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Posts posted by Nubarus.9268

  1. 35 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    Yes. That way, the cosmetics are locked behind, you know, in-game content. 

    Is it really so difficult for you to even fathom that it might feel better to earn rewards rather than buy them?

    That it might be fun to engage in an activity that isn't optimized to generate gold, and yet to feel rewarded all the same because you're getting a nice looking weapon or armor piece that was specifically designed as a reward for that activity, rather than being yet another store item?

    I would rather choose myself what I want to do instead of having to pay monthy for content that makes me jump through certian hoops to get something I want. as I said, there are enough collections in the game to go after if you like that sort of thing. If they lock everything behind collections and being forced to play certain elements of the game just to get a skin I would not play this game at all. I hate being forced to play just because I keep paying for it every month or else it's the same as just burning your money every month. I bet there are enough games out there that already take your money every month, don't turn GW2 into one as well.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/1/2021 at 7:51 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

    Unpopular, I know. 

    But a sub-based GW2 would mean that all the amazing mounts and sets that have been released over the years would be earnable in game, by completing achievements, dungeons, raids or PvP feats instead of...bought with real life money, or gold grinded by following a zerg of 40+ players circling on the same map for hours.

    I love GW2. But it does feel pointless sometimes. The feeling of logging in and wondering what to do is a very common feedback among people who've stopped playing GW2.


    I just wish more rewards were unlockable in game. Sadly, this can't happen with their current business model, and to me that's a shame.

    So instead of spending less money buying gems you want to spend more money in subscriptions just so you can earn the same skins in game by playing. There are enough achievements in the game to chase besides skins or grind for gold. Focus on them instead.

    • Like 3
  3. @Joote.4081 said:

    @Joote.4081 said:I have nothing against desert or jungle areas it's just I don't think HOT nor POF were designed with a mmo play style in mind. More like something you might expect from a single player exploration game.

    That I fully disagree with. HoT is entirely designed around multiplay far more than solo play with group events, group hero points, stringer mobs etc. Dragons Stand alone is clearly not a solo map. It is very mmo

    HoT is still pretty well populated for that very reason whilst PoF is a lot sparser because it is more solo orientated - or less geared to repeatable content

    Ultimately the reductions in population are due to the spread of people to a lot of game areas and a focus on newer content.

    But baffled by the Grenade launcher issue - not heard that complaint before. Can you elaborate?

    More creatures then ever can spit, gob out and hurl stuff at you. So I dodge right into another telegraph, dodge again right into another one, knock down, and so it goes on. I don't know about you but I find this sort of thing boring. And like I said, by this time it's brought all it's family and friends to join in with the lobbing stuff.

    I simply plow through these mobs with ease. If you play roaming PvE you must focus on dealing massive AoE dmg as well as CC skills, condition removal and rapid self healing and you can clean up these mobs with little to no issues.

    Don't get me wrong. In most cases I take on the army of gob throwing bugs/sniper Jedi's/ robot rollerblades and come out victorious. The question here was did I enjoy the encounter? Most definitely not. Why? Because it feels more like the game spamming/ cheating me than it does a encounter.

    Your winning, spawn more enemy's. Your winning, nuke the player from orbit. Your winning, spam knockdown/daze/cripple. Your still winning, set auto target to target a bunny rabbit in another continent. You are still surviving, respawn everything you have killed up to that point. :)If the player is still alive then disable the 6 key.

    A couple of things that seem really deadly to me are the harpy's dome and, is it the priest that spawns that toxic ground? Those two I avoid like the plague. Anyone else find those two enemy aoe's deadly?

    As I said, I plow through them in just a few seconds. Mostly because my PvE builds are melee + ranged combo's so facing foes like the harpy domes or the toxic ground spells from priests don't bother me either. I simply swap to my ranged weapon and pelt them to death while dazing and interupting them. I simply adapt to the foes I face and swat them down like flies and move on.

    I think those two AOE are deadly to me due to my class 'Guardian'. Not being the most agile class I rely heavily on self healing. Those two effects tear through my health like a knife through butter so I always keep on the right side of them. Lately I have found tying them down works. Not giving them a chance to cast.

    I play guardian too, actually I play all 9 classes but have a few favorate ones. Atm the revenant renegade is my new favorate but my guardian most certainly makes the list too, next to the engineer scrapper, the ranger soulbeast, necromancer reaper and the elementalist tempest.. I play a sword/shield and scepter/torch firebrand at this time. I enjoys a lot of blocking, blinding and interupt as well as mass AoE. What draws me to the sword so much is the teleport/AoE blind skill that is boredeline OP when fighting mobs. The tome skills are great AoE dmg as well and since I use dmg healing it provides rapid healing as well.

  4. @battledrone.8315 said:

    @frareanselm.1925 said:The grenade issue is: how vines can have the intelligence to target you and throw you attacks? Like every kitten living being wants to kill you, its very annoying. Next step will be the grass will poison you.

    People said ( and still say) about Orr too. It's an end-game map, you can't just run from mobs. Fight or die.

    or simply uninstall and find another game. why does endgame have to be so different from the rest of it?

    The endgame of Gw2 is raids, not open world, and this game has always been labeled as casual friendly.

    most of base game is casual, the expansions certainly arent. and if they launch on steam in this state, the reviews are gonna tare them to pieces.

    If you keep complaining about the current game's state (that has been in that state for many years now) and keep writing about quitting the game instead of learning it (
    ), then why are you still here, playing the game? I can't imagine the game reverting its difficulty levels to the starting maps, it would be pretty stupid and boring.

    i havent played for over 6 months now. and people still claim that this is a casual game, when only the start of it is .there is a name for that: BAIT AND SWITCH!!. have fun with the next round of DRMs.before the expansions, i was praising the game, and trying to get my buddies to play it too.now its the exact opposite. imagine buying a western book, and the last half of it is sci fi. same deal.the core game had one audience, the expansions are for a completely different type of players.its basically 2 DIFFERENT GAMES. that would only make sense for those , who DIDNT like the first part.core lovers dont get any expansions. and you have a game without a start. BRILLIANT

    A vast majority of the GW2 players found the core story and game way to easy and were asking for more challenges, if they didn't add more challenges as the players were asking for this would be a dead game right now.

  5. @Joote.4081 said:

    @Joote.4081 said:I have nothing against desert or jungle areas it's just I don't think HOT nor POF were designed with a mmo play style in mind. More like something you might expect from a single player exploration game.

    That I fully disagree with. HoT is entirely designed around multiplay far more than solo play with group events, group hero points, stringer mobs etc. Dragons Stand alone is clearly not a solo map. It is very mmo

    HoT is still pretty well populated for that very reason whilst PoF is a lot sparser because it is more solo orientated - or less geared to repeatable content

    Ultimately the reductions in population are due to the spread of people to a lot of game areas and a focus on newer content.

    But baffled by the Grenade launcher issue - not heard that complaint before. Can you elaborate?

    More creatures then ever can spit, gob out and hurl stuff at you. So I dodge right into another telegraph, dodge again right into another one, knock down, and so it goes on. I don't know about you but I find this sort of thing boring. And like I said, by this time it's brought all it's family and friends to join in with the lobbing stuff.

    I simply plow through these mobs with ease. If you play roaming PvE you must focus on dealing massive AoE dmg as well as CC skills, condition removal and rapid self healing and you can clean up these mobs with little to no issues.

    Don't get me wrong. In most cases I take on the army of gob throwing bugs/sniper Jedi's/ robot rollerblades and come out victorious. The question here was did I enjoy the encounter? Most definitely not. Why? Because it feels more like the game spamming/ cheating me than it does a encounter.

    Your winning, spawn more enemy's. Your winning, nuke the player from orbit. Your winning, spam knockdown/daze/cripple. Your still winning, set auto target to target a bunny rabbit in another continent. You are still surviving, respawn everything you have killed up to that point. :)If the player is still alive then disable the 6 key.

    A couple of things that seem really deadly to me are the harpy's dome and, is it the priest that spawns that toxic ground? Those two I avoid like the plague. Anyone else find those two enemy aoe's deadly?

    As I said, I plow through them in just a few seconds. Mostly because my PvE builds are melee + ranged combo's so facing foes like the harpy domes or the toxic ground spells from priests don't bother me either. I simply swap to my ranged weapon and pelt them to death while dazing and interupting them. I simply adapt to the foes I face and swat them down like flies and move on.

  6. @Joote.4081 said:

    @Joote.4081 said:I have nothing against desert or jungle areas it's just I don't think HOT nor POF were designed with a mmo play style in mind. More like something you might expect from a single player exploration game.

    That I fully disagree with. HoT is entirely designed around multiplay far more than solo play with group events, group hero points, stringer mobs etc. Dragons Stand alone is clearly not a solo map. It is very mmo

    HoT is still pretty well populated for that very reason whilst PoF is a lot sparser because it is more solo orientated - or less geared to repeatable content

    Ultimately the reductions in population are due to the spread of people to a lot of game areas and a focus on newer content.

    But baffled by the Grenade launcher issue - not heard that complaint before. Can you elaborate?

    More creatures then ever can spit, gob out and hurl stuff at you. So I dodge right into another telegraph, dodge again right into another one, knock down, and so it goes on. I don't know about you but I find this sort of thing boring. And like I said, by this time it's brought all it's family and friends to join in with the lobbing stuff.

    I simply plow through these mobs with ease. If you play roaming PvE you must focus on dealing massive AoE dmg as well as CC skills, condition removal and rapid self healing and you can clean up these mobs with little to no issues.

  7. @"scerevisiae.1972" said:doesn't need to stick. if you can buy it for real money, and the item/upgrade is not purely cosmetic, it's a pay-to-win item/upgrade by definition, even if the "win" impact appears small.

    most people would say just being able to purchase gold for real money automatically makes a game P2W.

    P2W is so common in the games industry today that expect all the white knighting is from younger players who are just used to it.

    Most people you say? So far I do not see most people agree with your claims at all so where are all these so called "most people" you talk about?

  8. @scerevisiae.1972 said:

    @Nubarus.9268 said:So how is a bigger bank or bag space going to make you win over other players? Those are easy to obtain with game gold exchange when they are on sale to begin with. So we are so called white knight defenders for not seeing how those are pay2win? I never spend real money in the gems store, yet I have extra bank tabs, more resource space, extra shared inventory space as well as unlimited harvest tools. So explain to me how that is pay2win for having these none cosmetic items I obtained with game gold vs someone who used real money................

    more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious.

    i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win.

    whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.

    Less bank and bag space, means you sell stuff more and have more gold. I had less gold when I had more bank space because I saved more stuff. When I run out of space, I start making money. Thus not pay to win.

    some trumpian levels of logic there.

    Not really, Before I expanded my material storage and bank tabs I sold way more materials than I do now. Now I tend to hoard stuff until I reach max capacity and even then sometimes move it to the bank tabs to hoard even more. Once I am getting low on bank space I start selling stuff. Your P2W claims are falling short and you just keep repeating the same things over and over hoping it will stick.

  9. @scerevisiae.1972 said:

    @Nubarus.9268 said:So how is a bigger bank or bag space going to make you win over other players? Those are easy to obtain with game gold exchange when they are on sale to begin with. So we are so called white knight defenders for not seeing how those are pay2win? I never spend real money in the gems store, yet I have extra bank tabs, more resource space, extra shared inventory space as well as unlimited harvest tools. So explain to me how that is pay2win for having these none cosmetic items I obtained with game gold vs someone who used real money................

    more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious.

    i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win.

    whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.

    You know what's a bad argument?Arguing that QoL stuff is P2W.It actually lose you gold, it doesn't earn you gold, in most cases.Take the gems you were about to spend on QoL and Gem>Gold and for most players there's more profit in this.QoL is simply to make the game less tedious.Are they creating problems to sell solutions? Oh yea 100%. Does that make it Pay 2 Win .. Nope ..This is needed in a game with no sub fee. Everyone can easily earn those items with gold over time.And here's my question for you. Because I've seen this a million times from people arguing it's pay2win.Why are you complaining about QoL items, instead of bringing up the fact that the game straight up SELLS YOU GOLD.I don't get it. You complain about QoL making the process of earning gold easier, but you never bring up the fact that you can buy gold.But then you would have to switch focus on something actually being P2W .. There isn't any.You say it's pay2win if you earn gold faster (in most cases you lose gold) but i'll play along ..What can you get with said gold that makes you win?I'm waiting ..

    it's only quality of life if it's FREE and given to everybody, eg: reducing harvest times across the board is an example of QoL.

    Anet do not do QoL changes, they deliberately make something painful so they can sell items (P2W) to decrease the painfulness, eg: placing bank a long way from BLTC in Lion's arch and then selling access to prestige trading hubs, portable banks & BLTC merchants.

    game is rife with P2W, it's literally everywhere. it's not super obnoxious P2W like a BLTC sword that instakills, but it's definitely P2W.

    I still see no valid arguement for your pay2win claims. You just keep rambling on about the same things but none of them help you win anything.

  10. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Nubarus.9268 said:So how is a bigger bank or bag space going to make you win over other players? Those are easy to obtain with game gold exchange when they are on sale to begin with. So we are so called white knight defenders for not seeing how those are pay2win? I never spend real money in the gems store, yet I have extra bank tabs, more resource space, extra shared inventory space as well as unlimited harvest tools. So explain to me how that is pay2win for having these none cosmetic items I obtained with game gold vs someone who used real money................

    more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious.

    i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win.

    whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.

    You have a skewered idea of what pay2win is. If it gives you a combat advantage over other players whom havent bought it, then its pay2win.At most ascended stuff is the biggest noticeable upgrade for your character. If you buy gold with intention on making it fast, then it could be construed as pay2win. But most ascended gear is easy to get outside crafting these days.Extra coniviences is not p2w. Look at the copperfed salvageomatic. Or unlimited gathering tools, would you seriously claim those are pay2win stuff?

    Yes ofcourse they would someone with those tools and salvager can run around harvest and fight forever and not having to visit a merchant once.Throw in a

    And they can sell from everywere aswell.

    Anyone can sell from anywhere on the map, just not pick up the cash but you can always do that later so what are you talking about? And we still have to find merchants to sell junk drops to but they are all over the maps anyway. PS: I got over 100 of them personal delivery portals in my bank but never bought one in the gems store ever. I also never use them since I pick up my sales at any other time since many maps have a trader npc...........

    FirstThat one is from a achievement and you can use it in a shared slot and sell junk without going anywere since it acts like a merchant for ecto gambling.So I very much dont think you have 100s of it.SecondSelling on the trading post and selling to a merchant is not the same thing, you have a chance of your things never selling unless you sell instantly and make the trading post barons happy.

    Ok fine, I mixed it up with the one use Merchant Express that I have over 100 of but never bought any. I also didn't say 100s but over 100. I am well aware that selling to the merchant and selling to the black lion trader is not the same thing, I fail to see how you even came up with the idea that I think it is..................You can open the black lion trade anywhere on the map and sell your stuff at all times, just not pick up your cash. That is what I said. I list many items and materials every week and they always sell, I only sell instantly if the price difference is 1 or 2 copper, otherwise I list and it will sell. I have made the vast majority of my gold doing this over the years. I salvage most of my loot, use the materials I need for crafting and sell the rest on the black lion market. I see now I thought it was a black lion access item since I didn't bother to open the link in the first place. You sure love to drag in every available item to try and prove how terrible this game is when it comes to a pay2win system. Even achievement items are included...............geez

  11. @Linken.6345 said:

    @"Nubarus.9268" said:So how is a bigger bank or bag space going to make you win over other players? Those are easy to obtain with game gold exchange when they are on sale to begin with. So we are so called white knight defenders for not seeing how those are pay2win? I never spend real money in the gems store, yet I have extra bank tabs, more resource space, extra shared inventory space as well as unlimited harvest tools. So explain to me how that is pay2win for having these none cosmetic items I obtained with game gold vs someone who used real money................

    more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious.

    i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win.

    whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.

    You have a skewered idea of what pay2win is. If it gives you a combat advantage over other players whom havent bought it, then its pay2win.At most ascended stuff is the biggest noticeable upgrade for your character. If you buy gold with intention on making it fast, then it could be construed as pay2win. But most ascended gear is easy to get outside crafting these days.Extra coniviences is not p2w. Look at the copperfed salvageomatic. Or unlimited gathering tools, would you seriously claim those are pay2win stuff?

    Yes ofcourse they would someone with those tools and salvager can run around harvest and fight forever and not having to visit a merchant once.Throw in a

    And they can sell from everywere aswell.

    Anyone can sell from anywhere on the map, just not pick up the cash but you can always do that later so what are you talking about? And we still have to find merchants to sell junk drops to but they are all over the maps anyway. PS: I got over 100 of them personal delivery portals in my bank but never bought one in the gems store ever. I also never use them since I pick up my sales at any other time since many maps have a trader npc...........

  12. @scerevisiae.1972 said:

    @Nubarus.9268 said:So how is a bigger bank or bag space going to make you win over other players? Those are easy to obtain with game gold exchange when they are on sale to begin with. So we are so called white knight defenders for not seeing how those are pay2win? I never spend real money in the gems store, yet I have extra bank tabs, more resource space, extra shared inventory space as well as unlimited harvest tools. So explain to me how that is pay2win for having these none cosmetic items I obtained with game gold vs someone who used real money................

    more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious.

    i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win.

    whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.

    That is such a bad arguement that it´s just hilarious. Bag space is easy to manage if you carry salvage kits with you since you can salvage and deposit from any location on the map and random merchants ar all over the place to sell your junk. You can even sell loot in the black lion trade and pick it up later. The yelow, green and blue unidentified items that you loot can stack to 250 per slot too so that is 3 slots that can hold 250 each, same for loot bags that foes drop. Your arguement is based on lack of knowledge or just being lazy. I still do not see how convenience is pay2win..............

  13. @soultysugar.5764 said:Mounts bring functionality game wide and locking it behind very specific type of content, that truly appeals only for some players is bad game design. I don't have any of the new mounts not because i don't need or want them, or they're expensive, but because i can't bring myself to do all the things i consider extremely tedious and boring in order to unlock them. Lock skins for them behind such content, but locking the mount itself is... bad.

    The only thing you have to do is follow the story and explore the maps. Once you get to the ranch you do the heart and buy a saddle. With the 4 basic mounts you have enough functionality game wide. I didn't really find any of the Griffon, Rollerbeetle or Skyscale collections extremely tedious and boring. Maybe it's because I was not fixating on racing to the finish to get them but was simply doing the tasks in between the stories and mapping. But to each their own.

  14. @Westenev.5289 said:

    @Westenev.5289 said:Looking back, mount collection wasn't all that fun. Even if I snuck onto the bunny ranch or the floating djinn castle, I couldn't collect the mount until I had a lv 3 mastery in the previous mount. Exploration turned into xp grind as I searched for events to level my masteries.

    Given how (in hindsight) a lot of the easier and visable masteries are locked behind jackal portal jumping, this wasn't a fun experience.

    Not sure how anyone elses experience compares.

    I had zero issues with it since you can obtain plenty of mastery points and xp comes anyway while you do story, events and explore the new maps. If you are in a Guild with a Guildhall with a Tavern upgrade you can obtain a 10% xp boost on all xp. You can also get an Ascended amulet with a 20% xp Enrichment on it so that is a 30% flat xp boost on all xp without that much effort.

    I should note, my experience was back in 2017 when there were no guides or PoF living world episodes. The story practically stopped at the bunny ranch until you could find some exp and the few mastery points that weren't soft-locked by sand portals, "meta events", or impossibly high jumps.

    The fact I did it means it's doable, and it's probably much easier today with Lws4, but I didn't have a lot of fun doing the "mount grind" back then.

    Seems a bit odd since you can obtain 4 easy to aquire mastery points in the Crystal Oasis and do the story up to the High Jump Ranch should have given you 6 mastery points straight up so I completely fail to see how you could not get a Raptor lvl 3 before arriving there. (Harbor, Chef, Roof top and the Memory Puzzle) There are also the Raptor treat collection to bring the total to 5 so it seems like you just rushed through the Crystal Oasis to get to the High Jump Ranch to me............ Btw, I did the whole PoF story at the time of release so I had no help from guides either. The only help I got was when I asked for some either in guild chat or map chat.

  15. @Westenev.5289 said:Looking back, mount collection wasn't all that fun. Even if I snuck onto the bunny ranch or the floating djinn castle, I couldn't collect the mount until I had a lv 3 mastery in the previous mount. Exploration turned into xp grind as I searched for events to level my masteries.

    Given how (in hindsight) a lot of the easier and visable masteries are locked behind jackal portal jumping, this wasn't a fun experience.

    Not sure how anyone elses experience compares.

    I had zero issues with it since you can obtain plenty of mastery points and xp comes anyway while you do story, events and explore the new maps. If you are in a Guild with a Guildhall with a Tavern upgrade you can obtain a 10% xp boost on all xp. You can also get an Ascended amulet with a 20% xp Enrichment on it so that is a 30% flat xp boost on all xp without that much effort.

  16. @Mungrul.9358 said:OP, you'll never win this argument.The people who already have them will resent others being able to get them easier, and will make kitten sure to make that opinion known.

    ANet isn't interested in lowering the material costs, because they know that for players who have less time to play, often the resource grind will drive them to the gem store to bypass it.

    And more insidiously, ANet isn't interested in lowering the time it takes, as that may leave the player enough time to step away from GW2 and play something else, which is time they're not exposed to GW2's FOMO (fear of missing out).

    The materials you need for the mount saddles cannot be bought in the gems store so that is not even an issue so it will drive nobody to the gems store to bypass it. You cannot buy anything in the gems store to bypass the needed materials in the gems store at all. All you can get there is mount skins. Clearly anyone who is saying it's a grind to collect the map resources has not done any map currency gathering until they got to the saddle collection. So if you spend the time gated bits with doing just some gathering you will have all the needed materials to get your saddle without grinding for them.

  17. @Mortifera.6138 said:You’re not “stuck at level 80”, you have to level masteries too.

    It sounds like he skipped that part and went straight to PoF. I find it very helpful to have Nuhoch Stealth Detection in PoF maps so I can still see those snipers and other foes that use stealth. Without that HoT mastery getting pelted by multiple Forged snipers you cannot see or attack would be a real nightmare.

  18. If you gather all the materials there is no price difference. Your entire arguement is based on if you buy all the ascended materials in the black lion player controlled trade market. I crafted 5 characters in full ascended gear and did not buy anything from the black lion trade, only the things I needed from the crafting npc's. I crafted 2 heavy, 1 medium and 2 light armors + all weapons. I paid the same amount of gold for all of em.

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