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Posts posted by Abazigal.3679

  1. There's a part of nostalgia and " it was better in the past too ". GW1 was a great game for sure, but in addition :

    • probably many players were " younger " , between 15 and 25, at that time. You're not considering things same when you're at school than when you're " adult "
    • there weren't many MMO's at that time, nor simply online games. It was PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era, you hardly did find many games that would offer an online part. No phones. You had a few MMO's out ( Everquest, WoW, Eve,..) and that was it. Even regarding FPS games, you had very few ones. Basically, most " online " players would play an MMO.

    It was a time where there were very few alternatives and games, and thus experiences felt unique. Today, it's hard to say one game is great or not, because you have a ton of games in comparison.

  2. To answer both posts above : the condition overload is also the problem and what is going to kill " easily " low experienced players. If you get insta dodges, full clones or full bunker sitting home with very few damage, it's not going to do much since you won't have any impact on the game, andpeople hardly gonna 3v1 a far point they don't hold, even beginners.However, i'm pretty sure the scourge bots or mirage bots are able to win 1v2 or even 1v3 in bronze or low silver, and that's a huge problem to me. These builds might have something to change if they're so easy to play a bot can have 50% win rate with them.

  3. @Deimos.4263 said:These bots have a winrate of 44-48%, which isn't bad considering they are literally smashing buttons mindlessly....and which also suggests who you are teamed with matters as much or more than your own ability.

    Which is also indicating quite a problem. In GW1, bots used to be really annoying because they would run 8 interupt skills and you couldn't do anything. Now, if you tell me bots have approx 50% win rate by running mirage or scourge, going straight to the same point and spamming skills on recharge, i believe there is an issue somewhere..

  4. I'd be interested to know though how far could bots go. However, i'm not sure bots could run anything else than holding sides 1v1 on mirage, scourge straight running to mid spamming aoe randomly, or eventually DH guard/trap ranger spamming traps and blocks on recharge.

    I mean, we all know condi spamming works quite well until a certain level, but anything else would be totally useless in my opinion.

  5. And why not adapting to the map, which isn't so bad, instead of thinking of nerfs.. I mean today you can win all maps by doing the same, running the same compo. Why not having a map where you can have alternative ways of winning and where some other builds would be rewarded ?

    In GW1 hall of heroes, you couldn't reroll during matchs, so you had to adapt your build thinking of deathmatch maps, relic running map, shrine capping map, holding matchs, 3v3 maps etc.. Now we have the ability to reroll/adapt builds regarding the map, and people refuse to adapt to relic running. That's a bit strange..

  6. @Redead.3016 said:

    @Redead.3016 said:4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.

    I had liked your post, but gave up after read this 4th topic.What the kitten you trying to say there? "Stop focusing on competitiveness and make pvp casual"? It simply contradicted the rest of the post.

    Very few games ever had a primary focus on E-Sports and became the biggest E-Sports. If a developer has E-Sports in mind they lose focus on the actual game and lack on the creative abilities. Guild Wars 1 had 0 focus on E-Sports but the GvG became their primary E-Sports because it was fun not because they wanted it to become some sort of E-Sports phenomenon.

    You can't compare both since it was a totally different period. 15 years back then, you didn't have a lot of games with an " esport " objective and you didn't have that many games that could be played on the internet.

    Today, that's quite the opposite and most games can provide a competitive part. That being said, there are lot of similarities between games. Implementing GW1 features could be a risk considering people " seem " to appreciate having a cash shop , a casual competitive mode and a " top players " level. Sure it would attract veterans and GW1 players, but is that population big ?

    Considering Guild Wars 1 was the 2nd biggest selling MMO competing with the WoW release. I think there is a great chance it would boost sales and revive the dying PvP we see today. Its an easy port to get these game modes in the game and also can tie into the story already. Also your cash shop argument does not apply to making competitive PvP options. You do realize that GW1 had a cash shop?

    That's not what i meant actually. For sure i would like having GW1 back, but the point is more likely : would it be worth it in terms of population ?GW1 was 2nd or 3rd competing with WoW or EQ2, but it was 15 years ago when there were very few alternatives. Today you have a lot of games, most of them being based on a cosmetic cash shop ( GW1 didn't have a true cash shop properly said ), and a competitive mode clearly separating top level and the rest. Quite similar to GW2 model so far.

    For sure it would attract veterans and old GW1 players, but would it work on the new generation of gamers ? That would that would be a big risk and take a lot of development, and considering the time it takes to bring features such as swiss style rounds ( that existed in GW1), i doubt this could happen.

    I'd rather have actually GW1 features developped ( i.e turn Stronghold into GvG and swiss rounds AT's) instead of having GW1 ' remastered '

  7. @Redead.3016 said:

    @Redead.3016 said:4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.

    I had liked your post, but gave up after read this 4th topic.What the kitten you trying to say there? "Stop focusing on competitiveness and make pvp casual"? It simply contradicted the rest of the post.

    Very few games ever had a primary focus on E-Sports and became the biggest E-Sports. If a developer has E-Sports in mind they lose focus on the actual game and lack on the creative abilities. Guild Wars 1 had 0 focus on E-Sports but the GvG became their primary E-Sports because it was fun not because they wanted it to become some sort of E-Sports phenomenon.

    You can't compare both since it was a totally different period. 15 years back then, you didn't have a lot of games with an " esport " objective and you didn't have that many games that could be played on the internet.

    Today, that's quite the opposite and most games can provide a competitive part. That being said, there are lot of similarities between games. Implementing GW1 features could be a risk considering people " seem " to appreciate having a cash shop , a casual competitive mode and a " top players " level. Sure it would attract veterans and GW1 players, but is that population big ?

  8. I haven't play raids a lot, but i believe they're " almost " fine. What's missing to me is to have at least one or two wings that can eventually be done with random pug groups. To me, raids should be designed so 1st wing is rather " easy " and others are getting harder and require proper setups with proper tactics, including chances of failing.

    When i was playing GW1, you would still find pug groups that would have chances of finishing it, but it would take 2 hours with chances of failing, while a speedrun group would do it in 30 minutes. Now in raids, when i'm getting a look at LFG, i rarely ever see pug or training group only going to test some boss, these are only elite parties.

  9. We're hitting something else, which might be the " value of the drop ". That's pretty much the same in Diablo, the overabundance of gold and exotic/legendary items make it you don't even feel cool when you drop them. So basically, it ends up in praying to drop that one item out of 100000 which will make you happy, and then RNG gods are here.

    Right now, you have several very worthy items ( sam, rhendak signet,..) but the rest does consist upon a ton of RNG bags, giving other RNG bags, giving most of the time worthless items, even when these are exotics or gold. That's the issue to me, we need " intermediate " drops, in order to make these top drops less " RNG looking "

  10. @rank eleven monk.9502 said:

    @"cptaylor.2670" said:People far worse than me with a lot higher rating.Maybe this seems far-fetched and really unbelievable.. But, WHAT IF they are actually better than you, that's why they are on a lot higher rating, while you are just being biased and overrating yourself, leading to blame the system instead?

    Just wondering.

    The problem is how you define someone is " actually better ". Most of top100 players are good so i won't argue about these, but you have many players in gold 3/platinum that are good at playing scourge or mesmer, but have litterally no idea about some capture points basics. Alternatively, you have players in gold 1 that are playing a non-meta build but have good knowledge of map awareness.

  11. This is true for many games, but i hardly believe this is rigged ( although i'm experiencing these chains too sometimes). Pre-PoF, if i was given players that would follow my tactics and chat drawing, i would never lose more than 500-350 and matchs, loses included, were rather fun.The problem today it is complicated to make various tactics in chat, and the meta is way too boring and OP, it's fairly easy to get rolled in 15 seconds by scourges or mesmers and have players giving up and losing 500-50.

    But the system can't be deciding that x player is willing to afk/give up, x player isn't reading the chat,.. If you gave me these players ( pre-pof obviously), i'm pretty sure there would be no facerolls. So maybe i could have been losing 10 games consecutives, but i'm pretty sure it's less annoying when you lose them 500-450, than when you lose them 500-100 because of setups.

    What's an issue is that most of the components of chain wins/chain loses is that matchs aren't so fun to play. More likely the " terrible class balance " than a rigged matchmaking to me.

  12. No, they should develop GW2 the same way it is being done with WoW. It's a good game, and can have many patchs and expansions. Also, i don't believe new MMO's today would have the same success they had in the past, plus the main target would be people who played GW2/GW1, which would be on average in their early 30's.

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