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Posts posted by Shadowcat.2680

  1. @Skotlex.7580 said:

    @Shadowcat.2680 said:Anet specified they wanted trade-offs for HoT professions.

    Expect "trade-offs" for the PoF professions to happen around the release of the next expansion.

    Quote? As far as memory recalls, Anet stated they wanted tradeoff for elite specs, no for "Hot elite specs".

    It's the way the April 23rd release notes phrased it. In reference to the elite specs, HoT is mentioned and PoF isn't. And then when they go on to list elite specs that don't have trade-offs, only HoT specs are listed (in a list of five specs, not one PoF spec appears).

    I could be reading into it, but Anet does have a history of nerfing older specs to make the newer content look more desirable.

    Ah, I see why you read it that way. The update reads:

    Elite specializations were introduced with the Heart of Thorns™ expansion and have become a regular sight throughout Tyria. These specializations have sometimes come with trade-offs, and sometimes they've been purely beneficial compared to a core specialization, often because they add something on top of everything the profession already does. We believe that elite specializations are a more meaningful choice when they have some trade-off or change some core part of a profession's mechanics.

    The way I read it is that they mentioned hot because that's when they introduced elite specs. Later in the patch notes they give examples of professions where there is a tradeoff already, and they totally include pof ones there.

    Necromancer (not scourge) is the example they give as having a trade-off already. But it's somewhat erroneous of a claim to make on their part since scourge is superior to core necro despite losing death shroud.

    I'm convinced they see soulbeast in a similar light. It has the trade-off of losing its pet in exchange for beastmode. Since beastmode is from their latest expansion, it's the superior mechanic to what's being given up.

    To go back to their example of necro (since their example encompasses both necro elites), reaper gives up death shroud also, but what it gains is no longer incredibly potent like it was during HoT (condi reapers were grossly overturned). They didn't make reaper's trade-off a nerf until just before PoF was released.

  2. @DeathPanel.8362 said:

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Throwing traps would be nice, but that would have interesting interaction with trapper runes.

    This used to be the case. They nerfed the skills by making them not throwable anymore at some point around the release of HOT I recall. I think they did it to balance them for pvp. They should’ve only made the change for pvp.

    Probably easier to do that than spit that sort of thing between game modes though.

    It killed a whole line of viable ranger builds for wvw and pve just so they can balance pvp.

    Not saying that wasn't the case, just point out that code change might not have been possible though. They are infamous for spaghetti code.

    Unless they got monkeys doing coding I’m pretty sure it can be done. It’s literally just an if/else or switch scenario. It’s most likely a case of laziness and not technical limitation.

    Devs have outright stated before that they cannot split the functionality of a skill between the modes. They can only do number splits (base damage, power coefficient, cooldown, etc).

  3. @Skotlex.7580 said:

    @"Shadowcat.2680" said:Anet specified they wanted trade-offs for HoT professions.

    Expect "trade-offs" for the PoF professions to happen around the release of the next expansion.

    Quote? As far as memory recalls, Anet stated they wanted tradeoff for elite specs, no for "Hot elite specs".

    It's the way the April 23rd release notes phrased it. In reference to the elite specs, HoT is mentioned and PoF isn't. And then when they go on to list elite specs that don't have trade-offs, only HoT specs are listed (in a list of five specs, not one PoF spec appears).

    I could be reading into it, but Anet does have a history of nerfing older specs to make the newer content look more desirable.

  4. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @"shadowpass.4236" said:Soulbeast: The downside to merging is losing your pet in order to gain access to Beastmode skills.

    just like...

    Berserker: The downside to berserker stance is losing your normal burst skills in order to gain access to Berserk mode.

    Soulbeast can use its core mechanic while not Merged.

    Berserker cant use normal burst at all.

    Berserker has a duration.Soulbeast can be used permanent.

    Berserker needs a resource.Soulbeast doesnt.

    Berserker Form can be interupted.

    Can Merging be interupted?

    Oh you were serious. I really thought the post was badly written sarcasm, but you're serious.

    In all seriousness, at least a few of those 'Updates' to Berserk Mode are heading for Beast Mode. A duration and cast time may be imminent.

    I doubt it. At a design level, berserk mode and beastmode have never had much in common. Berserk has always had a set duration and has always been a burstier mode than beastmode.

    Keep in mind too that beastmode is far more challenging for them to change (from a code viewpoint) as a mechanic. Soulbeast was the hardest PoF spec for them to implement simply because of needing to get rid of the pet for beastmode (the engine wasn't even capable of this back in HoT). Beastmode was a buggy mess on release and I don't know that they'd be all that eager to touch it since it's currently

    Nerfs to soulbeast may very well be incoming, but expect nerfs to come in the numbers somewhere, not in a change that'll force them to tackle beastmode again.

    Oh I expect the numbers to change, but Anet themselves want to impose tradeoffs for E-Specs, and for Rangers that could either mean touching pets to make them weaker (like druid), removing a pet entirely (makes sense for Soulbeast), or tinkering with Beastmode like I mentioned above.

    Changing Beastmode may cause the least QQ honestly, as the mere prospect of taking a pet away has been giving rangers the vapors.

    Anet specified they wanted trade-offs for HoT professions.

    Expect "trade-offs" for the PoF professions to happen around the release of the next expansion.

  5. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @shadowpass.4236 said:Soulbeast: The downside to merging is losing your pet in order to gain access to Beastmode skills.

    just like...

    Berserker: The downside to berserker stance is losing your normal burst skills in order to gain access to Berserk mode.

    Soulbeast can use its core mechanic while not Merged.

    Berserker cant use normal burst at all.

    Berserker has a duration.Soulbeast can be used permanent.

    Berserker needs a resource.Soulbeast doesnt.

    Berserker Form can be interupted.

    Can Merging be interupted?

    Oh you were serious. I really thought the post was badly written sarcasm, but you're serious.

    In all seriousness, at least a few of those 'Updates' to Berserk Mode are heading for Beast Mode. A duration and cast time may be imminent.

    I doubt it. At a design level, berserk mode and beastmode have never had much in common. Berserk has always had a set duration and has always been a burstier mode than beastmode.

    Keep in mind too that beastmode is far more challenging for them to change (from a code viewpoint) as a mechanic. Soulbeast was the hardest PoF spec for them to implement simply because of needing to get rid of the pet for beastmode (the engine wasn't even capable of this back in HoT). Beastmode was a buggy mess on release and I don't know that they'd be all that eager to touch it since it's currently working.

    Nerfs to soulbeast may very well be incoming, but expect nerfs to come in the numbers somewhere, not in a change that'll force them to tackle beastmode again.

  6. @Atticus.7194 said:

    @Shadowcat.2680 said:@Atticus.7194Berserker can do just as much damage just as quickly. Let's not pretend burst builds are unique to any one profession.

    I might have prior to it's arc divider nerf but it certainly cannot.

    I've seen 30k arc dividers in WvW after the 25% nerf.

    And then there's gunflame. My own berserker for WvW (admittedly a gimmick Arms build) does 20k+ gunflames back to back with a 29k health pool.

  7. @Faaris.8013 said:

    The only reason poeple complain about soulbeast is because it has a chance to dismount them

    If that would be so, then answer me why there was so much hate towards rangers (SB) even before mount release?

    Thank you, nice discuss, we should have another one in the future.Have a good day.

    And there is no hate at all for double pistol Thieves. I dismount people all the time with Unload. The difference is the range, I only have 900...

    P/P doesn't regularly get hate because it's a meme build for competitive modes that stops being effective the second your enemy knows the #3 spam is incoming.

  8. @Dadnir.5038My post said nothing of the right or wrong of changing PBS; it merely informed that such a change would affect all modes. I find the premise of the OP's point rather silly (bad players don't pay attention to a skill so let's change the skill they're already not paying attention to).

    As to changing PBS in sPvP and WvW, knockdown instead of knockback would be far less value. Knockback has the potential to knock enemies out of capture circles, off cliffs, away from downed allies, etc.

    I don't see fear and taunt as relevant here. The meta sPvP/WvW builds don't use wolf, Beastly Warden, or Protect Me. Even if they did, fear and taunt (can be cleansed) are not nearly as valuable as knockback for positioning enemies.

  9. I doubt Anet will implement one pet only for soulbeast simply because it'd be challenging to code (and likely a buggy mess if they did try).

    Anyhow. Only HoT professions got "trade-offs." PoF sales must have lagged.

  10. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @"Devildoc.6721" said:I want to assume that people are smart and will learn to use the skill properly if improper use is no longer encouraged by prior MMO conditioning and the assumption that skills do more damage than autoattacks.

    The game is already 7 years and the issue with
    point blank shot
    exist since release. If you really don't want people to use it abusively in PvE, you have to really make it "point blank" which mean melee range (just like updraft or illusionary wave). If you want to just make PvE a less frustrating place to play, the knockdown effect is a simple fix.

    Anet has stated before that skill functionality cannot be split between the modes. Only number splits are possible (base damage, power coefficient, cooldown, etc).

  11. @TorQ.7041 said:

    You can really tell this from the top PvPers who stream like kritsuga,shorts vallun etc who regularly 1vX on wvw. Where it would be impossible in PvP simply because the player skill level is much higher.

    Don't confuse live streams and edited youtube vids. The players who only do youtube roaming montages aren't as skilled as their edits might lead you to believe.

  12. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:Also your complaint about "minor traits" is pretty wierd to me. When you pick berk e-spec, it's directly tied to playing berserker and using its mechanic, which is why the minor traits are connected to it. It's not really anything out of ordinary and I'm not sure how (in your opening post) you went from "meaningful choices" to "minor traits being related to espec mechanic is bad". That just doesn't seem like a valid point to me. (and you still get the benefits of 'always angry' while not in berk)

    Always Angry was removed in the rework. As to the new berserker minors, it's flawed design to have them wed entirely to berserk mode coupled with a mode cooldown the user cannot initiate. Worse still, the mode's activation requires a class resource that has zero function when the mode is on cooldown.

    agreed ... the complaint about minor traits is completely valid. When we pick berk e-spec, I'm STILL playing berserker, even when I am not in berserker mode; it's not like I have a 4th trait line that flips over when I'm in non-berserker mode. Being deficient in traits in non-berserker mode is unacceptable. This is non-equivalence in traits.

    No, it's not a valid complaint and berserker isn't the only spec that has minor traits "working only when". Too bad you only care about class comparisons when it supports your point, but the moment it's the opposite you state that comparing classes isn't an argument. It would be cool if you finally made your mind how you feel about that.

    That said, I think that's not a valid complaint at all and I already wrote why.

    Name one other elite spec that combines all mode-specific minors and a mode the user cannot toggle off for the sake of not wasting said mode.

    Never said anything about 'mode-specific minors', it's a classification you decided to make and limit your argument to. Not being able to "turn it off" also has nothing to do with anything that was said.

    Your exact phrasing was traits "working only when." There is no other elite spec that puts its entire slew of minor traits on a cooldown the user cannot initiate early when needed. Control over the mode's activation and deactivation has everything to do with how well said minors function in actual use.

    Yup, and that's literally the phrasing I've meant to use, there's nothing about your self-made "mode-specific" category. Well, depends on what you mean by the "mode", but it seems you mean some kind of 'form changing' ability in one way or another and if that's what you meant then I stand by what I said. You nitpick a few specs out of the whole game, compare yourself strictly to that and then say it can't take place in the game BASED ON THAT. And btw if you base your argument on class/spec comparisons then I wonder why Obtena never reacted to your (and similar to yours) posts, while also jumping over comparisons whenever they don't fit his side of the argument.

    Anyways, minor traits "working only when" aren't anything unseen in this game. And even if they were (but they aren't), that wouldn't be any kind of valid argument, that's just your preference and no kitten that you prefer having your downside less noticeable.

    You're nitpicking word choice while failing at reading comprehension regarding the posts you quote.

    Good luck with that.

  13. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:Also your complaint about "minor traits" is pretty wierd to me. When you pick berk e-spec, it's directly tied to playing berserker and using its mechanic, which is why the minor traits are connected to it. It's not really anything out of ordinary and I'm not sure how (in your opening post) you went from "meaningful choices" to "minor traits being related to espec mechanic is bad". That just doesn't seem like a valid point to me. (and you still get the benefits of 'always angry' while not in berk)

    Always Angry was removed in the rework. As to the new berserker minors, it's flawed design to have them wed entirely to berserk mode coupled with a mode cooldown the user cannot initiate. Worse still, the mode's activation requires a class resource that has zero function when the mode is on cooldown.

    agreed ... the complaint about minor traits is completely valid. When we pick berk e-spec, I'm STILL playing berserker, even when I am not in berserker mode; it's not like I have a 4th trait line that flips over when I'm in non-berserker mode. Being deficient in traits in non-berserker mode is unacceptable. This is non-equivalence in traits.

    No, it's not a valid complaint and berserker isn't the only spec that has minor traits "working only when". Too bad you only care about class comparisons when it supports your point, but the moment it's the opposite you state that comparing classes isn't an argument. It would be cool if you finally made your mind how you feel about that.

    That said, I think that's not a valid complaint at all and I already wrote why.

    Name one other elite spec that combines all mode-specific minors and a mode the user cannot toggle off for the sake of not wasting said mode.

    Never said anything about 'mode-specific minors', it's a classification you decided to make and limit your argument to. Not being able to "turn it off" also has nothing to do with anything that was said.

    Your exact phrasing was traits "working only when." There is no other elite spec that puts its entire slew of minor traits on a cooldown the user cannot initiate early when needed. Control over the mode's activation and deactivation has everything to do with how well said minors function in actual use.

  14. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:Also your complaint about "minor traits" is pretty wierd to me. When you pick berk e-spec, it's directly tied to playing berserker and using its mechanic, which is why the minor traits are connected to it. It's not really anything out of ordinary and I'm not sure how (in your opening post) you went from "meaningful choices" to "minor traits being related to espec mechanic is bad". That just doesn't seem like a valid point to me. (and you still get the benefits of 'always angry' while not in berk)

    Always Angry was removed in the rework. As to the new berserker minors, it's flawed design to have them wed entirely to berserk mode coupled with a mode cooldown the user cannot initiate. Worse still, the mode's activation requires a class resource that has zero function when the mode is on cooldown.

    agreed ... the complaint about minor traits is completely valid. When we pick berk e-spec, I'm STILL playing berserker, even when I am not in berserker mode; it's not like I have a 4th trait line that flips over when I'm in non-berserker mode. Being deficient in traits in non-berserker mode is unacceptable. This is non-equivalence in traits.

    No, it's not a valid complaint and berserker isn't the only spec that has minor traits "working only when". Too bad you only care about class comparisons when it supports your point, but the moment it's the opposite you state that comparing classes isn't an argument. It would be cool if you finally made your mind how you feel about that.

    That said, I think that's not a valid complaint at all and I already wrote why.

    Name one other elite spec that combines all mode-specific minors and a mode the user cannot toggle off for the sake of not wasting said mode.

  15. @"Sobx.1758" said:Also your complaint about "minor traits" is pretty wierd to me. When you pick berk e-spec, it's directly tied to playing berserker and using its mechanic, which is why the minor traits are connected to it. It's not really anything out of ordinary and I'm not sure how (in your opening post) you went from "meaningful choices" to "minor traits being related to espec mechanic is bad". That just doesn't seem like a valid point to me. (and you still get the benefits of 'always angry' while not in berk)

    Always Angry was removed in the rework. As to the new berserker minors, it's flawed design to have them wed entirely to berserk mode coupled with a mode cooldown the user cannot initiate. Worse still, the mode's activation requires a class resource that has zero function when the mode is on cooldown.

  16. @Ruufio.1496 said:

    @Shadowcat.2680 said:@Ruufio.1496 @EremiteAngel.9765 Please play the profession in game for more than a minute before posting on the forums to ask for nerfs. You've both posted misinformation that does not contribute in any fashion to a balance discussion. You undermine your own arguments.

    Already have a full zerk soulbeast named Pin Snipe Soulbeast to instantly kill enemy commanders with my multiple sources of unblockables and endure pain with resistance on pet for the big blob battles. Ranger as no spot in zerg fights? You have to be kidding me lmao. Power revs don't even exist anymore when I snipe them wit unblockable auto attacks from across the map.

    Tell me 1800 range unblockable piercing rapid fire with quickness and 25 might and 3k+ power with invulns has no spot in a zerg lmao.

    Then you should try and pay attention to the duration of your merged (w/ bear) Defy Pain in game. It doesn't last 5 secs. :)

  17. @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

    @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:Rangers are a small scale roaming class, just like Thieves. They shouldn't demand to be in squads, who are just looking for fights, in the first place, because meta classes with proper builds, perform and synergize better.

    For some reason Deso, allows this one healing tempest to tag along though..

    Not true after the recent changes.I've been seeing more and more soulbeasts being used in guild comps.Perhaps pug squads have not caught wind of that trend yet or perhaps only organised guilds can pull it off.

    Video here near the end showing a guild comp running at least 2 soulbeasts out of the roughly 10 players that they had. So 1 soulbeast per party of 5?

    Don't know that you can claim a guild comp is using multiple soulbeasts when only one was from the same guild as the other players. I also wouldn't call them boonbeasts as the pug soulbeast was a marksmanship build and the guild one didn't have moa stance on its bar either.

  18. @DeceiverX.8361Just about everything I stated in my above post is fact, so not sure what to tell you. SoS (not Stoneform, my post never referenced Stoneform) already had its cd/duration halved. The range of ranger longbow is due to how arcing projectiles work. The only thing subjective about my earlier post is whether or not a soulbeast would choose to leave beastmode immediately upon entering it for the sake of maximizing UU uptime at the cost of less time actually spent in beastmode.

  19. @DeceiverX.8361 said:

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Sounds like the Soulbeast knew how to deal with a Warrior.

    As for taking damage when you're invul, it's not a bug, soul beast can stack a good 10s or more of unblockable attacks, very effective for killing some classes such as Guardian, Warrior and Mesmer.

    It's really amusing when facing a guardian roamer actually because out of reaction they pop the focus 5 which won't stop unblockables then chain through the blocks/aegis which has no effect and by that stage you can literally see the player spamming dodges and panicking because you're still 1500+ range away safely pewpewing... Or they Judges intervention right into your worldly Impact.

    That's not how invulns work. Unblockable attacks only affect blocks and projectile reflects.

    The only thing I can think of is Vulture Stance proc'ing Predator's Cunning. Otherwise the hits should still deal 0's.

    SB is definitely a bit overloaded right now. I haven't played ranger in ages but when I want to 1v1 someone it's definitely the class I swap to and almost always win.

    I don't really have a problem with ranger dealing the damage it can deal so much as I have a problem with how it goes about dealing it. SB gives a ton of mobility and utility to the ranger that it otherwise never really had before, and the way it goes about dealing its damage is very low-risk and very much harshly counters a lot of elements of the game (unblockables, Sic 'Em/stealth, etc.). I think it may be time for longbow to be properly hard-capped at 1500 range, Unstoppable Union brought down to 2 or 3 seconds duration (it has 40% uptime which is absolutely bonkers considering this is a class easily capable of 6k AA's, up to 12k), and Sic 'Em made into a 25% modifier while in beast mode versus 40%, and Signet of Stone given the warrior stance treatment: shorter duration and lower cooldown, opening up room for punishment.

    This way not much really changes for skilled players, but the skill floor is lowered a little more so people first-timing soulbeast aren't instantly deleting people from 2k units away.

    Signet of Stone got its duration and cooldown halved in PvP and WvW in the March balance patch. It now has a 3 sec duration with a 40 sec cd versus the 6 sec duration it used to have on an 80 sec cd.

    Unstoppable Union doesn't have 40% uptime. I'm guessing you're getting that number from its 4 sec duration and beastmode's 10 sec cd. Beastmode's cd starts on leaving it, not on entering it, so a soulbeast trying to have max uptime on unblockable through Unstoppable Union alone would be unblockable 4 secs out of every 14 secs, giving the trait about 28.5% uptime assuming the soulbeast leaves beastmode the second the trait's effect ends.

    Longbow range is consistent with every other weapon in the game with arcing projectiles (every bow, ele staff autoattack, mortar kit, etc). Hard capping longbow to 1500 would require a change to arcing projectiles having a greater range than stated in tooltips and wouldn't be a change made to ranger longbow itself.

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