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Posts posted by Redemer.2601

  1. yep anet cares so little about Ranger that they cant even be bothered to fix something this simple but they can make the skill completly useless in camparison I mean really they nerfed its range because it was to good when it still had the pull then they removed the pull but rang still nerfed? they really don care at all

  2. @SkyShroud.2865 said:Assuming you anet is not a greedy corporation that intentionally increased the population global cap to encourage people transfer to earn money at the cost of the wvw's longevity.I would like to suggest you people at anet to review the status and consider the possibility of another wave of stacking which can be yet another potential destruction wave towards what left of WvW, such that you will universally drop the population cap to make as many servers full as possible to prevent such stacking from occurring.

    no thats to hard which is also why they dont even care about the german servers teamingup

  3. @Shao.7236 said:Doesn't that feel incredibly biased considering the majority runs the same kitten thing? Probably for a reason! Of course it's not to consider how it would be easier to balance things out if decisions were consistent when it comes to adding content into the game because those pets are clearly better than many alternatives and Anet is allowing that to happen.

    If it wasn't for copy pasting the most prominent Revenant skill into the Soulbeast skill set that turns into an instant cast of an already powerful professions, I'm pretty sure things would have gone a little less south. Aside being that merging is literally an extra skill and should totally have the ability to grant unblockables anytime it's used, stunbreak wasn't enough!

    so should we include stats into this that only stat prefix from expansion for elite specs?

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