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Whalekisses.1345's Achievements

  1. I did, it's not a typo and I don't see anything saying I can't play another account in TOS, would you mind linking it.
  2. First, what am I making up... Second, for Ranked Gameplay yes, the age/playtime of an account should have no affect on who you match with, this should be strictly determined by your current ranked rating. Third, no new and low level players have a place, inexperienced players should be either in unranked to practice and low skill players should be in low ranks like bronze and low silver, we shouldn't be seeing them in gold when gold is currently the second highest rank in the game since nobody can get past Platinum due to the poorly made matchmaking system... So no that's not the essence of the thread, but nice chat.
  3. So I explain that your PVP rank is the factor that they take into account for matchmaking, along with your current rating, not your accounts age. This basically is punishing players with more time in PVP and older pvp players is more what I meant than older accounts. This is a fact by the way you can look up Anet algorithm, they punish you for being dragon rank.
  4. So, crazy thing happened, the PVP rush even comes up and I completed it for myself and while doing so I am having these crazy volatile matches where some games my team can play well and sometimes they can't. I end up getting top stats and am in a position that wherever I'm not currently at on the map my team is losing. I go on a losing streak and go from Gold 2 to bottom of Gold 1 almost top of Silver. I get myself halfway back up by sweating my brains out, but I manage to do it with the teams being so 50/50. Now here's where it gets interesting. My brother is on a work trip and wants the rewards for PVP rush, but due to the length of the trip he will surely miss the event. So I play his account for him, recreate my character and use one of my builds and I destroy. He is on bottom of Gold 1 and I win 6 games in a row, and win 7 of 8 games. Now I would think this is a coincidence and just good RNG with who I played against, but it wasn't. Not only were my enemies worse at the game, but so were my allies. I was destroying the enemy team getting over 400k damage per match without issue. And if I did less it's because the game ended so early and I easily destroyed multiple players alone over and over. I take his rank from bottom of Gold 1 to just below middle of Gold 2 in just 8 games, something I can't do on my own account with the same build in 50 games. It's consistent, whenever I play on his account the game is easy and I rank up without issue on my account I sweat my kitten off to barely make ground and even sometimes get unlucky and go on a losing streak. I wondered what could cause this drastic variation between the two accounts and player skill and I found that the GW2 algorithm doesn't just use rating to determine who you face, but also takes your overall PVP rank into account. This essentially punishes you for having more time in PVP and intentionally places players with more time in pvp with players with similar times in pvp without giving them the propper rating since other players with less time just won't face them. This creates a system where newer less skilled players can easily outrank better high skilled players with more time in pvp. WHY?! Why do this? Why make it easier for less skilled players with less time to rank up? Remove the ranked weight it should only go off current rating! Why are we punishing players for having more time in the games pvp? Those players should just be facing each other at the top of the leaderboards. To anyone that doesn't believe it, I challenge anyone who's ranked dragon or higher to make a smurf account and see for yourself. Post what you find here, let's get people together to bring this to Arenanets attention and show them how offal this system is, give us proper ranks based on our skill rating, let everyone be capable of climbing on an even playing field. No wonder people hate the PvP constantly rigging the matchmaking against better players. This system needs to be changed, I don't know who thought this would be a good idea, but it's a massive reason for why the games feel so volatile and 50/50. If they changed this balancing between player skills would mellow out and make a better experience over all for the entire player base.
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