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Posts posted by Gaesesagai.9421

  1. On 8/23/2021 at 5:40 PM, Altonese.6542 said:

    The date is August 23rd! Anet, hope you're doing well! Still looking forward to that swimsuit outfit, how's that coming? Yes, I do plan on posting here once a day just to make sure you guys are on top of it - I do it out of love. Maybe respond more than once a day if someone says something poignant/supportive, or if I got weirdos in the thread talkin' about 'no swimsuits because my mom said jesus is sad'.

    (Don't mean to bring you in to this Lord, but these people.)

    Anyhow, lookin' good Colin, Fire, Cobalt, lookin' fresh.

    I love the dedicationĀ šŸ˜Ž

    Let's hope Anet cares enough to actually do itĀ (as opposed to them pulling a quaggan fooo and ban you for some forum rule technicality).

    PS: It's also hilarious to read replies from the anti-fun crowd (to be fair there's a lot fewer of them than I expected).

    So, to the 5 people reading, if you're on the funside of the force make your voice heard. Maybe if Anet realizes just how popular this is they'll change their minds about it. Just like they did with their "realistic only" armor style in the beginning lol.


    • Like 3
  2. Yes pleaseĀ to both posts above - swimsuits and skimpy outfits for males are needed. NEEDED!

    Thanks in advance ArenanetĀ šŸ˜‰


    PS: Like I said when it came out, the pharaoh outfit is a good step in the right direction (minus the nonsense chest cover for males). Now just don't take 58 steps back Arenanet.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 2
  3. I'm all for this.

    As long as males don't get censored AGAIN as is Anet's habit in the last few years. Pharaoh's outfit for example... why the chest cover for males Anet? Huh? "Think of the children" is probably their official reply. Whatever.


    Anywho what I wanted to mention is aboutĀ the Pharaoh outfit. After preliminary... "research" I think the underwear for this outfit is Faren's swimsuit and not the usual granny panties Anet gives males. So... progress?


    PS: Anet will see this, mass hysteria will ensue in office... and next week the outfit will be changed to haveĀ the granny panties (for males anyway). Must think of the children.Ā šŸ˜‹

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. @"Hoover.6394" said:Support this!Also found the artist and designers of the game seems afraid of making sexy outfit and armor for male characters, always covered so well compare to the female outfits lol

    Sadly this is common practice in the gaming industry. And Anet people were never the ones to break the mold so it is what it is.The Starbound outfit, with a realistic bulge (or even an "existing" bulge would be enough) and with no stary effect, just the skin... ;) now that's quality content :D

    As for the Heart from OP.I've mapped PoF a lot recently, getting all my main characters to 404 skill points (out of boredom) and I think I noticed something. There are still gay npcs, but it's rarer then before and they seem to be all the way on the outer limits of the Heart zone. Kind of in the back of the bus if you get what I mean. I think Anet changed it like this at some point for whatever reason. It seems like the kind of thing Anet does so it's reasonable.So yeah, gay npcs still exist there, but I'm pretty sure Anet pushed them to the edges and probably lowered the probability of it happening.

  5. @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:We're on it.

    That's false.The event community goals indeed show "complete" now, but the rewards are nowhere to be seen. At least for me.I've done all dailies in the first 2 days and today. And yes, turned in all champion marks in LA at the vendor npc.0 rewards. 0 of the "community tier" achievements triggered.I suppose if this isn't a widespread enough EXTRA bug I can say goodbye to the rewards lol.

    EDIT: Ok nevermind, just reread and noticed it says "once the event is over". I take it that means the rewards will be distributed at the end. If that's the case then all good. We'll see how it goes.

  6. This morning I checked LA to see the progress bar. It was roughly 5%. I thought to myself "ok this isn't happening" and moved on.Later today I was in LA again and clicked the event text out of curiosity. The progress was less than 1%.

    Several posibilities here, unless I'm missing something:

    1. Event is bugged: the tracking "type" is similar to mystic forge donation events, with multiple "progress bars" for multiple map instances instead of being a unique progress bar for all like other "community tiered rewards" type of events.
    2. Event progress is being tracked in a way that I'm not getting.
    3. Event is bugged in a way that I'm not getting.

    All of them good options.That aside, the event itself is very poorly put together as far as I can tell (with having to guess which champ actually counts for the event based on random criteria) and the scaling (the total ammount of marks required relative to community involvement) I think was significantly overestimated by Anet this time and we'll end up barely making T2, assuming the tracking isn't bugged like I mentioned above and any progress at all happens.

    Oh well. Not surprising really.

  7. I haven't read all the posts so this might already be a suggestion, but here goes nothing:

    Event name: Mirror Madness (or something about Lyssa?)

    Effect: All enemies when reaching 0 health instead of dying they divide in two. And then each of these "mirror images" further divide in two when being killed (unless that would be too much?). The resulting "images" would be weaker than the original mob, but not 50% weaker, so for example fighting the resulting 2 Mossmen would be harder than fighting the original.

    Loot: Loot drops would be the same for each image (and the original unchanged of course), effectively multiplying the loot drop by 3 (if one division) or by 7 (if 2 divisions).

    Where: Everywhere and on every monster, be it trash mob, champion or legendary boss. Excluding only the "giant pile of hit boxes" type of bosses, like the dragons and whatnot. But otherwise any and all "npc"/"creature" type of enemy in game.

    Why: I think it'll be fun. It will certainly add a level of difficulty to... well everything involving mobs since jumping and insta-killing 4 icebrood wolves in Bitterfrost might not be a good idea anymore. Or having to really think about how to go about killing that wave of mordrem during a DS meta... And if that would seem like fun the extra loot should be a nice addition.

  8. https://imgur.com/XfqaaUrSo I added a screenshot. Issues are:

    • Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler - still cannot be completed after today's fix. I had done the deeds achievements previously and now this one is stuck and cannot be finished
    • Chasing Tales: Baverne the Hunter - still cannot be completed after today's fix. Chasing Tales: Deadly Accuracy does not register. I've done the north meta a few minutes ago, well after today's patch and the achievement is stuck and cannot be finished.

    Do I need to make a new ticket for these or in game bug report is enough?

  9. So the ticket sent to customer support was ignored?The bug is not fixed for those who have finished the 3 deeds before this "fix". I now have 2 deeds checked and no way to finish the achievement. STILL.I mean the answer from customer support was copy paste (I've seen others posting it and it was the same): "we're not going to do anything about it, have fun", but I assumed this was actually taken into consideration not ignored completely and now "This is noted as fixed in the Known Issues Tracker."?Is this serious?

    Edit: And no mention of the rifle achievement which is has the same bug, although I haven't had the chance to try and see if the kills deed is now "unstuck". Based on current evidence I'm going to assume it was ignored as well.

  10. I've finished the Chasing Tales: Harkon Hakson the Maelstrom today, so they're not bugged.For the Chasing Tales: Enduring Hatred just do a meta and wield an axe and it should be done.For Chasing Tales: Like a Wounded Beast, someone posted on reddit an easy way to do it and it works:

    • Use a necromancer
    • Use corruption skills to lower your health to below 10%
    • Activate Shroud and kill stuff fastSouth of the heart in the Grotto, there are some rooms with spiders. At the back end of the room there are several spider hatchlings (4 of them I think). Great spot to do it since the spiders don't have any dangerous attack and are easily kited.

    Edit: The Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler cannot be completed at the moment. If you look on the wiki you'll notice both Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye and Chasing Tales: Torrent of Magic achievements give you the same reward: Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye. And since I imagine the main achievement needs the Chasing Tales: Torrent of Magic reward to check the 3rd deed, it can't be done.

  11. Hello,I don't know if this is the appropriate place for this or if it has been asked before, but I think it would be really cool if we could get:

    • Gliders from the "special effect back item" of the mistforged armors.

    Whether this would be a gem store item or in game, whether it would be automatically unlocked for people who have the armors (similar to the white/black wings gliders when they were released), it wouldn't matter, I would love to get them :D . They could look the same, or maybe enlarged a bit for "flight mode", it doesn't matter, they look great.

    PS: I wouldn't mind having an actual back item with the effect either, but I understand if that would be something not done to preserve the uniqueness of the armors :)


  12. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Here are some thoughts from one of the developers:

    Here are some things we'd like to know:

    • If this happening on instant sell order or on custom orders?
    • Have you had an item immediately removed from inventory (sold) but then experienced a substantial lag between the removal and payment? If so, can you tell us approximately how long it took to get paid? Would you be able to make a short video of the lag?
    • Did you sell something, have it removed from inventory, but not get the coin at all? (I don't think I've seen any such cases, but we naturally want to know about that, if it has happened.)
    • Did you see a red error on attempts to sell? If so, could you please post a screenshot or video?

    Thanks for helping us narrow down these situations!


    For my previous post, yes the problem still continues as of today, with no visible changes as far as I can tell.

    Regarding the new info, here's a few things I've noticed:

    1. "Instant sell" only as far as I could tell. I haven't experienced any delay when listing items.
    2. Yes, the item being sold dissapears from the inventory immediately even if the delay happens. I've also noticed that if the delay happens after selling an item and I close the window and reopen it fast and try to sell something else it won't let me until the delay/loading finishes. I thought that would mean whatever is happening is "in the background" independent of my trade post window, if that makes sense or has any significance.
    3. No, I've always got the coins from selling. "Worst" case scenario - there was a short delay in getting them, but I do get the coins even if I close the trade post window right after selling, during the delay/loading thing.
    4. I don't think I've seen any error messages so far in regarding to this issue. I'll make sure to screenshot if I happen to get one.


  13. Hello!I feel this needs to be mentioned and I hope it's not just a momentary fix.For the past few hours (aprox. 4-5h at the moment of this posting, though I'm not sure) the trade post has been working normally for the first time since the "salvage runes/sigils" patch was launched. I mean the weird "lag" or delay that was happening every 2-4 transactions (either buy or sell) is finally gone. So whatever fix/change was done please keep it.

    As for the bullet points mentioned:

    1. Location: Romania
    2. This was affecting both selling and buying
    3. The 11th December patch did not fix the issue, it only seems to have been fixed today
    4. I think it's solved at the moment and I hope it stays like this

    Edit: And I spoke too soon apparently. Whatever it was it only lasted a few hours, now we're back to the same lag/delay (or whatever it is), especially on selling items. 2-3 items sell normally and then the next takes forever to load, just like in the vid someone posted above.

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