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  1. I don't have an attitude. U do. All my posts, have been nice and to the point. I have no idea where you getting this "attitude" stuff from. Stop trying to start drama. It ain't that serious. This guy gets it. I don't want to be here, U don't want me to be here, and now everyone has to suffer. But apparently, this what Anet wants, so it will go down like this. Never thought of roaming like that, I thought it was just running around trying to 1v6 everyone like those warrior montage videos. Maybe I will look more into trying that, maybe I can farm a lot of stuff like this, thanks for the tip!
  2. Well, I never said I was farming a legendary, And I am not here to argue about what I "need" or not. Not going down that rabbit hole.I simply wanted to ask the WvW players, when is the best time/day to find zergs for WvW or how I can find one easier.
  3. That's the problem, I don't actually want to learn anything new, I just want to farm some pips (because I have to) and go back to PvE :pLearning to roam will require a huge amount of research, preparing new gear, and actually being good enough to kill people and take objectives. That is a massive time (and gold) investment, All for something that I get no enjoyment from, and will only do for a few hours. That's why its not really a realistic option. If I was actually invested in PvP, then sure. But Running with a zerg for a few hours will be all that I need, which Is why I ask when is the best time to zerg. Its not a matter of being scared or intimidated, I do not wish to learn PvP. It's not personal or anything, Its just not entertaining for me. I Play GW2 for the PvE mmorpg and it's simple as that. I am not a PvP gamer.
  4. I do not care about pvp. Unfortunately, Anet believe they can force PvEers to care about pvp, so they gate pve rewards behind pvp with no alternative to earn them. But in reality, the only thing this forces me to want to do, is uninstall the game, and play an actual enjoyable RPG. So good job Anet. This has forced me to become toxic, and join WvW squads just to tag objectives, then basically go afk, not because I'm actually toxic, but because I have literally zero clue what I'm doing to begin with, and jut want to get my rewards and scurry back to carebear land....Sorry. Ok lite trolling aside, I have been trying to find a squad or zerg for hours(days) and there is just no squads or tags up....ever. It's becoming a huge waste of time. I don't know the prime times for this gamemode. I (obviously) don't have the gear/skill/experience/willpower to just start roaming solo, so that is out of the question.Is there a reliable time or day I can come to WvW and actually find zergs doing stuff???? I just want to farm some pips/reward tracks, and head out, seriously.
  5. A general PSA on Dps meters: People who do not use meters, tend to not realize how unoptimized or poor their performance/rotations really are (because they literally can't track or see their dps...). They see big numbers and dish out spells constantly, but may not realize that they are not playing optimally, or are even getting carried by someone who is. I ran into his extremely often in my MMO career, and had this problem myself back in the day before I grew a pair and just started using meters myself to see why I got kicked when I thought or felt I was doing so well. I love games with built in meters (like BnS for example) because it FORCES the average player to become a BETTER player on average, because they can't choose to hide their own performance from themselves and others. Games without any sort of dps tracking usually have the biggest disparity between casual "scrub tier dps" players that THINK they're good, and the actual min/max hardcore base that do the math and track their dps. If you are someone who do not use meters, just use one and see for yourself in a real dungeon scenario how you actually preform (not on training dummies). You may be surprised at how sloppy you truly play in a real scenario, on how missing one or 2 spells or slacking on a bust window drastically drops your DPS results. If you want to do the hardest content in any game, then you are have to realize you are constantly competing with the top base for your spot in the party, this is the simple reality in any multiplayer game. If you don't want to deal with the gripes/toxicity that naturally comes with the territory, I suggest you stick to doing more causal content, and there is nothing wrong with that. This type of playstyle environment simply isn't for everyone, and a lot of people who like MMOs don't realize this and blame every problem they face on "blind toxicity from elitists".
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