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  1. Yes I’m on a NA sever and will be joining a EU guild. With that in mind I was asking the question if it would be best to transfer to a EU server considering I may want to do WvW with them. I also wondered if doing the above first was better before continuing with the living world season one content that wants me to join a WvW team to continue, and as I said I’m on a NA server at present. I guess my worry was that once you selected a team on WvW on a NA server you would be locked into that selection
  2. I’m returning to GW2 after many years having played a little when the game first released. I’ve only ever played PVE and initially when I first started playing I selected a NA server as an American friend took me through the game and the mechanics. Now I’m back and have a couple of questions. I’m working through LW season 1 and part five asks you to enter WVW., either through the gate at lions arch or the WVW menu. I chose the gate and it asked me to select a team. I didn’t go any further because as I said I’m on a NA server but I’m looking into joining a EU guild so I thought I may need to change servers. I’m not sure how the whole WvW system works but is my assumption correct that if I want to play WvW with my potential guild that I’ll need to switch to a EU server?
  3. Hi Leila Sent you a message in game to request an invite and started to write a long winded message but discovered there is limit to the number of words you can type. 😀 Anyway, I’m Uk based but as I mentioned in my message, I’m currently on a NA server. I don’t know if I need to come over to a EU server? Your guild sounds right up my street! I’ve done mostly PVE, but would be interested in raids, dungeons and eventually fractal’s , but have not done any of that content. I look forward to hearing from you
  4. What a fantastic community! Thank you all for the information. One of the things I was looking forward to upon my return to the game, that I forgot to check first time around was what I had unlocked in GW and what had transferred to GW 2. I’d got the Black Widow spider from the underworld and just assumed I’d have access to it in GW2. Turns out I only had 13 Hall of Monuments points and need 30 Grrr! Couldn’t see many people around and didn’t relish the thought of trying to do hard areas with heroes. It was just as I remember it although the graphics are a bit dated now. Amazing how now you just level to get elite skills in GW2. Back in the GW days you had to find the relevant boss who had the elite skill you required and use a capture signet to grab it. Those were the days! 😀
  5. I played the original guild wars way to much back in the day and jumped at the chance to purchase gw2 when it was released. For what ever reason I just didn’t get on with the new game at the time, so moved on to other things. I did however get my character to level 67, but never finished the core game or do any dungeons. I thought I’d delve back into the guild wars universe and I’m loving it so far…. I had a couple of question and I’m after some advice. Just for clarity I have all the expansions and have the new upcoming expansion on pre order. I’ve not finished the core game and haven’t touched any of the expansion content It is somewhat overwhelming, all the new stuff since first playing. I have 5 Characters, 1 - The original level 67 and 4 characters that I’ve boosted to level 80 I’d like to move the 4 boosted characters in unison through the early game content and get all the golden heart, hero challenges and view point. This is purely for the achievements 1) Do I need to worry about the hero point challenges in the core game? Will I be light on hero points if I miss them? 2) I assume you need all the golden hearts, places of interest and view points to complete the overall world achievement. 3) Would it be advisable to concentrate instead on the story missions and return to all the bits I’ve mentioned above when I have a flying mount? 4) Any suggestions on the order of content I should play? 5) Any suggestions on good guilds that welcome new players and do a good job of helping with new players coming to terms with dungeons, PvP and WvW 6) Any general pearls of wisdom that I should know about cheers
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