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  1. I've probably used them a thousand times without knowing it, but knowing they exist and benefiting from them (even if they don't make a huge difference) is useful. Every day I discover something new in this game, I love it.
  2. Hello, Well, although I've already played a lot of hours, yesterday I discovered that there is such a thing as combo fields.....xd I'm playing Reaper Gs - Sword/focus and I realized that in my buffs I had an unknown one called Dark Aura or something like that and I didn't know where the buff came from, until after a good while of reading all the traits and skills, I still didn't understand where it came from, so I started to throw skills until... I threw a well (which in the description says darkness combo) and when I threw the 3 of sword (jump finisher) on the well... bingo!!! darkness aura. So I was amazed and I started looking for information. I found this https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:What_are_Combo_Fields and I came to the conclusion that I'm playing my characters "halfway" because I don't know this mechanic. The question is: Is there any reference in the game to what happens when you use a combo finisher? Is there one that I haven't seen? Because when it comes to skills and traits, it doesn't specify anywhere that when you use a combo and then a finisher, the X effect results, I had to look for it outside the game. And of course, a mechanic like that, I find it strange that it isn't explained in game. Regards
  3. Thank you all for your responses. I finally bought all the expansions I was missing so I could have access to everything and try out your suggestions. I liked the sword in main hand, but I think the focus is superior in off hand. I need to change some jewelry, I equipped what I had and get the ascended focus. So, I mixed berserker and marauder and with the sword in main hand and the offensive traits, I feel very comfortable. This is how the build looks http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEx3lJw8YKsNWJOWXlNbA-DSZYBKhgKqKLxQqhWGUQZERFUaKI1BiAEkO4SeADA-e Thanks again everyone.
  4. Hello, I apologize in advance for my bad English. Right now I'm focused on making open world content, so I'd appreciate reading opinions about it. I'm playing Reaper with a berserker set and Spite and Soul Reaping traits, but I feel very weak (used to playing guardian). I've tried to change Spite for Blood Magic, but... the change doesn't make up for it. I play with Greatsword, Axe/focus and I'm not thinking about changing the weapon set, I like them too much. I've thought about a Marauder set, with this configuration http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0Ac2FlJw8YKsNWJeWXnNbA-DSJYiR3/ZkpUInVgZvFEgA2DvF9PjAA-e Lots of health and toughness stacks I haven't tried it yet, I was just playing with the Build Editor. Regarding elite skills, the one I find most expendable is Spectral Gasp due to its high cooldown, but I admit that it is useful. I would prefer not to change the rest, but I am open to it. What do you think? What to change? Is it viable? Greetings and thank you very much.
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