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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Infusions is the right idea but they're so rare that they might as well not exist.Yep. We need a bunch of new "not as rare as an infusion, but still rare" exotic drops. I think the precursors used to fill this role, but they're all so old at this point that even getting one of them is somewhat "meh" now.

  2. Some titles are just fun, and perhaps a hint as to you/your character's personality or preferences more than any sort of brag or achievement. I frequently wear "Rock Star" when I am playing pop/rock tunes on my harp in town. Nothing to do with the achievement to acquire it which was fetching a bunch of rocks on one of the maps.

  3. It would be nice if there were "new" guild missions, ie. new content. Failing that it would be nice if some of the existing content could become designated as guild missions on a rotating basis. (Some of the dungeons, fractals, strike missions, activities, festival options, and maybe some other stuff could be eligible as missions and offer guild commendations each week.)

  4. To answer the OP's question, yes. I just ate a 27525 Kill Shot in WvW.

    We were both mounted in my territory, nobody else for miles, so I can't see how he would've been buffed to the moon. He was following and hit me with Lance for 166 so I figured ok he wants to fight. I dismounted and managed to get in a Judge's Intervention to close the gap for minimal damage (440), and then bam downed before I could do anything else. (He followed up with an 8k Brutal Shot and a 15k Final Thrust after I was down. I got in a few burning ticks that totally didn't matter.)

    Maybe I played it wrong, sure. I'm not the best by a long shot, but I expected a longer fight than that. I was running Marauder's and had a bit more than 20k health, and as far as I know there isn't a viable toughness build for guardians at the moment. Sometimes I run Valkyrie and that wouldn't have made any difference to the outcome.

    Would appreciate knowing what I could've done differently other than just high-tailing it out of there.

  5. PVT has always been a solid option in PvE whenever time constraints are not a factor. (Either intrinsic like raids, or self-imposed like "speed runs".) In group play, having one character able to pick the overconfident glass back up, is very useful. The game does seem to be increasingly focused on DPS though.

  6. @"Zynk.9015" said:

    I just don't see how I'm going to pay off filling my home instance this late in the game if I attempt collecting all of the nodes.

    You're not. You'll never get back the cost of those nodes. Not even close. (Well, maybe now that they're relatively cheap...I remember when the iron node was at 6k on the TP.) There's a certain joy in "completion" but it's not financially worth it. I just invite 4 friends in every time I farm to give them a little boost. It's sort of the same deal with guild hall nodes.

  7. @"knomslayer.9457" said:I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

    I spend a lot of money on this game, but I never do it to "support" the game. Anet isn't some startup in need of a Patreon page; it's a major corporation selling a good/service to meet its bottom line. So I buy stuff when I want it, at the price offered. Which is probably too often, and I don't feel it is particularly good value as of late, but that's on me. I knew the price going in.

  8. @"Holgarf.6581" said:

    Is it just a case of Guardian ageing really bad in the face of expansions and specialisations? I was really disappointed with how a base Engineer can easily dish out retaliation, might and protection at such an insane frequency compared to Guardian, even though you'd assume a Guardian is supposed to defend. I'd played Guardian for a long time and when I made my Engineer I was like... "really guys?".Yes and no. Core Guardian as a sort of an iconic high-sustain, consistent damage over time defensive role as the name suggests (hammer, mace, shield, staff, shouts and/or consecrations, power, vitality and toughness) has really not aged well, but the core class is flexible enough to have adopted other roles. It's hanging in there. It would be nice to see it make a comeback in that original archetype with some sort of rework.

  9. @AgentMoore.9453 said:Aloha! I was reeled in by the title of the thread walleye was browsing the forum and decided to take the bait. Sorry to hear about your experience, chum. Fin-ished with the game, are you? Salmon us still like GuildWars2, but I can understand if your interest has taken a dive. A good thing there's such a big pool of other MMOs to try; plenty of fish, as they say.

    Shark can't blame you for speaking your mind, but WoW don't you stick around until August 30th? It sure as elf couldn't hurt to wade and sea what ArenaNet's big announcement is, cod it?

    Ah fish puns. I can tell you're a tuna fun.

  10. There are a number of RNG things in the game where there is one exceedingly rare item (and therefore valuable, but only due to this artificial scarcity), and a bunch of complete junk. It's a lottery system, but a little less extreme lottery system would be welcomed. Like make the junk 10x better, and the "rare" item 10x more common. It'd still be stupid hard to get, and still be a net loss for most.

  11. @Shadowmoon.7986 said:This creates a weird situation, where those who will make the runes will save their crystals, while letting others waste all there materials to let the recipe unlock.I wish they would have had the recipee not use crystals, and just left a permanent crystal gambler to eat up all the supply. It works for ecto i dont see why it does not work here.

    Yes. They are simultaneously sinking the supply while requiring it later...making it more difficult for those who vastly contribute, and easier for those who don't. I don't understand the thinking there.

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