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Posts posted by Elspereth.1280

  1. @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    Note that Morning is the name of a person. If you've lived a little, you can probably see the part that's... off. A dying person decides in her desperate pleas of help to whatever stranger walks by that she is going to lie about one extremely specific and obtuse detail. Just because. This is done to establish that Kasmeer has preternatural lie-detector abilities, because apparently there is no better way to shove a lying person into the grander story. This wasn't some grand secret being kept, either. The only thing she didn't say was that the master had the egg, and this didn't even require a lie. She could've just been vague and said stuff like "He wants its power" or something like that.

    The point that rubs me the wrong way is that people don't do this. There's a reason why deathbed testimonies are given higher regard in court. A person on the brink of death has no more reason to lie. As their life flashes before their eyes and the weight of their mortality squeezes the soul from their body, they tell the truth, because they have no vanity left.

    And I would have to disagree. If the egg is supposed to be this big secret (and considering what it is I think that it certainly is "some grand secret") then of course Morning would lie about it. She would have absolutely no reason to tell a bunch of strangers about it.

  2. I am not disagreeing that to most people the norn females are physically attractive and the men are not. I see it more like Robert Asprin's Myth series where the inhabitants of the dimension of Trollia are Trollops (the females) and Trolls (the males).And if you think there is some type of stereotype being perpetuated, does that mean that players of charr and asura necessarily find those characters to be sexy (maybe they do, maybe they don't) or do they just want to play something other than humans (and I don't consider norn to be nothing more than big humans)?

  3. @"coso.9173" said:my issue is they made males pretty deformed, short stumpy legs, no necks and not defined muscles, which are things not considered attractive to most people. and then they go out and make female norns amazon supermodels, with huge boobs, and tiny waists. it's like "really?"but that ship sailed a long time ago. I'd love to play a norn, but those proportions are way off and I have trouble seeing how people actually play them and it doesn't bother them. :/

    I, for one, like the sexual dimorphism (and I play norn males and females).

  4. @Mepheles.2087 said:We already have airships,tanks and submarines but apparently for everyone motorcycles break their immersion. Also games like Gw2, FFXIV and WoW are not traditional fantasy. They are high fantasy/steampunk fantasy to some extent. FFXIV is having this discussion too because they are introducing clouds bike from Advent Children into the game now. It feels like the glass that holds most people's immersion is way too easily shattered.

    The problem with having motorcycles is, if they are popular and I imagine they would be, they would be everywhere unlike the airships etc.

  5. @Blocki.4931 said:

    @"Super Hayes.6890" said:Just no. I hope this request never gains traction with the devs. For every player that actually wants this for cosmetic preferences there will be ten others that use it in an offensive way. There are already outfits and armors that are "seductive" enough. The game absolutely does not need bikinis and speedos.

    if you can find me any clothing that is even remotely "seductive"in this game i applaud you.

    There are a few pretty sexy ones.

    Flamekissed armor for example shows A LOT of skin. Human cultural tier 3 light armor is known as THE boob top in the game..

    There are a few more but sadly I don't know the names of the armor sets or outfits.

    Sexy doesn't always / doesn't have to mean showing a lot of skin.

  6. Okay, I am not questioning that CAT7 is technically better than CAT5e, but if your internet connection is only (for example) 100Mb and the Ethernet cable only goes for lets say 5 feet from the modem to the computer, how is CAT7 practically any better than CAT5e (you are nowhere near the capability of the CAT7 cable and well within the capability of the CAT5e and over 5 feet there should be no real interference that needs special shielding). And since I am not any sort of engineer, please refrain from all the technical jargon use.

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