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Posts posted by Fosio.8217

  1. @"maddoctor.2738" said:"Best" is subjective, for me it is the "best" mmorpg because it's the one I'm currently playing. If I found another mmorpg to be "best" then I'd be playing that other mmorpg... why would anyone play/enjoy a game that they think it's inferior to another one, just play the better one. At least that's how I roll, others might enjoy playing something they don't like.

    Best is subjective only when analyzed as a singular opinion. If it collides with similar views from other individuals, then it generates general consensus and thus, is no longer subjective and pertaining to only one individual but IS a form of truth for a group of people.

  2. @suitedsaskia.6803 said:Need more customer creation at least 50- 100 hair styles per race. Wrinkles, moles wider range of tattooes, skin tone. Why does a axe have more skin styles then a sylvari hair.... So stupid

    Yes for more customization for character creation but not done as in 1999. I need to see dysmorphia and the ability to create a character who's missing a limb or has a specific tilting/ arching.What's the point of adding wrinkles if your Gandalf walks upright ?

  3. As soon as I was in the character selection screen I realized something was off, since, magically my previously deleted character made a return.I've lost so much account progress, materials and map resources I gather on a daily basis on multiple characters...This is insane!Got a rare drop at Tequatl as well but an ascended weapon box is the least of my problems when I think of all the rest of achievements and mats.

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