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The Path Finder.3197

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Posts posted by The Path Finder.3197

  1. Jumping Puzzle Master Mode - Include a 2d tier into puzzles,

    Doing puzzles as they're presently done, = some meh rewards, however that is because many people are cheating with mesmer portals or bunny mounts etc.

    If puzzles had 2d mode, where it rewards insanely better if you do not use a mesmer portal, and increase the no mount zone radius.

    With a simple UI flick of a switch you can enter Jump Mode, which will make all puzzles harder and you have to keep this mode on until the end of the puzzle.

    Doing all jump puzzles like this will stand you the chance to potentially drop precursors or if you've completed them all you'd get a legendary jumping stick/mount that you can hop with, makes you glow and leaves a trail of bubbles as you hop forward, it will also be a "staff" and and you gain the Achievement "Afraid of Portals"

  2. Home instances to be accessible via the Guild's hall in form of Guild homes, thus if someone steps through a door/portal of door like you do when you enter the Guild's Iniative Office.

    Sounds Good?

    Alright, then if that is doable, instead of just "one door" in the guild and a long drop down menu, how about for each member who has a decently upgraded home instance, there will appear a new door for every 5-10 players, thus a "town grows" in a Guild Hall.

    Sounds Good?

    When one enters an instance, presently you can loot stuff in there from nodes etc. But what if you can have your prized armour displayed e.g. wep/armour and other skins? Kind of like you do in the single player, Skyrim game... but now you can have Guildies visit you and see your collections, achievements, etc on display - as they go mine from your nodes ^_^

    Obviously the easy access might make node farming too easy to do, so I would suggest a nerf/limit as to how many "homes" you can go loot from at a time. Perhaps 1 a day and you can't go to the same home in e.g. in a week's time, as a guildy - (the door might display as opened, and closed for not yet visited ones) thus promoting players to visist each other's homes... making a community and a more lively Guild.

    I would also suggest if you have a lv40+ guild hall, that this will then be possible and that as your guildies develop their homes and they gain more nodes etc... so too does the broken parts of a guild repair (that broken stuff that's not part of normal upgrades.)

    If you kick or remove a member perhaps due to afk for a long time etc... him leaving will effect the cosmetic look by the % he added to the better looking guild.

    Since this is now a lively town that people pop into all the time, I would like to add the cherry on top of the cake... by requesting that in a max level market in the guild's market area, to have a Tradepost that functions like the cities' tradepost to be usable, even if rate limited daily, to still promote city trade post... (There's already a personal bank and materials bank at the scribe staytion... )

    Also, part of the the growing home's cosmetic effect is to restore the use of "profession's" equipment, e.g. anvil, forge, wepsmith etc. Since scribe's have their thingy at the workshop, it will be great if a "lively" high level guild has crafting staytions in the market - only if the Guild is lively enough would enough "quality" homes in it. Repping will effect where the homes appear...

  3. I've read all the comments and I think 500 limit is fine, since its the elected wvwers of your guild, for the alliance. Hopefully wvwers can be approved by officers... before being let into the guild's wvw section. If guild members WvW Levels would display in theguild's wvw tab & "alliance panel" it would also be useful. Oh and who has commander tags... Also when someone applies for the wvw section of a guild, can they tick for small scale fights or large scale fights? So that you'd know in a more convenient manner if its roamer types or zergers... and so that an Alliance Marshal can view the stats of an allied Guild, to know if they need more blobbies or roamers, etc.

    I'm really curious as to the New Guild UIs & Alliance UI...

    Also since wvw is sort of messy at the moment, would Anent consider making transfers free, at the present moment, in order for Guilds to start pulling their members to their servers? If they're full they can move their guild to a smaller server until they have all their members with them... to start "helping" form alliances, recruit... if you're a new wvw guild, since people you find open world has a hard time joining you unless they have a free transfer. Especially for those who want to get into wvw now and breath new life into it. (While we wait for the wvw aliance update.)

    Maybe a Free transfer every 8 weeks, until the new system?

  4. Excuse me 500 alliance cap? You must be joking - As a PvX guild, often at those numbers...

    I don't want my non wvwers, affecting the "alliance's count" please - do add an 11th rank to guilds, so that it can be dually held e.g. a player can be assigned two ranks.

    If I have 500 players I might have 50-100 wvwers, rest are raiders or pvpers or fractals etc, of which are active, ideally, but I would like to co-ordinate with an alliance of guild/s, I'd like the ability to "allow a member to join my wvw roster of my guild, which will effect my & partners alliance." e.g. If for example 10 of my wvw players afks mid season for two weeks, or 20 decides its time to do a new living story... hopefully the server pulls in public during que time, that is not in guilds/alliance.

    So I would like the ability to approve my wvw pool in my roster, if I prefer new, casual or veterans, or mixed. I'd like to assign them our "guild's wvw" rank, which will allow them to join our guild's alliance. I as a guild leader & potentially a wvw alliance general or elected marshal of an alliance - would like the ability to choose the guild/s and view their credentials/goal.

    I'd like the ability to choose on behalf of my guild - the direction or style it will be, after all, I recruit like minded players to work towards a common cause.

    Presently "servers" lack freedom, "other than expensive" gem transfers - of some hardcore guilds who drop to lowby servers to stack and uplift them then flip them later when they migrate again to make them enemies... which is not cool.

    What I would like to see is the ability of freedom to choose, your guild that you join should have an agenda, are you a newby wvw friendly guild? or are you a casual wvw guild, hardcore - or mixed?

    Knowing the "purpose" will help me as a guild leader... make friends/allies with other like minded guilds like in a game of CiV5... my nation becomes friends with nations who share goals etc.

    There must be a LFG system for wvw guilds, plus ability for players to choose preference. There must be then too, for guild leaders, a LFG to find matching style pref/alliances.

    Now, there's "open communities" larger than 500 players, but not all of them play same time ... I am not gonna advocate for them, that's their problem.

    I do see a problem if there's more than 500 players/spread across a few guilds who "make" up a present server - who are* presently allies/friends with each other. I mean lets say there's a player cap of x on a server, surely the alliance should have the ability to reach the potential of maxing of 2/3 out on all maps/excluding the public" randoms who will fill up 1/3... if there's such ambition?

    It will be harder to topple such alliance... but they do rise and fall, looks at EvE, and its something to work towards to build. Stronghold kingdoms have a good system for "alliances" with Marshals, "guilds" and voting. (although) voting a guild leader out was not cool haha.

    A guild leader should be able to say ok, I want to be hardcore or casual or mixed, or I am a vet wanting to help to new players learn.

    I think larger Alliance cap will be better say 1000 players, then the rest can be made up of public guildless players, or non alliance guilds or or smaller alliances. (consider not all 1000 players will be in wvw all the time, afks, life, doing other content, etc.)

    I think every 8 weeks your guild should have the ability to vote in the alliance who the alliance guilds are, who the marshal is, AND here's the thing... the guild leader sets the guild's "vibe" and direction, which mean, for an alliance to form he will have partners who are like minded/share play style that he wishes to vote for... lets say I find 5 guilds, together we make up 1000 players... (obviously not all logged in same time zone or even online) you get people who take breaks you know, but any way...

    Lets say my guild chooses to be mixed (not hardcore) not newby and not casual but balanced, we'd like the ability to vote - for the "mission" of an alliance... at the 8 week reset, when a "servers" reset, the alliance guild leaders should get a way to 1.) stay together, 2.) who the allied guilds are, 3.) what we want in the alliance.

    Perhaps we want an all hardcore alliance, or an all newby alliance, or an all casual alliance, or "mixed" meaning - when a guild applies to an alliance they must indicate - are they casual, newb, hardcores, or mixed. The alliance should be able to choose ok we want two hardcore guilds, a casual one and a new one - cause new people need to be trained, you can't just stack max hardcore and expect to maintain it... unless you grow by name attracting other hardcores from other guilds alliances.

    So, as a guild I'd like the ability to set a wvw rank(which a member must accept or decline), which gets flagged as my wvw member "count," then I want those members to vote - do they want to be in a new player friendly alliance, a casual one or a hardcore one, or mixed one. But this will not take the final decision away from the guild leader, who can set the mood and say no direction we're going is towards casual and not just "new" or hardcore... as an recruitment "policy" - not based on present player's "skill rank". But in order to make that choice he will need a majority of wvwer's who meet said rank, e.g hardcores level 350+ must be 2/3 of the wvw rank to enable it.

    The guild leader then chooses his guild's "policy" perhaps "hardcore" which then displays in an alliance preference panel, for other guild leaders in the alliance to see - so they'd know who they be climbing into bed with. + it will display what guildies voted for vs what a guild leader decided.

    So lets say guildies voted hardcore (cause obviously newbs won't be voting for hardcore/or have the option to due to low rank... ) and the guild leader decided, hardcore way to go... then lets say we want to join a hardcore alliance, either we need to form one with the agenda set - for hardcore, by being the founding marshal, but the other 5 guilds will have a say in the final "mission" agenda, and then before the alliance initiates - based on the vote tally you can choose to make the alliance official or decline due to diff views of style.

    So lets say members hardcore vote, guild leader wanted hardcore, and we either made or joined an established hardcore alliance, and all 5 guilds/or majority voted hardcore, and the minority did not withdraw, then the alliance forms. Now the Marshal can for example who been "voted" for implement this vision. Knowing the other guilds are backing this vision...

    An hardcore alliance will get pitted against other hardcore alliances... e.g. the present GvG folk, but now in a bigger community, with "voted on wvw guild pride+alliance common vision/goal pride." to become AvAs. Here stacking is fine as they will fight stacked opponents. being in a hardcore alliance = better rewards, leader boards, etc. Casual and mixed will have no leader board, but normal present day wvw rewards pips/etc.

    Also the ability for players to vote - for which mode they prefer will be limited to their wvw level. e.g. a level 1 can't troll and vote his hardcore ready, and level 800s can't vote they want to be in a "new friendly"(unless in minority) of a player guild, but as high levels in majorit they can either vote for hardcore, casual(no leader board) or just mixed*(mix includes new players) - mixed will be similar to how servers work today, casuals play in mixed mode, so do hardcores and new. As you gotta recruit eh and teach do open squads to win hearts of new recruits?

    I don't think "new guilds" will mind fighting other new guilds... as they need to build halls, learn and train people.

    Since there's resets every 8 weeks and hopefully by that time if enough of them reached say level 50-100, to gain casual vote... majority vote allows for for "lower levels" to be pulled "up" into more xpd alliance - its your own problem if you allow "lowby players/friends" - then you as a GM need to be aware your guild's limit is casual - ideal for a mixed server alliance match up.

    I really do think you need a new, casual, hardcore "match up system - and a mixed pool, with varying pros and cons.

    This will allow new players to not to feel like people are toxic and excluding them with closed tags, and casual or roamers or those who enjoy open tags in mixed servers (no leader board pressure) and less chance of coming up against stacked players, as often enough "elites" can't get some items or stay on leader boards... if they play mixed often... which kinda separates the varying skill types but still allow freedom to move between the systems.

    On a side note RP is not my thing, but if server effects your "zone" and they want to "run into other RPers... perhaps adding an RP menu under H, to "enable RP" which will group you more onto open world RP maps won't be a bad thing, you can still - swop instances if you join squads or parties of your guild, and if you turn off "RP" tagged you will more likely get put in pve with your guild and alliance on maps :)

    RP tag, will also not effect or wvw guild choice/alliance or wvw grouping etc.

    Ok, so with a bigger "alliance" pool = present big communities don't loose out - let them stack, we need rivals or enemies to - work to toppling someday (as new communities) ;)

    With selection of "alliance" styles, to match against similar types... opens freedom.

    I just feel, those who have ambition like the present old guard "server" communities with their TS etc... 500 cap is too small, let it be bigger... smallers alliances team up together to fight other servers with smaller alliances, and stacked big alliances fight stacked big alliance.

  5. @Redponey.8352 said:

    @Sovereign.1093 said:looking forward to the change. it will finally be guild wars. guild.vs guilds vs guilds.

    It..... really won't....


    I think that world restructuring as it has been presented wont work on long term.I explain: Many veterans players left the game due of lack of competition (vs servers , vs an reward ladder) and objectives, the fight (metabuild) and the overhelming DPS which create fully onesided fight for nearly most of all.

    The major issue is the reason why vet players have left? because of this. They got tired to be bench WvW have been left to dust many years and still now change remain far too long, no deadline, no planning. if anet doesnt bring new features which can keep vet in, WvW will just transform into EOTM 2.0 just loot.

    how can it be fun to be one or two shot by someone who press 1 or 2 skill ? check this
    DPS is far too much (condi and power) or Def stats arenot enough except healing stat)? when i check GvG round before Hot it last in general for more than 2-3min easily but now it's more less than 1 min... often it's only 1 impact. Moreover all Expansion spec is far more stronger than a core build.

    Less damage (condi (duration/stacks?) and power) and less healing efficiency would be really nice. Moreover adding an leader board ingame with servers, WvW guilds (kills/cap etc? surely weighted by guild member?) would be really nice. Some and big part of players (in WVW) really like competition especially in WvW and Spvp. i know game is having fun but we had fun in defending our server, on epic and tremendous fight , grinding a ladder... but now all of this fun vanish no more reason to play... when you have unlock skin and loot..


    Now =>

    Fight # ARENT FUN anymore. Fight need more teamplay and rythm. major healing should not remain on 1 support class but on synergy of class (water +blast?)

    I'm not a hardcore player but more like a casual but regular in WvW and i like tryhard.

    I really think WvW devs may directly talk with vet WvW players (casual, hardcore, regular) in game, it could bring some nice idea, features for WvW and FIX SOME MAJOR ISSUE as soon as possible.

    The problem is not of 1 & 2 button XD

    But I do agree, the 100 red circles, one spot bam dead, is a bit meh - if there's a way to balance it perhaps longer cooldowns... more siege or more counters, great - but in real war... if a guy nukes you, you can't go ./cry... he used a nuke on you not a small army...

    (but what you really want) might be a debuff - that stacks the bigger a squad gets... that way various types of squad formations and fight styles or combos can develop? The "mark/spam AOE" blobs... can get a debuff could weaken the AOE? More GS battles eh!? Like the warriors on the load screen - yush!

    If your squad leader and his sub commanders, sort the squad correctly, marks the FBs, etc. Your blob will survive. Having guilds/alliance will allow for better player management especially teaching new players and monitoring their progress and helping them get into the right builds or find their "path" be it roaming, havoc or zergs.

    Condi spams can be countered... there's tactics for each type of defence and attacks. - Coordination is much better in guilds+alliances than a "random" server website - where someone decided to call them self boss of server.

    Let smaller pools of players(guilds) organise themselves into alliances, which then can formulate their own strat, etc.

    Getting a bunch of joe randoms - who are just duelling the whole day at their "spots" instead of actually doing something, to join up to guilds is a pain and they waste server que. Alliances should be able to "ally" with a roam guild, if that guild is doing actual scouting and killing off reinforcements on their way to a squad. But these gentle-men duels should really go to a separate map, and there is one... there should be a LFG for it + a point system, so roamers can also earn some stuff or status.

    I love roamers, I love Havocs and I love blobs, have a toons for each. I feel that "you" as a player should be able to choose your "server aka alliance" culture, and people you WANT to be with.

    There should be a fair system, that lures veterans, casuals and new players. - There should be match ups Tiers, that you can select, "mixed" = hardcore guilds+some public players+some casual guilds which makes up a "server" for those 8 weeks. The hardcore guilds/alliances can cary it... it will reward more pips or something, than say,

    Pure hardcore only servers, or casual servers or new player friendly server "match ups" - However, being in a hardcore match-up - your alliance, will unlock you the path to earn a temp "title" + unlock skins, that only activate in this system.

    The mixed system, will give rewards like there is now, armour, mistforgred stuff, back item, etc. The hardcore match up (that your alliance signs up to) can then earn stuff, that display when they top of the leader board. They will also earn some permanent stuff if they won the final round.

    Your alliance should not be able to join a newby match up, if there's too many "vets" in your alliance, then it will need to join a "mixed" or "hardcore" match up.

    Just like you choose guild missions for the guild, same concept. This will just be the "alliance's" mission.

    This will also make advertisement better, as players will then want to either join, new, mixed or hardcore... or casual!

    Give the Hardcores their carrots on their sticks, they deserve it!

    Just my 2 cents - Rough idea, but its something.

  6. Dear ArenaNet

    We fully support this idea to bring "server" pride into Alliance & Guild pride rather.

    Ignore the "few' naysayers and go-ahead.

    Its time the Guild* gets back into the wars. This game is not called "server" wars. Servers are boring to fight for. It is much more fun to build a guild and be part of it + choose your own alliance - not like servers where if you get a few Ds there, then you're stuck with them...

    Now, a system that resets every 8 weeks is awesome, and having an alliance that will be able to opt-in or out every 8 weeks is great and it will force "guilds" to be nice with each other and also make for good sport, rivals and that is fun!

    Players might start wearing their Guild Gear to rep their "alliance" and the Alliance can choose an emblem or Tabard or flags etc. It will also be harder for people to make alt accounts as they presently do on servers to "pull tactic leavers" with their alts, before they invade. It will be harder to "spy" on alliances, than servers. - You know it happens, idiots who tell enemy team where a squad is going to attack. Much harder to infiltrate - 1000s of alliances ;)

    Also, it will make guild pride more, it will forge a new dawn.

    Yes people are already proud of their guilds, however, "alliance" pride should be a thing. + leader boards and such. If there are top guilds/alliance, it should unlock a special Tier of Mistforge items that lights up or shows titles or emblems to pick from, as long as you are in the top.

    PS: Those who moan, just forge an alliance with your present server's guilds, call it your server name or w/e - problem solved. (If they don't want to ally, then start asking was it really then a "sever") - Roamers, join a roam Guild or make one, and join an alliance - stop complaining.

    With that said, go for it Anet! We stand by you!

    Adventure And Dragons [KING] Guildwww.AdventureAndDragons.com

  7. Hello everyone,

    We are a relatively new WvW guild currently on [RoS] Ruins of Surmia, composed of some experienced and new WvW players.

    Our goals are pretty simple :

    Create an optimal roaming and zerg guild and become as good as possible.

    What we offer :Very actives players, promoting of optimal builds, possibility to squad wvw raid and train every day, and a dedicated wvw RoS discord channel. We also offer a WvW calendar to plan/book events with fellow WvWers. We also actively take part in the RoS zergs.

    What we are looking for :Players who are actives and hungry to learn, open to criticism, willing to duel and do pvp in WvW, having a bit of experience in either pvp or wvw will help.

    If you are a WvW player interested or need more info: www.AdventureAndDragons.com/wvw-info

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