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Posts posted by FilliaCopt.4586

  1. 4 hours ago, Zola.6197 said:

    Just finished this and wanted to say it was really beautiful. I loved how much screentime Marjory got this expansion, and her collection was a great way to put a button on her character growth.


    And we got to meet her sisters, finally! That made me so excited.


    Thanks for including this very poignant and bittersweet resolution. It's moments like these that really make the characters and their stories meaningful to me.


    EDIT: For those who have finished, Mireille and Elyse show up in Arborstone afterward and have some fun voiced and unvoiced dialogue!!!! 😄


    I couldn't agree more 😄 ! The character growth for Jory and kasmeer on this expansion was amazing and thx for that Anet. The story is great and this collection was well done. I just wished this was repeatable. Or at least that there was a recap of it at the end, cause if you don't capture the moment it is gone forever 🥴

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  2. 4 hours ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

    I was playing actively during this past Wintersday festival and totally didn't notice them anywhere. I looked for any of the companions too, after noticing Braham at the last Dragonbash. 


    It's been stated that it was the first time this year.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Rensis.1034 said:

    I kinda belvieve they are not together anymore, and they were evasive about it because with several world-end scenarios running around they didn't want to bother the Commander with their relationship issues aswell. I think one of the plot points of EoD will be that they either make up and become a couple again, remain separated but can work together as friends, or split up entirely. Currently my money is on the second but it can go either way.

    Not so sure... Why bother making them walk from their house to the wintersday event together as a couple, this year for the first time, if they broke up...that would be a real nonsense...

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  4. 8 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    Every relationship has issues, there's no such thing as a perfect relationship, either friends or lovers. The biggest problem seems to be that Kas was returned to her noble status and spends all her time away (well, at home, actually), while Marjory is more of an adventurer who takes more to the Commander's lifestyle.


    Its heavily implied by IBS that Marjory left the Priory to join the Vigil after Bjora. She's gone from detective to reaper, always progressing along while Kas is actually regressing to where she used to be.


    I imagine we'll see this as a major plot point in Cantha.


    Well Kas is not really at home :D . She is part of the whole event in Drizzlewood coast, and she is here again for various Dragon response missions.

    In the meantime, we see Marjory once in Gendarran, which is not so far from home xD

    The Kas waiting at home is long gone..And the confident Marjory as well.

    She indeed joined the Vigil, then again does she even know why ? She seems to be lost in outer space when it comes to decisions making.


    Honestly I understand they want to give every characters their screentime...but that does not mean they must write the others so poorly.

    And we all agree they did, with them, but as mentionned also Caithe ....is she even relevant appart from being the blue glowy voice of Aurene that we never hear? 😄




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  5. I am not sure the problem is the balthazar incident, but more likely the fact that Kasmeer seems to be Queen Jennah's new pet (since she got her noble title back), and Marjory might simply be annoyed that she is never here for her.

    Even when she calls out for her through comm in bjora marches, the girl does not answer.


    In real life, I am pretty sure people not answering to their boyfriend/girlfriend when they call is a very common couple issue from what i have seen so far (unfortunately). Even more when it becomes an habit.

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