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  1. Since yours is the only reasonable response, i'll give you a more detailed response. The fact is, like i said, i paid more for it, i don't really care if anyone agrees nobody is going to change my mind, the difference in any other game or situation is i bought the game where a lot of people didn't have to.. i will never be convinced that core accounts shouldn't have gotten the first expansion free as a legacy account appreciation when they converted to f2p anything less is a slap in the face to the people that paid for the core game.. period. and like i said, it makes the core account kinda stupid because now i have to justify another $30 to get mounts and flying which will be 3x what f2p accounts paid for it..
  2. Looks like i found a fan boy theory.. i've already addressed this..
  3. This may have done better in the GW 2 discussion category but eh it won't let me move it so oh well Right, i'm sure the fanboys are going to awaken from their slumber to tell me why i'm wrong.. The fact is, i've been enjoying GW2 after a very long break I've leveled 2 1/2 character and i'm at a point where i don't enjoy what's left to do i can't run around with the trains or fly from point to point and quickly farm because i don't have mounts/dragons. What it comes down to, Is i've had a GW account for a very long time, probably 10 years i was pretty close to a launch day account.. that means i have a Core account. and i paid $59 for the game when it was still pay to play. This affords me a couple benefits over a f2p account but not enough to justify what i paid really. I get 4 bag slots per character and 5 character slots and the use of map chat i think that's mostly all get over the f2p account.. But where it really starts getting skewed is i paid $59 for the game, that everyone more or less gets free now, but on top of that they can get all the benefits I have by buying the expansion combo for $29 but on top of that they get the core features and the new content for half of what I paid.. I don't really care about fanboy theory's about how i paid that 9-10 years ago, and that's just how it is. The problem is, that would apply if the game was still pay to play but since it went F2P I got screwed.. there is no other way to look at it.. Now, i could maybe justify buying the combo, even though i'm very put off the fact that i've already paid twice what most other people have paid, But lets just say i did, i'm concerned with the life left in the game, not a content issue, but a ANET funding issue, i'm not convinced they will leave the servers online long enough for me to justify buying the expansions, as much as everyone's go to remark is going to be well GW1 servers are still online well if you look into the technical aspect of it GW1 servers are nothing from a cost perspective compared to GW2 servers.. So i'm very much on the fence if i want to purchase any expansions because i'm already a bit annoyed with ANET and i don't know how much i can trust them to do the right thing. Because remember whe have rumors of GW3 in the works And no, before anyone tries to say "you can't expect them to support it forever" well, I kinda can, they sold a product not a service for $59, and I've told them this in a ticket which they just disregarded with a canned response.. if they no longer want to financially support the servers at some point, then the only ethical option in my view is to release the servers to the public and let the community keep the game alive. it's not that difficult, we've seen it done years ago when private WoW servers were popular. I've even had numerous ideas on how to accomplish it being an IT Engineer and amateur game dev. I would push a final update so that you could configure a master server for the client, that master server would be run by a community with a number of servers in the same way it currently works in effect, even if it works differently in their internal design, it wouldn't be that hard to shift to remote instances that have some way of intercommunication between each of them. in the grand scheme of things, that isn't that much code to make work, especially for a large team. So i don't know, once i get to 70-80 i'm just bored, there is almost nobody in this game that is new, everyone has maxed everything there are so many things i can't do, i can't do the elite spec thing or whatever it's called no expansion, its hard to farm enough gold to do anything with a core account because, i can't do dungeons without a group, and i can't get good gear without either have the gold or running raid/dungeons/fractals which i just don't feel like i'm equip for. Like i say, the game just isn't all that well-thought-out for those who have no expansions, and again I PAID MORE than any of them.
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