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Posts posted by kimtingen.6472

  1. I like it, don't even have anything negative so say about your idea here, I think it's great and about time. Though.. I've never been a great fan of your Legendary weapons and armors. It all comes down to taste, of course. Everyone have things they like and dislike when it comes to design and for me that goes for most of the Legendary stuff, don't get me wrong here. I do like the effects of them, they are cool, well.. Except for that damned sound effect on "The Dreamer" short bow. The bow itself look great and I love the horse shoe footprints. But.. As I said, it all comes down to taste, though what I would like to see added to the family of Legendary's is Legendary effect infusions that allow us to select, or imbue then with attribute and agony resistance value. These infusions would add special effects to equipment, like footprints on boots, weapon trails, hit effects on weapons, and more.

  2. The glider preview is pretty much useless as to get a good idea of what the glider looks like. This goes ESPECIALLY for gliders with a very flat shape because you're viewing it straight in at the wing and you can only turn it left and right, meaning you can't see how those gliders really look.

    Arenanet, please fix it so we can turn the camera angle up and down as well, so we can actually see what we are buying without having to use other sources to view it and not get a feel for how it goes with the character.

    And speaking of gliders..How about fixing the deploying issue with the 'Hawk Wings' glider on asura. It doesn't deploy(unfold) fully when holding W while deploying the glider. There's also an issue with the 'Scaled Dragon Wings' glider backpack cover on all races. The wings deploy(unfold) when jumping normally without the glider activating. When jumping normally the wing should remain folded on the characters back.

  3. A crash like this may, or may not be outside of their control. The game has been losing contact with log in servers now and then for weeks now, so it could have been something related to that. But...

    There will always be a loss on of data and players WILL lose progression on crashes like these, the amount of loss depend on the back up routines of the game/server owners.Many game companies give the players a little compensation of their loss and fix the problem as best they can, but some only say that they are sorry about it and just fix the problem as best they can.

    I just hope the issue that occur now and then with the loss of connection to the log in servers get fixed.

    If you lost gems on it that you bought for RL money, then you have a receipt on it and you can send a complaint about it to ArenaNet, otherwise, you just have to accept the loss and hope that ArenaNet is kind enough to give the players a little something for the inconvenience of the server crash.

  4. I noticed that when you are looking straight down at the mount and just spin around without moving the character rotate in a circle around the saddle in the opposite direction of the mounts turning. If you mount it, lets say facing north you are sitting normal, but if you turn to a side, say west and move a little forward, or backward, then the character get offset on the saddle to the right side and either backward, or forward depending if you are moving forward or backward. Also when making sharp turns with the springer the character get lifted up above the saddle. (..or bunny-goat as I call it, because how it look and sound.) Another thing is when the mount is standing in a hill and you're turning in a circle, then the character circles the saddle in the opposite direction as the mount it turning, but it doesn't circle on the same angle, meaning the character is completely horisontal and move into the mount if the hill is steep enough.

  5. There one glider skin that's bugged on asura and one back item for a glider skin that is bugged, least that I know of since I do not have all skins.The first one I noticed was the Hawk wing glider skin. It doesn't deploy fully on Asura, if you hold W, or both mouse buttons when you deploy it, but if you, during flight, or at the start redeply/deploy the glider without holding W, or both mouse buttons the glider deploy normally and fully.The other is the back item for the Scaled Dragon Wings glider. When jumping normally without trying to deploy the glider the wing deploys for a second, then folds up on the back again. I've tried it on all races, but charr and it's the same.

  6. Sorry forgot about the ear issue with many of the hemls and headgear for Asura, I guess I didn't think of it because I check off the helmet on most of my characters.

    But still, most armor are better designed for asura, than they are for charr. It's not just the tail, horns and ears that are a problem for charr it's also the posture in which charr stands, which make many of the armors that have a skirt look incredibly stupid, they look more like they have been copied and pasted from human/norn, not designed to fit the charr race.

  7. The various armor sets needs a complete redesign for charr, many look alike and there's hardly any of them that have been designed with the tail in mind. The different armor sets need to look as good on charrs as they look on other races. You have done a far better job in designing armors for asura, than you have for charr. Many of the asura designs even look different than those of human, norn and sylvari. Maybe do the same for charr?

  8. This world idea of yours going to mess things up. I say.. Just forget about the Worlds completely, remove the World vs. World completely from the game and instead call it "Guild Wars". A league where single guilds, or alliences of up to 4 guilds can fight for supremecy in their ranks. Make the season 10 weeks, 8 weeks of combat with 2 weeks of "Off season" time where guilds can make new alliences and get new players into the Guild War ranks of the guild (players that had joined them during the combat part of the season.) IMO the guilds shouldn't have the option to mark themselves as a "WvW guild", it should rather be all guilds having an option to create a "Guild War" army within itself where members that want to play the "Guild Wars can join, but only during the 2 week "Off Season" time.This would require a ranking system so that newer guilds wont be able to ally themselves with guilds that have been doing "Guild Wars" for a while, or meet guilds that are ranked higher in combat.I'm pretty sure this 8 weeks world idea of yours will just screw it up more than it is now with the open servers for the rest of the game and restricted servers for WvW that we have now.

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