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Posts posted by Wraith.3524

  1. On 6/28/2023 at 10:55 AM, Myror.7521 said:

    Now i will not say anything anymore If you cry just cry xD this Forum is truely Clowny xd

    I've been lurking on the Arc Divider changes and from my perspective it seems like you're mostly an apologist for bad changes. You genuinely like the new ability, told people it's fine - even great (in virtually every thread on the topic)! Now that we can see it is bad as was pretty obvious it would be, you resort to calling people clowns for being disappointed that one of their favorite abilities has had its function completely altered.

    Perhaps English isn't your native language to which I apologize, but with how you type it makes it very difficult to find what you say genuine.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

    This has morphed into a different game than I originally purchased. This is not cooperative open world PvE where you get to be a Hero this is a perversion of RAID level instanced content  pushed onto a game mode that clearly doesn't want it. All we'll ever be and hear is "your a tryhard" and "Get Good" and "you should have xyz". No, and we'll see you in our place in 20 years.



    Completely different game than I'm used to. GW2 xpacs have always been an instant, obvious buy for me but I can safely say I would not have bought EoD knowing the current design direction.


    I left WoW nearly a decade ago for these exact types of anti-player practices. The turtle, DE meta and non-account bound jade bot (masteries used to be account wide) have left me greatly concerned for the future of this game. But hey, I guess the others are right and I don't have to play.


    The current devs are fairly inexperienced, and have a lot of learning to do. One can only hope they don't let pride blind them.

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  3. On 3/14/2022 at 7:41 PM, Mystflower.7319 said:

    I first wasn't sure if I should share my opinion on it, since so many people already have but... I figured I should anyways.

    I don't think it should be changed. And yes I know, people will hate me for it. I call myself an average player, I have never done raids because I already know that I won't be able to keep the elites happy 😉 But that  said, the META event reminds of the old days when Guild Wars 2 just came out and we all had to learn how the mechanics of the lovely dungeons worked. We didn't complain back then that the dungeons were to hard, we kept trying, learning, trying, learning, until we finally managed to succeed. And once you've succeed, you know what to do and what not to do. And yes in this case, your luck depends on all those people who are with you trying to do the event.  My tip is: Listen to your commander, listen to what the NPC's are saying, because they do give you valuable tips on what to do next. Plus, I know everyone loves to use their own builds but yes, for events like these it will help if you check online some builds that do good dps and cc and quickness (I am a noob myself when it comes to these things). Also having a lot of firebrands in your team, works as well! (That's how I managed to get the egg).

    As I understand the frustration of failing over and over again (I took me five tries), the more you do it, the better you get at it as you learn what to look out for, when to dodge and yes in the end the dodging part is a pain in the butt but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier.  And once you learn something, don't keep your knowledge to yourself, share it with others who struggle. So, my point basically is: Be happy that we finally have something challenging again, something you can learn from instead of rushing through it and saying after you've done it "When comes the next living story? I'm bored, I've done everything.." 😉

    This might be valid, if improving actually increased your odds. There are so many random things that can happen in the Soo-Won fight that make skill less of a factor than chance.


    I was in an organized group of 40 the other day and we lost, it was chalked up to bad RNG with nonstop invuln-swoops. Why that's even possible, I don't know. Poor design, honestly.


    I'd say that your success within five tries is too small of a sample size for accurate data. It sounds more like you got a lucky encounter with favorable mechanics. Which, I'm glad for you, but it doesn't mean this encounter is good.


    You ought to keep doing it 20 more times, just to know what other folks are made to experience. It's a fun encounter to do anyway, so no reason you wouldn't want to spend 2-3 hours, 20+ times for sample data!


    One can be completely on top of the mechanics and know everything, never get downed, yet you're still reliant on open-world players. Even in highly coordinated, you're still beholden to random mechanic nonsense tacking on tons of time that can nullify the possibility of completion.


    If there were 5 minutes added and the RNG was knocked off some, it'd likely be possible for even the most disorganized maps. (Imo, that's indicative of poor design, rather than interesting or difficult design)


    This is all completely separate from the fact that over 10 years of content, people could just show up and succeed in open-world content with whatever gear, whatever spec. Until now.

    • Like 1
  4. Surely there's got to be irony seen when talking about fairness and balance surrounding the Dragon's End Meta and turtle.


    I hear you, though. I was disappointed to hear that the years-long consistency of difficulty for open-world encounters has been altered, and the means of obtaining mounts completely changed for the turtle.


    Maybe if there were titles for it like 'Very Lucky', and 'Not Very Lucky', the latter obtained after 10 consecutive meta failures.


    The meta is poorly designed and riddled with RNG, the turtle shouldn't have been gated behind it from the beginning. If you already have a turtle, your reward is being able to wave it at other players that have 20+ failed attempts for a week plus. You don't need another reward for being extremely lucky, or merely coordinated and lucky. My man wants to talk about fairness and cares not about the lowly plebs with 400+ writs and no turtle. 😭

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  5. 1 minute ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    Not yet, but I don't want Anet to give in to the moaners about the meta yet.


    kitten , the xpac has been out less than 2 weeks and people are complaining they don't have everything. Just chill out, you will get it later when you actually join a well-organized run, and then in maybe another week or two, even hastily thrown together pugs will manage.

    But stop wanting everything trivialized to mundane kitten. It's an MMO, we got another great event that requires collaboration, don't ruin it and make it yet another "soloable" event you can press 11111111 all the way through. There's enough of those.


    Problem is the rewards aren't good enough to maintain the map. People are doing it and failing excessively to try and get their turtle (mind you, historically mounts have never before been gated for the average, disorganized open-world player). If either people get their turtle or give up, the map will rapidly lose players leaving only the highly coordinated players to do an unrewarding encounter. If you have the reigns of 50 players and 2-3 hours, there are a lot of other things you could go do that would be far more profitable than Dragon's End.


    I don't disagree with the challenge, but it should be a queued thing that these organized groups go for. Private/Public thing like Dragon Storm. It should be worthwhile. It's not unrealistic in this situation for people to have spent 40+ in-game hours and not seen a single victory. In an open-world map, you're at the mercy of other players and encounter RNG, in this case.


    The writ change will make the turtle more attainable, certainly, but it will end up being faster to ignore Soo-Won and switch maps to keep doing events that reward writs. 


    If you want the challenge, that's great. I also want hard modes. Instead, advocate for it to persist but not in such a way that punishes people for existing. The current state isn't fair to open-world players that are sub-optimally built or skilled. It's not fair to the organized group that has to carry people they don't want to, either.


    Refusal to look at the negative effects of the current system is only going to lead to the map's eventual death.

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  6. On 3/8/2022 at 11:10 AM, Drakth.1875 said:

    Some people dont have 3+ hours to "organize" the event, not everyone is all day playing, some people only play a few hours a day, with this meta for those people being pretty much all they do, only fail, multiple times.

    I'm one of those people. Try to do well, do third party research, pull my weight and never get downed but.. I'm gonna have to get the turtle through the writs, I guess. Not only does it take a long time, but graceless fails are pretty soul crushing. Map I was in mucked up the 5-crystal phase right before the boss, then the map says haha, you have 1 minute to GTFO, bye loser. I don't know. I've already been on Soo-Won enough (at least 10 times, probably more but I stopped counting to keep motivated), it's a huge waste of time and the game is more inclined to say F-you than hey, you were so close at 7% - give it another try! Rather it's, spend another 2 hours you don't have, or hope you get into a progressed map - but that one very likely doesn't stand a chance. I don't raid because I don't have the time. Yet, somehow I've done countless endgame map metas without needing to beg a raid group prior to ED.


    Sure, I could burn more time getting into a more organized party but I've never had to do that for a map meta in ten years. The long established content difficulty hierarchy has been fairly destabilized in the name of finale epic-ness, I suppose.


    This is the first open world event, and expansion where I feel like my time isn't respected, unfortunately.


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  7. 15 minutes ago, Skerrit.7105 said:

    Boycott the store entirely.  If they are locking most people out of content we already paid for, don't give them a penny more.

    Even from a financial standpoint it doesn't make sense. I've bought a lot of mount skins and there's tons of variety in any single mount category.


    It would make them more money if everyone could get turtle and buy skins for it.


    I can safely say I'd probably buy at least one turtle mount skin, but that generally requires the turtle being obtainable. I don't have a reason to consider skins until then.


    I genuinely don't mind that the difficulty exists, but it's plainly in the wrong spot given the history of GW2 content, especially mounts/masteries.

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  8. I am pretty prone to nausea in games, mostly tethered to Field of View. Nausea (for me, anyway) usually happens when there's a change in movement that doesn't match what the brain expects. Some console ports have an unusual FoV due to them being designed to be played on a couch far away, rather than a computer monitor.


    Early GW2 I minimized this by reducing the sway (Rotation Speed in options) when turning the camera, since there's sort of a stylistic panning motion on side to side. Before touching that I got pretty ill from just looking around. I'd also recommend trying to tweak the FoV slider to something that feels more natural to you.


    If you already messed with those settings I'm not too sure of other options. Some folks turn down/off post processing since it really blows out an already arguably oversaturated color palette.


    Sucks to have that happen, I pretty much can't play Borderlands because of the nausea. In Skyrim I gotta edit the FoV to 90+ degrees, and the camera zoom/shake when sprinting is rough. My sympathies, I hope you can find settings that help your situation.

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  9. I agree. I thought one of the masteries for the Jade Bot would be 'wireless power' to make you have infinite charge, and as a bonus it could remove all the battery clutter from maps. The buffs kind of become tedious after repeatedly getting them over time. I did think the waypoint utility would be nice, since I thought it would be like an invitation to the Lily but wherever I wanted.. however that's not how it works, haha.


    Plus if I do get used to a feature like glide-boost, the lack of account bound utility makes hopping to alts jarring. Where any of my characters can use any of my mounts, there's a process for simply enabling the Jade Bot per character with a core. I don't really see myself doing that 20 times for all my characters.

    • Like 7
  10. Wait, just found out supposedly after getting lucky and completing the Dragon's End meta, you have to do a raid-style Strike Mission?


    As someone that's played since launch with a small handful of friends, I'm pretty surprised by this.


    End game mechanics wise, it feels like this expansion was designed by an entirely different team that didn't play the game or wasn't aware of what made it so special. HoT had its flaws and I felt PoF was great, but all this gating feels like implementation of reasons I quit World of Warcraft ages ago.


    I loved that seeing other players was never a detriment. I loved that my legion of alts was a benefit and not an inconvenience. It felt like my time was respected (unlike WoW) but not so much this go around.


    I've never been blocked by a random for speaking in map chat before this expansion (In Dragon's End, I asserted to a player with an addon that it's unreasonable for players to know their dps since the game has literally never informed the player of that info. Got called a drooler and was blocked.)


    I don't PvP, and the PvE community was always helpful, polite and pretty funny during map metas. This marks a sharp turn for the worse, in my anecdotal experience.

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  11. 15 hours ago, Goettel.4389 said:

    I'm enjoying EoD so far. Don't listen too much to others (complainers or otherwise), there's fair criticism to be made for sure, but "lazy expansion" and "poor work" are just the usual hyperbole.


    I disagree with this. Heart of Thorns was trying to find the game's footing, and I think Path of Fire was great. This expansion though, not a huge fan of unfortunately.


    I like the jade bot effects but not being account bound is pretty frustrating for alts. Plus the battery mechanic gets old.


    The fishing mechanic is closer to pong than fishing, and for some reason Simon-Says color/beep games are hard pushed here.


    Being pushed into playing elite specs to get their collection is foreign from the game's past design philosophy.


    I can find entertainment in legitimately difficult map metas like the final one in EoD, but putting a mount behind it feels like a poor decision. I'm not sure how many more times I can be in failing metas before considering it a waste of time to attempt. 


    I'm a warrior main (lol) and Bladesworn feels poorly executed or undercooked. The game's whole thing is moving and dodging, but this spec is based around rooting yourself for not great damage and generally clunky gameplay - especially compared to Berserker.


    As someone who played GW1 I'm not too keen on the story's hasty resolution but I guess some could like it. Not enough time with Soo-won or Ankka to be invested, void went as fast as it was introduced. Mai Trin's Scarlett Briar 'stance' opens some unanswered questions about Revenants. No real story breadcrumbs hinted at gives the end gives the feeling of tying everything up with a bow.


    I don't feel many of the concerns are hyperbole, but rather think they are an indication of quality versus Path of Fire, Icebrood Saga, Dragonfall, Grizzlewood Coast etc, which were all really well done imo.

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  12. Failed a bunch and no turtle, no time to wait around pray I get into capable maps.


    That combined with Jade Bot upgrades being per character in an otherwise very alt-friendly game, kinda pushes me away from playing .


    The encounter is neat and all but the turtle being behind it is a bummer. I do appreciate the 'difficulty' I guess, but a core bullet point of the xpac is in the wrong place imo.

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  13. 4 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    And that's exactly why there shouldn't be a kill-self button. If you want the benefits of downstate you should also have to deal with the occasional downsides (with the former outweighting the latter by far anyway).

    Fair point. I still kinda think a runback and forfeiting the objective via surrender is a decent downside to kill-self, but clearly they disabled /gg in sPvP intentionally and had a reason for it. Your reason and the capture point positioning/ability to capture while downed are probably a significant factor.

  14. 6 minutes ago, imitarate.6518 said:

    Gunsaber is S L O W. I constantly felt like I was auto-attacking while waiting for CDs. Swapping out to my one weapon set didn't help much. 


    The lack of any reasonable CC in-kit means I had to look at my one weapon set for it. That mostly meant axe/mace, mace/axe, or hammer; mace/mace is too sluggish for being my only out-of-stance option. Running axe/axe or greatsword means limiting my CC AND my dodging/blocking.


    Lastly, I felt really awkward using armament skills. Everything they do, except the elite, feels like it can be done better with another skill -- with the elite, shouts especially. And, in group content, I'm still going to be running banners anyways.  


    With a primary mechanic basically acting as a kit, I'm not sure why they didn't just use kits as the primary skill type, with dragon trigger as the elite. Have flow build up, charge bullets with it (have bullets stay out of combat but let flow drain), then have kits use bullets as ammo to boost skills. Armaments feel like they were made different for the sake of being different. Even if the spec locked out second weapon swap in combat, having different kits means you could spec support, utility, CC, etc with the primary mechanic. You know, like engineer already does. It works. 

    Agree with this.

  15. 11 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    Here’s an example to show that they aren’t fundamentally different:


    We all play PVP matches. We all get a button called an “I win” button. which by pressing you get a win for a match.


    does the implementation of that button remove pvp from the game?…PvP is still there…you have the option to not press the button right? So we didn’t remove PvP from the game.


    the absurdity behind this feature is that, nobody would ever not hit the button…and so in effect you removed PvP from the game…


    so just like downstate…adding a button that bypasses it is equivalent to just not having it at all.


    14 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


    ...something you don't agree with, and simply blaming somebody else for a problem that you are having...which now in this case is our discussion.


    Maybe you didn't ask for another opinion...but I gave you my opinion and some facts that support that opinion. You, right now are just acting like a sn0wfl@ke.


    There's nothing complicated about what I'm saying either, and you are making an argument that removal is exactly the same thing as adding a kill-yourself button. This is not accurate.


    If you are saying that everyone would always pick the kill-yourself button, every time, you are suggesting there is no merit to downstate beyond position checking and wasting time. In fact, down state with a kill-yourself button is not functionally the same, because there are still benefits to downstate. You can rally. You can get revived. You can interrupt for your team, or push enemies off points. Enemies still want to finish you off, because you still have a chance to return to the fight. All of these downstate benefits are gone if it is completely removed. As a theory crafter, you can see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch, so I'm sure you can see this too.



    The two cases simply aren't the same. I did ask for other opinions and still welcome them. My opinion of this interaction is: I believe you interpreted my first post as the same as others suggesting to completely remove downstate - and are now trying to equivocate two completely different changes to make it seem like you weren't wrong about the initial interpretation. Either that or you truly do believe they're equivalent, to which hopefully I've explained my end adequately. There is indeed merit to considering whether it should be added or not, but gg button = downstate removal isn't a strong argument. The positioning point is much better. I agree with you that full removal alone would be a bad thing.



    Lastly, if you want to continue to insult by calling me a snowflake and revoking unnecessary sympathy, you weaken your words. I'd hope you're better than that, but I've got a shovel if you want to keep digging.

    • Like 2
  16. 10 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    So this might come as a surprise to you but there is a history that you missed out on, that you aren’t acknowledging…I think if you understood that a little better…then my post shouldn’t be that much of a surprise to you.

    You're purposefully misrepresenting what I said.


    I keep repeating, I'm not even saying downstate should be removed. Adding an off-yourself button does not remove downstate. Yes, removing downstate wholly would require an entire rebalance of the game since the game is based on its existence. Allowing one to end themselves early would change the dynamic of very specific parts of PvP, where the complete removal wouldn't work without significant overhaul that likely wont happen. I do agree with that, and I have already acknowledged several times that it's on me in the current state of things.


    Yet - your entire reply is based on the assumption that I'm advocating for removal of downstate. I'm not. In the original post I specifically say I've accepted downstate as part of the game. If you believe adding a kill-yourself command in downstate is exactly the same as wholesale removing downstate, I very plainly disagree with that.


    You came in with an assumption contrary to the words I wrote, cited how disastrous no-downstate weekend is (I'm not advocating for the removal of downstate), and implied this simply shouldn't be discussed by non-veterans. You didn't say you had no sympathy for me initially, you said no sympathy for discussions on the topic at large. We're discussing it, others have more respectfully agreed and disagreed. If you fear a Streisand-effect where allowing mere discussion of something could get the game changed for the worse, it's in one's best interest not to critique anything on the forums.


    If you want to argue with posts about removing downstate, there are the hundreds of others you're referencing. I may not have your prestigious sympathy, but you have mine for misinterpreting the post.

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  17. 15 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    You said and I quote: “A sepuku button in downstate would fix this for me”


    so yes you basically said downstate needs “fixing” with a mechanic that essentially removes downstate and the strategic elements that are tied to its uses.


    Complaining about downstate is the equivalent to complaining about the dodge mechanic. Just because some people don’t know how to effectively dodge attacks, doesn’t mean the mechanic is at fault

    Fix this 'for me'. My opinion. I voiced the feeling that I got in the situation the downstate allowed.


    I was speaking towards a feeling I got when in a situation as a result of the mechanic. If you read the whole post or previous responses, I specifically asked if anyone else felt this way or if it was on me.


    Also, it would add alternative strategies just as any buff, nerf, or tweak would.


    It's clear it's on me, but the vibe you put out like it's some divine mechanic that's so above being curious about doesn't help anything.


    You said you have 'no sympathy' for discussions on this. Not only does that statement come off as hostile and dense, but discussions on mechanics don't require sympathy.

    • Like 1
  18. 8 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

    I feel you. What you are describing is called bleeding out, and it's pretty much fundamental to the higher pvp rankings. Everyone will do it, because it's important to keep the opponents out of the match as long as possible


    There are counters to it however. Mainly, once you're downed, just try to be as much of a danger and nuisance as humanly possible. Make them deal with you.

    So like others have said, try to get downed on point. If you are downed off point but can move (like ele downed 2 which is amazing and top tier downed skill) to point then do so. It forces the enemy to down you faster, thus getting you back in the game faster.

    There's not really much else to it, but learning each classes downed state is paramount because you have to deal with each one differently. For instance warriors are on a timer with their downed 3. So you either get them out quick, or save a CC to interrupt their cast, or get ready for uno reversal revival.


    Rangers have their pet res so you always need a CC at hand when stomping them. Etc. Engi has 2 downed CC's, a pull and aoe push/explosion. So stability/evade for them. Etc etc.

    Downed is the game within the game and it is pretty fun once you get an understanding of things.

    Positioning first though, because yes the worst case scenario is you're downed and alone somewhere wayyyyyy off the map and at the enemies mercy. At that point you could spend 30+ secs in downed which is huge for your opponents. To avoid that, do not get dragged out into off point fights. It's hard sometimes, but you have to develop an eye/feel for it.

    Yeah, I get you. I can respect that people like it especially since it's been in since inception. I started back in pre-launch beta so I'm not too unfamilair with the varied classes and downstate abilities. Not exactly a hardcore GW2 pvp player but have been in hardcore pvp in several other games, and this part made me feel a surprising lack of agency I hadn't experienced.


    In the end it is strategic and a core point of the game to be worked around. I'll play around with the tactics but it's entirely possible than GW2 pvp could just not be for me which is also a fine outcome. Ultimately I was caught off guard that I couldn't off myself during that interaction and was wondering if anyone else had a similar feeling about the mechanic. If not, no big deal.

  19. 15 minutes ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

    Rotting bodies is a legit strategy.  Don't die.  If you know you're going to die don't die off node so they have to stomp you.

    I know it's a strategy, it's a mechanic in the game. There would also be strategic elements to offering an off-self in downed button if it were implemented.

    Edit: Making a more conscious effort to get downed on point is valid and I'll make more of an effort to do so, so thanks for that one.

  20. Hey fellas. I've recently started PvPing again after being out of the game for a few years.


    It seems to be the meta now where you just kind of play with the enemy in downed state. Poke them enough to prevent bandage, stay in range and if they start to regen, hit them quick so they can't get up or respawn. It's better not to bandage so you can die faster in this situation.


    Maybe I didn't play enough before to see this, but it feels very obnoxious to be subjected to. I know why it's done, and it makes sense - but there is no fun in knowing your time is being wasted. 


    There's no self 'kill' button that would help feel like you're not wasting time when opponents don't finish you to stall a return to the fight.


    I've never really been a fan of the downed state in general but accepted it as part of the game. However to me this feels awful on the receiving end, as well as when it makes sense for me to do it.


    I don't know if anyone else thinks this or if I should just git gud or whatever, just venting how I feel about it. A seppuku button in downed state would probably fix this for me.

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