special at all.
    • The spec is all about generating auras through combo finishers, but hammer doesn't have any combo fields. I think that it really needs short-duration combo fields, which could potentially fit on each of the 5 skills: Molten End can include a fire field, Cleansing Typhoon can include a water field, Shock Blast can include a lightning field, and Ground Pound can include a poison (or smoke!) field. These shouldn't be high duration, but just offer an opportunity to combo with other skills when Jade Sphere is not available.
    • I feel like there's a major missed opportunity where the skills in this kit that make your character whirl around aren't whirl finishers.
    • Wind Storm needs to cause Launch, not Knockdown.

    Jade Sphere

    • The Jade Sphere is underwhelming. Right now, it requires a decent chunk of time to build up energy to use it, on top of its cooldown; it has annoying 1-second cd's every time you swap attunements for some reason; you can't move it; and other than quickness, the boons are lackluster. Ultimately, it's just a combo field that ends up being difficult to plan for, because it changes every time you swap attunements.
    • Why is "Recall Jade Sphere" even an option? It drains all of your energy to zero. Is this a bug? What sort of niche circumstances are you going to find yourself in where it's not a better option to just leave it out on the battle field if recalling it is going to sap all of your energy anyways?


    • None of utility skills are strong. Like, it's okay devs, you can make strong utility skills. You can even nerf them, if need be. But man, none of these skills would be particularly powerful even if you made the secondary benefit from standing in the Jade Sphere baseline. They just are not special at all.

    Anyways, I don't want to be a negative nancy, there is a lot about Catalyst that I like. It just feels like a bit of a rough draft at the moment, where there's a lot of ideas and a lot of things going on, but none of them feel balanced to make jumping through the hoops worth the (lack of) payoff.

    • Like 3
  4. Can we please get the option to disable the special projectiles that legendary weapons have? Currently, we have the option to disable the special noise effects, but I would like to disable the custom visual effects from these weapons.

    This is something that has meaningful gameplay ramifications in PvP, because skills that normally have unique projectiles (e.g. True Shot) end up having the same projectile as a regular auto attack.

    • Like 2
  5. Can we please get an option to disable the appearance of custom projectiles? Currently, this functionality exists for item sounds but there is no setting for visuals. Legendary weapons like Meteorlogicus and Bifrost produce unique projectiles, which can look cool for certain circumstances but can ruin others. A specific example is with Elementalist: people who play this class want to enjoy the aesthetic of wielding all 4 elements, but you can no longer do this while using legendary staves or scepters because you lose the fire / water / earth / air visuals. I know that I am someone that crafted Meteorlogicus before the custom visuals were added, and now it's a weapon I don't enjoy using because I lose out on the elementalist animations when I equip it.

    I'd also like to stress that this can have meaningful ramifications for gameplay. For example, when using Meteorlogicus:

    Phoenix, an ability that deal upwards of 8-10k damage in PvP, has the same visual as Ice Shards, a water auto attack that does a fraction of the damage.

    This feature would pair perfectly with the option to turn off custom item sounds, which as I pointed out is already in the game.

  6. In my opinion, one of the biggest issues with holosmith right now is actually the access to basically limitless superspeed. I think it would be a positive change if the trait that granted superspeed on holo leap only granted it if you land an attack. Similarly, sword 3 should only grant quickness if it lands.

  7. I feel like there should be tons of amulets, but just have them all adhere to the same set of rules. Something like:

    • All amulets have to be 4-stat amulets --> Maybe include a dedicated support amulet (e.g. Healing Power/Vitality/Concentration)
    • Toughness/Vitality cannot both appear on the same amulet
    • Toughness/Vitality cannot be primary stats

    I want there to be tons of choice with amulets, but there are some that just overperform and that results in the opposite of choice. Berserker is another one that is just too strong right now, and they should remove it to make room for a choice between 4-stat amulets

  8. @Swagg.9236 said:

    @Solaerin.8635 said:Idk man, I feel like, 'when you use Lightning Reflexes right next to someone with shocking aura you get stunned again' is just such a clear-cut example of a L2P issue. Competitive ranger builds usually run three incredibly strong stunbreaks, and an elite skill that grants stab. You need to know what the enemy team has and play around it.

    @"Eurantien.4632" said:Alternatively, scale the damage back to what it used to be! (But no dmg would be better)

    BEST would be to give it 0.5s of stab (enough that you can still CC someone at the end of it) but this way the ranger won't get stuck in like Mud Slide, or Slick Shoes, or other weird stuff that interrupts ranger at the start of the cast like engi electro shield 5 thing

    Slapping stability on lightning reflexes so that you can evade through aoe cc's like fear walls, static fields, lines of warding, etc. would make it such a ridiculously bloated and overpowered skill. It would be a literal get out of jail free card on a 24s cd lol

    This is NOT a L2P issue by virtue of the fact that there is no counterplay to an opponent pressing the "Shocking Aura" button: this isn't referring to "just don't attack the shocking aura guy, bro," excuses; the crux is that, if an opponent has a "shocking aura" button, tell me which in-game mechanic is going to prevent that opponent from activating it? Considering how shocking auras are often generated either instantly or in the midst of a rapidly striking, titanic AoE field which people generally attempt to outright avoid, shocking auras are things that are generally going to appear on the field with total impunity. There are no dodges, interrupts or other niche mechanics which are consistently going to stop a player from
    a shocking aura.

    What this means is that if a player uses Lightning Reflexes and gets stunned from Shocking Aura, it's probably because of a coincidence rather than a misplay. In fact, I'd argue that it's more difficult to
    stun oneself via PBAoE on an opponent's Shocking Aura; and any real certainty within this sort of stun-loop interaction between Lightning Reflexes and Shocking Aura is probably more because the Elementalist builds which employ Shocking Aura are
    (unless the player is
    hapless) going to just walk up to their targets and hang very close nearby through a combination of scripted movements, extra dodges and stability. Also, good luck trying to contest a point and not proccing Shocking Aura's passive.

    Honestly, Shocking Aura is a super braindead, passive buff which is mostly just anti-fun. It could use a more proactive re-work to its effect. Stun breaks in general, considering how they are designed to be free-fire skills, shouldn't inflict damage anyway.

    how is it not a l2p issue when you have 2 other non triggering stunbreaks and stab elite, but you decided to lr into shocking aura

    which had a big tell
    There is generally zero tell when it comes to an opponent activating Shocking Aura (what you meant to say was that it has a high-visibility particle effect). The only Shocking Aura ability with a tell is the Air Attunement Overcharge (and generally people can mitigate that "downside" by pre-casting it and using Lightning Flash, or just by having stability); every other instance of that aura is instant. On top of this, if a Elementalist is using a build that features Shocking Aura, then that Elementalist is going to effortlessly close the gap to you or to a capture node. Only once the gap is closed will that Elementalist appropriately activate an instant Shocking Aura. Basically, if an Elementalist is going to use Shocking Aura, that Elementalist is going to use it once directly on top of you, and there is basically nothing that you can do to stop this. What this means is that anybody taking Lightning Reflexes will immediately, without question and without concession have that ability removed from their skill bar. That's not a "play" issue; it's an ability design issue in how one is utterly cut from viability in the presence of another.Shocking Aura is a build-defining skill, meaning that any enemy should be incredibly mindful of it and be playing around it during a fight; it also requires an elementalist to double-attune to air (which takes several seconds) and stand directly on top of an enemy to get value from it. I don't know where people are getting this idea that there's nothing a ranger player can do but Lightning Reflexes into it. If your Lightning reflexes gets stunned by Shocking Aura, it's because you weren't thinking about Shocking Aura -- and the solution is to stop mashing.If anything, the fact that you casually and without a second thought mentioned three other "more viable" options to Lightning Reflexes in the face of Shocking Aura effectively proves the OP argument for a need to change LR's design. "You took the wrong skill lol," is not bound to player execution. If it's not an aspect of active, on-going combat, then it's not a "play" issue. LR being hard-countered by Shocking Aura is something determined before the game even begins, and that situation cannot be circumvented by active gameplay.It's not about 'taking the wrong skill'. As far as stun breaks go, a traited Lightning Reflexes is literally one of the best in the entire game -- break stun + cleanse 2 conditions + cleanse immobilize + evade + create/close gaps + 10 seconds (!!!) of vigor, all on a 24s cd. It's that your typical ranger has Lightning Reflexes, Quickening Zephyr, Protect Me, and Strength of the Pack, and the latter three skills all effectively deal with Shocking Aura without resulting in a stun.

    Lightning Reflexes is 'hard-countered' by Shocking Aura the same way that 'any skill that isn't Steal' is hard-countered by Full Counter: if you use it at the wrong time you get punished.

  9. Idk man, I feel like, 'when you use Lightning Reflexes right next to someone with shocking aura you get stunned again' is just such a clear-cut example of a L2P issue. Competitive ranger builds usually run three incredibly strong stunbreaks, and an elite skill that grants stab. You need to know what the enemy team has and play around it.

    @Eurantien.4632 said:Alternatively, scale the damage back to what it used to be! (But no dmg would be better)

    BEST would be to give it 0.5s of stab (enough that you can still CC someone at the end of it) but this way the ranger won't get stuck in like Mud Slide, or Slick Shoes, or other weird stuff that interrupts ranger at the start of the cast like engi electro shield 5 thing

    Slapping stability on lightning reflexes so that you can evade through aoe cc's like fear walls, static fields, lines of warding, etc. would make it such a ridiculously bloated and overpowered skill. It would be a literal get out of jail free card on a 24s cd lol

  10. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Solaerin.8635 said:In my opinion they should keep all of the damage and condition/combo field output, but change it to where there is a minimum range so that you can't shoot mortars at your own feet :)

    that makes zero sense. its useless at long range, unusable at close range, so what... do you expect this to be viable at around 600 range only? that negates most defensive power of the kit, which imo is its main purpose.The combo fields from mortar kit all have a pretty long duration (5 seconds), so just because you would need to cast them from range doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to fight inside of their area of effect. A duration of 5 seconds is plenty of time to get value from the field after shooting the mortar from something like 450-600 range. The change I suggested would mean that engineers trying to side node would need to give up node presence while dropping their aoe's. It would require players to have more creativity than just dumping the entire kit onto your feet off cooldown, which for prot holos is what the current functionality of the skill amounts to.

  11. @Eurantien.4632 said:

    @Solaerin.8635 said:There are really two options when you're running a LR weaver. You can take a berserker amulet, which is probably what a weaver is running if they burst you down with crazy damage. This build has ~13k hp, no toughness or healing power, one utility skill with a stunbreak, very little condition cleanse (even needing to invest a dodge roll to get a cleanse), and virtually no stability. Keep in mind that, outside of comet and gale, all of the damage comes in melee range, and that this build gets completely shut down by a competent Rev player. Alternatively, you can take an amulet with defensive stats, like an avatar amulet, and in this case the damage is good but nothing truly exceptional, and LR is completely necessary to supplement the otherwise middling damage that elementalist weapon skills have.

    At the end of the day, LR is a GM-tier trait in a pure-damage traitline -- it should be strong. Whether or not a build that stomps pugs while otherwise being a complete liability versus good/great players needs a nerf is debatable. Any nerfs to it should come with buffs elsewhere, or else weaver is just going to be totally incapable of doing meaningful damage.

    I'd like to see a buff to PI. What if instead of musing about how we can nerf the one way that the elementalist class is currently able to deal power-based damage, we discussed ideas about how PI can be buffed in a cool way? How about:Every time you get hit with PI, it does its normal thing, but it also applies a stacking debuff on the target that lasts a certain length of time -- maybe 10 seconds. Each stack of the debuff enhances the damage of any successive PI's that land. For example, if you get hit with a second PI while the debuff from the first PI is still active, the second one deals double damage as well as applying a second stack.

    Just because something is in a dps traitline doesn't mean it shouldn't be nerfed #RIPSoulbeast, #RIPpets

    Just because something is in a dps traitline doesn't mean it should be nerfed, either? This is a total non-statement.

    Lightning Rod is a really strong trait -- as it should be. If you think it's too strong, you could at least engage with the other part of my post if you're going to reply to it.

    @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Solaerin.8635 said:There are really two options when you're running a LR weaver. You can take a berserker amulet, which is probably what a weaver is running if they burst you down with crazy damage. This build has ~13k hp, no toughness or healing power, one utility skill with a stunbreak, very little condition cleanse (even needing to invest a dodge roll to get a cleanse), and virtually no stability. Keep in mind that, outside of comet and gale, all of the damage comes in melee range, and that this build gets completely shut down by a competent Rev player. Alternatively, you can take an amulet with defensive stats, like an avatar amulet, and in this case the damage is good but nothing truly exceptional, and LR is completely necessary to supplement the otherwise middling damage that elementalist weapon skills have.

    At the end of the day, LR is a GM-tier trait in a pure-damage traitline -- it should be strong. Whether or not a build that stomps pugs while otherwise being a complete liability versus good/great players needs a nerf is debatable. Any nerfs to it should come with buffs elsewhere, or else weaver is just going to be totally incapable of doing meaningful damage.

    I'd like to see a buff to PI. What if instead of musing about how we can nerf the one way that the elementalist class is currently able to deal power-based damage, we discussed ideas about how PI can be buffed in a cool way? How about:Every time you get hit with PI, it does its normal thing, but it also applies a stacking debuff on the target that lasts a certain length of time -- maybe 10 seconds. Each stack of the debuff enhances the damage of any successive PI's that land. For example, if you get hit with a second PI while the debuff from the first PI is still active, the second one deals double damage as well as applying a second stack.

    Youd only break even with the pre-patch damage of PI after 5 interrupts. And thats
    break even
    . You dont even get 5 interrupts. And the pre-patch version was already borderline weak. That would be far from enough. It just needs to be reverted and the accidental overnerf retroactively fixed.

    PI should definitely, at the very least, be partially reverted. I think something like the idea I gave would make it more interesting, too.

    At any rate, I don't see how anyone arguing for PI to be reverted to a pre-nerf form could argue for the exact same sort of nerf to be given to LR (not saying that's you!). If you gut LR -- something people actually think should happen -- then there would legitimately be no way to deal damage with elementalist that comes anywhere close to competitive.

  12. There are really two options when you're running a LR weaver. You can take a berserker amulet, which is probably what a weaver is running if they burst you down with crazy damage. This build has ~13k hp, no toughness or healing power, one utility skill with a stunbreak, very little condition cleanse (even needing to invest a dodge roll to get a cleanse), and virtually no stability. Keep in mind that, outside of comet and gale, all of the damage comes in melee range, and that this build gets completely shut down by a competent Rev player. Alternatively, you can take an amulet with defensive stats, like an avatar amulet, and in this case the damage is good but nothing truly exceptional, and LR is completely necessary to supplement the otherwise middling damage that elementalist weapon skills have.

    At the end of the day, LR is a GM-tier trait in a pure-damage traitline -- it should be strong. Whether or not a build that stomps pugs while otherwise being a complete liability versus good/great players needs a nerf is debatable. Any nerfs to it should come with buffs elsewhere, or else weaver is just going to be totally incapable of doing meaningful damage.

    I'd like to see a buff to PI. What if instead of musing about how we can nerf the one way that the elementalist class is currently able to deal power-based damage, we discussed ideas about how PI can be buffed in a cool way? How about:Every time you get hit with PI, it does its normal thing, but it also applies a stacking debuff on the target that lasts a certain length of time -- maybe 10 seconds. Each stack of the debuff enhances the damage of any successive PI's that land. For example, if you get hit with a second PI while the debuff from the first PI is still active, the second one deals double damage as well as applying a second stack.

  13. There are currently options in the game to turn off special weapon sounds (so they just play the standard sound effects) in the 'Sound' tab of the options menu; however, as far as I can tell, there aren't any options for turning off special animations or projectiles. For example, I really enjoy using Meteorlogicus, but don't particularly care for the special projectiles and would much prefer having the standard ones. I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience, and if there was any demand for this sort of functionality. I would really appreciate this being an option.

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