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Posts posted by Roo.2037

  1. Though I love the concept of the spec, I don't quite like how the golem feels in this beta, we pay a heavy price by losing the toolkit skills and this doesn't make up for it that well.

    1. Please consider making the golem inherit all our stats by default, it's skills are modular enough. The golem's stats are low after the change and this limits how we can make our builds to just what the golem can take. Our Power stat being completely unaccounted for feels really bad.

    2. Please move the rocket punch from Mace 3 to any weapon 3, putting it there was a mistake, it hurts build diversity further. It had problems, but I kind of miss it being used automatically, it was quite flavourful that the golem had it's own moveset.

    3. When the golem dies, and that is bound to happen with it's goofy AI and lower survivability, we are left with a castrated core Engi. Please consider giving us a weapon swap in battle to have anything to make up for this time. Also, lower it's respawn timer.

    4. The boon share property on the Shift Signet is too good to give up, why not put it on a minor trait? Other than that, love it.

    5. 5-target limit on Alacrity kills the spec in 10-man content, as it is right now.

    I'm talking from a PvE perspective, if this spec is to be healthy, it will need a big split in game mode balance.

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