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Posts posted by Stuckili.4157

  1. Hey guys, nice to be back!

    I returned to GW2 after a looong break and need your opinion on approaching the new expansion. My "problem" is that I especially love the MMO experience during new releases or expansions.

    Now, as GW2 is quite story-driven, I'm not sure if I should play all the old story content starting with Season 2 all the way until EoD. Or if I could simply watch a story recap on YT, jump straight into EoD, and replay the story later.

    If I replay all of the story, I might fear missing out on the expansions' launch experience, which could lead to less enjoyment of the previous content. Also, I want to enjoy and explore all the zones thoroughly and don't feel like I am rushing through them just to get to EoD faster.

    On the other hand, I don't want to ruin my story experience by playing EoD before experiencing the rest of the story.

    What would be your recommendation? Cheers!

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