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  1. I figured out the problem. While the issue is resolve, it's probably something that should be changed. I had the Glyph of the crucible on one of my characters, which harvests the tier below the node you are harvesting. This was making me harvest elder wood logs instead of lowland pine logs. Since these Janthir wilds nodes are unique, it seems like they shouldn't be classified as a tier and the glyph of the crucible shouldn't work on them. Just a thought.
  2. I just restarted for the update and now after selecting my character I get the error "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server"
  3. There is no better development or community team out there. None! Thank you all so much!
  4. No one is suggesting that the devs designed the bug lol. Anyone that is upset by this is justified. No need to blow it out of proportion or make assumptions. Obviously Anet didn't create the bug intentionally, however they did make the choice of not properly test the homestead prior to release. These are major bugs. not just visual glitches or minor compatibility issues. The inability to craft the majority of the items is certainly something that shouldn't have been overlooked, and the frustration of players makes complete sense. The homestead is probably the biggest selling point for this expansion, and a big reason for customers to hand over their dollars. I'm sure the devs understand that they made a mistake, and they are certainly making great effort to resolve it. Try not to downplay the feelings of Anet's customers.
  5. Strange. It fixed me right up. I was having the same issue and now I have no problems crafting anything. I will say that my scribe level is 53, but it's allowing me to craft anything in the handiwork bench, even high scribe level required items.
  6. I found a workaround. Go learn scribing and make it an active profession. No need to level it. It will allow you to craft all the items. I added a more detailed comment to this post as well if you want more details. Hope this helps!
  7. Might want to ask them to make this a priority. Many people were most excited about the Homestead decorating, and since this bug is preventing us from crafting almost everything, it's going to kill the hype and excitement if not resolved soon. Thanks for your consideration and passing this to the resolution team! EDIT: I'll also note that I didn't have the issue initially. I crafted several items, such as the large boulder, pumpkin, torch, etc previously, but they now do not work after the patch that supposedly resolved the handicraft mastery issue. It must have been broken with that update. WORK AROUND: I discovered that the bug is related to the scribing recipes that were ported over to handiwork, which is most of the craftables. They are not craftable because the requirements to craft are still tied to scribing for some reason. If you go learn scribing and make it active on your character, you can then craft all the recipes. There's no need to level up scribing, however it does seem that more craftables show up in the handiwork bench with higher level scribing. You'll still have access to several items though. I hope this helps everyone in starting their decorations until Anet is able to resolve the problem. Happy crafting everyone!
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