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Posts posted by Luka.3291

  1. Loved the clips! Just got back to gw2 and it's weird seeing so many staff ele's lately. Before I quit, people cringed over the thought about running staff on ele and I remember it being one of the worst weapon combos out there. Have things changed since? Is staff actually viable these days or is it still a meme build? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Math.5123 said:

    Trapper dh is a pretty good build in ranked as it farms enemies rather fast, I would not run it in coordinated games however, as it drastically falls off vs players with their dodge key bound.


    Guard is extremely good in pve content. You can play power DH (even with longbow if you enjoy that, you'll lose about 3k dps over sword).

    Condi firebrand is also a top-tier dps build.

    Quickness firebrand is also meta just about everywhere, a dps/support build which outdps' most pure dps builds out there.


    As for wvw, DH is actually a pretty strong roamer as wvw fixes the shortcomings that you have in pvp. You can hit upwards of 16k Trueshots while sitting on 14k health with quickness sigils.


    If you have any questions about builds, let me know. 


    Awesome, thanks for the input! Are there other viable Guardian builds in pvp that are not trapper DH's? I mean, I love the trapper spec but it's nice with build variety as I mostly play pvp. Cheers

  3. Hey guys!

    I just got back  to GW2 2 weeks ago and have been experimenting with which profession I want to deep dive into and call my main since. I’ve never really played Guardian until recently and after some sPvP matches I’m in love with DH (trapper). Love the burst and longbow skills, it feels so good when you pull off something semi-skillful.

    My question is whether my isolated experience with the class has given me a false hope for the prof, or if it actually is this good? I’ve heard that the DH trapper build is generally nooby and doesn’t work with more experienced players, but what should I run instead in spvp / wvw for roaming? FB condi builds for roaming seems a bit weird imho.

    Also on this note, which is the Guardian PvE DPS meta build atm? Condi burn FB? 

    Many thanks!

  4. Hey guys!

    I've been playing for about 2 months now and today I noticed some crazy artefacts in-game out of nowhere.

    This got me worried so I DDU uninstalled my gpu drivers in safe mode and downloaded the latest ones. I also reset my gpu overclock and tried starting gw2 again... well, noticed some black artifacts once again.

    Pictures (the green and pink box are from the artifacts...):https://imgur.com/XKeZC62https://imgur.com/a/4I93w

    I've had my GTX 1080 ASUS STRIX since last year and had 0 problems with overclocking and temps. Temps are always under 55 degrees.

    Could this be a software error with GW2 or a hardware problem? I'm not noticing it in other games.

    What do you think guys? Please help my stressed soul out :(

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