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  1. yeah... im not tryna knock wvw but ive been doing it for the last half hour and i already want to give up lol
  2. I'm really hoping its a mistake and there is supposed to be a PVE way to obtain it...
  3. completely agree, I would have assumed Titanplate was WvW exclusive if you showed me all 3 and had me guess. Woad makes no sense, such a confusing decision.
  4. thanks for finding that out! also, you said pvp potions? is there something like that for WvW, or in general, how can I make it go by faster?
  5. No idea, I dont know any PVPers to confirm, sadly.
  6. I just checked and PVP does indeed have the same track, so I assume it is also obtainable through that. So, I guess everyone except PVE players get to cheer lol
  7. Ngl, I do hope it changes because I recently did it for Gift of Battle to craft Xiquatl and it made me want to explode... guess I have no choice though.. 😞 Wish me luck..
  8. Yeah! These were my exact thoughts. It's just called Janthir Wilds and doesn't give you any information on if it's in the last chest or not, so we only found out from players completing it. It's so mysterious and hidden for no reason!!! Like why!!!??
  9. nooo!! dont joke with me like that, I'm already heart broken!! 💔
  10. I could agree with this if Anet didn't make such odd choices with what is locked and what isn't. I could understand one of the other two armors being WvW exclusive, but the Woad armor is sooooo strange to me. You would think that it would be a recipe through the heart vendors that you unlock or something like that, but no, it's something completely unrelated to the story and PVE maps?? :,(((
  11. As in it isn't locked by Heav/Med/Li??
  12. I can understand that, but Woad armor is a very weird choice to make exclusive. You're playing the story and seeing all the Kodan wearing it, just to discover that you only get it through WvW? It's just so disappointing.
  13. Exactly! It takes the fun out of it completely.
  14. You say have something extra, but why? I don't see why it needs to be a "catered to" thing at all. Why not just make everyone happy and allow it through WvW, PVP and PVE? (First time I'm using these forums and realized I didn't quote correctly, sorry!)
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