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Posts posted by calb.3128

  1. I won't pretend I'm not disappointed, even if the signs were all pointing in this direction (i.e. the lack of a clear GW2 Mac direction for the past two years). It is also understandable from a cost vs benefit perspective.

    As a Mac user who happens to be a casual gamer, GW2's casual-friendly approach has always been appealing and enjoyable. That being said, no one game is important enough to me to change the rest of my setup. (Yes, I'm deep in an ecosystem that works great for me, each to their own, YMMV.) I will give Nvidia another go, but the bandwidth requirements effectively limit it to home broadband - not great as a traveller. I acknowledge the suggestion about buying a second laptop, but that's not what casual gaming has been about for me. Being able to play a game on the kit you already carry, wherever you are, without lugging around a dedicated device... that's about as far as my interest goes. And that's undoubtedly why mobile phone/tablet gaming became so popular.

    While I'm nervous about starting afresh in other established games, I've dipped my toe into WoW and EO recently with heartening results. WoW already supports Metal and the new processors, while EO has announced a native client with Metal support for early this year. (Rather than comparing GW2 to WoW, EO is possibly a more helpful benchmark given it is also ran in a Wine wrapper and a smaller community.) I don't know which of these two I will stick with in the long run, but I'm glad they both have a roadmap.

    Changing circumstances lead to choices for developers and customers. ANet made a choice based on understandable financial and technical reasons. My choice is to offer my custom to businesses which provide and support products on platforms convenient to me. I hold no ill will and I am thankful for the many years of fun I have had with GW2. Perhaps in time, should my priorities change, I will play again.

  2. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:If it's for a Legendary (Trinket), that's why it's included. Legendary items require 'legendary' feats.

    It's for the token collector achievement which gives you an item that eats dust. I'm not interested in making a legendary.

    Ahh, well, there are other eaters that are easier to acquire. Unless you want the Gleam of Sentience.

    You might consider acquiring this item, if you want to keep using your Revenant:

    Good luck.

    I fully endorse this recommendation. The Prototype Position Rewinder is a useful tool to help us mere mortals complete JPs.

  3. @Headcase.4618 said:I do have this idea for an engi elite spec whose theme is channeling aether magic through scientific means called an Aethermage (name subject to change). I considered giving them a torch since they haven't gotten a new off-hand weapon but I think the mace could work tooAnd would push me over the edge to craft Eureka. :lol:

  4. I know it's verging on blasphemy to the min-maxers, but for difficult encounters try slotting "Protect Me!" and/or Dolyak Stance instead of Frost Trap or (if playing solo) Frost Spirit. You will drop a bit of DPS but it should help when you're not fighting grouped mobs. Turn GS4 into your new best friend.

    For grouped content there should be plenty of Protection, Aegis and blinds thrown around that you shouldn't need damage mitigation; go wild with stacking Frost Spirit and other damage modifiers.

  5. Significant lag spikes for me on EU... had a painful experience this morning trying (and failing!!) to dodge the Ogre HP's large knockbacks in Desert Highlands. I guess I'm going full passive boon juggernaut for the foreseeable then.

    That's including direct through the client, with or without VPN, and also through the Nvidia GeForce NOW service. (The Nvidia service flags up if there are any connection issues or delays from my computer to Nvidia servers, and there aren't any which coincide with the lag, so I'm pretty confident it's an issue beyond user control.) I'd also flag up I was experiencing this lag a day or two before the server keeled over at the weekend, and I've played from two different locations and ISPs.

  6. My oldest Engi is human because weapons and armour look best on humans.

    I’ve just levelled another Engi though, this time asura and really enjoying it! I could do with an extra 10-15% in height and the weapons clipping through the ground are annoying, but there’s a quirky agility about asura which is great fun and complements grenade-tossing and pistol-slinging.

  7. @Zexanima.7851 said:They are just another aspect of Fashion Wars. They are only worth what you think they are.

    This. Emphasis on personal satisfaction. Most other people (I count myself in this group!) don't have a clue what half of the titles are for, so if the goal is for bragging rights then disappointment might well be in store...

  8. GW2 is flexible and forgiving enough to fit into my life, not the other way around. I've dipped in and out of WoW, but it's not compatible with the other demands and interests in my life.

    Ergo, on the basis that the better game is the one you can play and enjoy, it's GW2 for me.

  9. @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Feels pointless lol just so little in terms of meaningful content or reward with little feeling of progress or accomplishment to keep players playing. Pvp for the challenge of fighting other players is all there is left.A "more powerful staff or a more powerful gear piece" is not what I consider "meaningful content or reward". Each to their own, but I am very happy with the way GW2 handles it. There are many other games out there for those who enjoy gear grind, but let's please leave this USP of GW2 alone...

  10. @Xion.5694 said:For general purpose open world dungeons and fractals its not. It feels extremally clunky and slow in comparison to other professions/specializations.I'd said that power mirage is the only option that can muster decent dps and surability in general pve.

    Even Mirage (though I don’t quite understand why) feels far more vulnerable in open world than it used to. I was about to switch back to Chrono to freshen things up... but I’m minded to just bench my Mesmer for a little while. :/

  11. I often change utility skills depending on the map or mobs. Sword of Justice will often get swapped out for hammer (kd) or reflect skills, particularly because of low cooldown and the annoying harpies in PoF.

    I’m probably much happier with Guardian’s utility skills than most other professions. There is more freedom to swap them out as required, while other professions will often require you to keep a particular set. IMHO only Mesmer comes close.

  12. Nope. You could get away with it in T1 (anything goes), but it hits like a wet noodle and doesn’t offer anywhere near enough damage or utility to be taken over Sc/F.

    I occasionally run around core Tyria maps with my DH’s LB, just for the sake of variety, then move to any other map or form of gameplay and realise how poor the weapon is, even after recent tweaks.

  13. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Doesn't it only apply to new games or games that add 'loot boxes'?

    The disclosure will apply to all new games and updates to games that add such in-game purchases...

    Guild Wars 2 isn't new, nor are Black Lion Chests.No, but it would certainly be jarring if there is widespread adoption of the policy in 2020 and some games (read: GW2) deliberately choose to be outliers. It also says it applies in the case of 'new loot box features' which, depending on how widely you construe it, could include any additions or changes to BLCs. The details have yet to be decided so I'd still take the statement with a large pinch of salt, at least for the time being..

    @Josiah.2967 said:On a side note. Epics games made an update to all of there games. Any game that has loot box rewards will show you what you would get before you use the item (in our case key). If you did not like what you would get. It will reset once a day without spending a dime.

    Way to go Epic. One huge step forward.

    This is good. Even if the refresh was a week, this is good. I'm not sure it'll catch on though.

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