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Il Zo Zo lI.4350

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Posts posted by Il Zo Zo lI.4350

  1. So for everyone saying "its not a big deal just wait the 5 days, its more playtime" etc. Its going to be far more then just 5 days, especially if you are a player that does not horde things such as the quartz crystals that can only be made once a day. That means it could be up to an extra 22 more days before you can even get to the next part of the collection and who knows whats in it after that. I'm a vet player who loves gw2, and when I saw the new mount coming I got caught up in the hype. I assumed it would be like the beetle and it would be a fun achievement to do in my own time or at the very least short collections that you could complete daily. After getting through the first part I have to say I'm quite burnt out, its essentially doing the same scavenger hunt over and over and if you don't finish in time well, you're screwed and have to wait another day. Its not engaging, if anything its frustrating and a chore to get through, and this is coming from someone who enjoys grinding :/

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