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Posts posted by Arrow.4619

  1. I just saw this same bug on my character. But its a little more severe: when I WP'd to Amnytas I lost all of the progress as well. So, maybe any map change resets it? Also, not sure what my actual count is but I've completed two of the weekly maps (including a couple of T2 and T3 rifts) and when I finished my last rift in Skywatch my total was only 16? Doing a client repair in hopes that will fix the issue.

  2. I am missing Behmoth Gap Phase 3 of the Touching Base achievement. I've been working on it for several days at this point and I'm starting to suspect that while it might have been previously difficult to achieve, its now impossible to achieve.

    I think this change on March 14th is the culprit: Behemoth's Gap base and Jadepillar Point base can no longer be upgraded once players have progressed to the "Defeat the ravenous wanderer" event.

    This change appears to have done more than simply stop progress on upgrading the base it has also stopped all relevant events that would allow you to complete the achievement. When the meta moves to the final phase even it there is an event in progress it will end and you will not get credit and no other events will spawn. Its rare for the meta event to proceed beyond phase 2 for either base and when a base does get to phase 3 you don't have time for an event to spawn and for you to complete it and therefore progress the achievement before the meta progresses to the final stage and any further progress it shut down. This has been my experience for the last several days of attempts at various times during the day and I see no reason to believe its going to change.

    I managed to get the map achievement completed by completing other achievements but it is irksome that this one achievement is likely to forever be unattainable at this point.

    • Like 3
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  3. Purple plate refuses to drop when you are running the story segment to get the spear mold simultaneous with the Light of Deldrimor. Killed the skelk over a dozen times no drop. Previously had to kill the skelk over 6 times to get the plate to drop on a "clean" run that did not include the story. This time got ported to the next room by a friendly player. Got a green plate in the next room went to the final room lost the light so no hidden chest so no daily ration of serpentite jewels. Happened twice so far - previous time I simply gave up when the purple plate refused to drop. Really annoying bug that's cost me two days of time gated material. Please fix this ASAP.

  4. My wife and I have experienced a consistent crash during the LWS4 E3 where we are fighting Beastmaster Eronco (sp?). For the last 4 characters, sometime during the fight we disconnect, have to go to desktop and restart the client to restart the fight. This happens with the Joko fight as well but slightly less consistently.

  5. Throwing my 2 cents in: On the third pass through Master Diver. Stuck at 7/10 for two days. Ran a repair on the client with no change. Bugged chests are in Bloodtide Coast, Kessex Hills and Gendaran Fields. Checked two of the other chests (Harathi Hinterlands and Frostgorge Sound) just to see if they were working and they were not. I guess I'll just keep collecting keys until they fix it.

  6. Additional data: On game loading startup I get a lockout similar to when the game freezes. Eventually the game loads and I can play and drop out to Windows etc.

    I've updated my Nvidia driver to 388.43. That update partially cured the no mount on load-in problem (where you could ride off underground without the mount and the camera stays stationary). No the mount still lags on appearing but you can move, the camera follows and eventually the mount appears.

    BTW - Istan is awful to play on. I've never had meta events bog down so hard that I cannot really see or do anything. Incredibly choppy lag and massive frame rate hits seem to be the norm. I've found the only way I can do the meta events is to set the graphics to best performance. Game looks crappy but at least I can play.

  7. Crashed again tonight, ended up dumping me out of a successful Dragonstand before I'd even started hacking away with the machetes. :( This still happened after I turned off multiple apps running in the background (thanks to Ashantara for that suggestion) and had the power set to not sleep/always on and was running it as an Administrator. The only common denominator I've found (I THINK) is that I'm on a mount when it happens (could be wrong about that though).

  8. Just found a similar thread in the Bugs section and commented there as well. I'm running the program with compatability set to Windows 8 now and also turned the computer power saving setting off. Its stopped crashing (hopefully) but I have brief freezes instead.

    Relevant stats: i7 CPU 960@3.20 GHz, Windows 10 Home v. 1703, GTX 1060 6GB, 12 GB RAM, x64 system, Windows and Nvida patched to the latest versions. The hard drive is a 256 GB SSD.

    With that set up I don't think I should be getting the freezes, crashes or fps I get. I'm not sure where the problem lies - I patched to the latest Nvidia driver after this started so I don't think that is the culprit but I could be wrong. I checked my history and I did have a number of Windows patches recently around the time the problems started.

  9. This sounds exactly similar to a recent post I commented on having the same issue. I'm running the program with compatability set to Windows 8 now and its stopped crashing (hopefully) but I have brief freezes instead. That's on top of the game's server-based lag which people have also been complaining about recently.

    Relevant stats: i7 CPU 9610@3.20 GHz, Windows 10 Home v. 1703, GTX 1060 6GB, 12 GB RAM, x64 system, Windows and Nvida patched to the latest versions.

    With that set up I don't think I should be getting the freezes, crashes or fps I get.

  10. ArenaNet,

    The mount skin RNG is the main problem. Yes, you can eventually get all of them but not getting the one (or ones) you want without having to pay significantly more than just a fair/reasonable price for the product is unacceptable. The pricing for the solo skin is also out of line. Mount skins should be priced in a manner similar to gliders or outfits - 400 gems is a good baseline with some of the mount skins that ANet believes will be more popular going for more (perhaps up to 800 gems).

    If you want to incentivize people to drop cash on mount skins (and not just convert gold to gems), you already have a means of doing that: bundling. If all of the various 30 mount skins were available individually for 400-800 gems each and it would cost the customer 18,000 gems for all 30 of them separately, you could charge: 3000 gems to pick 5, 5000 gems to pick 8; or 12000 gems for all 30. At each of those tiers I suggested (which translate to roughly 950 gold, 1500 gold and 3700 gold if converting gold to gems), fewer and fewer players would have the resources to convert enough gold to gems to afford them. You're presenting players with a decision point to either open their wallet now and take a better deal and get access sooner, or wait and more slowly convert gold to gems and buy the skins over time. A lot more wallets would open for you.

    I also want you to understand that this is a serious problem for you. I know you've been purging gold from the game economy recently and the prices of many goods on the TP have fallen (my gold on hand has fallen by more then 1000 since the PoF launch since I've spent a fair amount and no longer earn gold from the TP at the same rate I did before PoF). I suspect your expectation was given what's happened economically more people would be willing to buy with real currency. If you were looking to mounts skins to do that, I think you're wrong and frankly given the implementation you pursued, I hope you are wrong. I actually used a gift card to buy gems recently (before the mount skins were released) and now both my wife and I have 2000 gems banked. You already have that money I spent on those gems, HOWEVER, instead of using them for mount skins my wife and I will likely sit on them and use them for something that later gets put on sale or something more practical that we need (ex. character bag slots). If I'm not spending that money now, I'll have it to spend later. Bottom line: You've lost future sales from both of us that might have included actual cash sales.

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