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Posts posted by Cyczer.7834

  1. @Rod.6581 said:I see a lot of people here talking how this changes will destroy their guild as a community. Can anyone explain to me how any of the changes in game can do that?

    Most of my guild mates have stopped playing GW2 long time ago. Still we chat on Discord while playing other games. We post on guild forum from time to time. When visiting other cities, even countries we get together for a beer or two (or more :) ).

    If your guild mates are so important to you as a community, how is it possible that a change in single game mode of a single game can destroy it?

    It wont harm wvw except for those people are roleplaying. Its just the same playerbase complaining about every single change rather than adapting.

  2. @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    Some of us have concerns about eliminating servers that aren't in any way connected to wvw itself. As far as WvW is concerned, if it is truly effective at the goal it seems to have set, that is "Have roughly equal population coverage in wvw no matter what the time of day" then I will consider it not only a rousing success, but also easily the best thing to ever happen to the wvw community as a whole. That said, there are certain aspects of the non-wvw community that this could impact in an extremely negative way (Yes I am mostly referring to the RP community, yes I know most of you don't care.) It's not a bad thing to bring this to their attention and hope that they can find some ways of addressing those concerns. After all, that's the entire point of them posting this so far in advance, right?

    There is a fair point as far as new players go, and how this might affect their impressions about wvw sense of community/etc. I think the best suggestion regarding that so far has actually be 12 weeks instead of 8 for reshuffles... make a wvw season last an entire 3 months instead of just two. That little bit of extra time with the current match-up can make or break how you feel about your current world's guilds/alliances/commanders and help you decide whether you want to stay with them, or try and find a new group in a new match-up.

    I just want to understand how the server identity is essential to keep RP community going. For pvp and pve we use mega servers already which doesnt somehow get affected by which server you are in. It'll be same with wvw and Im pretty sure nothing holds you back to join to same guild to keep communicating

  3. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Cyczer.7834 said:You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends.

    Did Anet say you
    have to

    Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset.

    At least that would be the logical method.

    Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly.

  4. Im failing to understand the issue with "randoms" or "people that doesnt want to commit in a wvw guild"

    As I understood, its basically world vs world is transferring into alliance vs alliance and even if you are a casual player for wvw, you can just join a community guild that doesnt require any heavy commitments. You just have to join them and choose them as your wvw guild and you can keep playing with your friends. ( I also want to remind all of you that we have a glorious system that lets us join 5 guilds at once because why not?) A few main servers already started preparing for this suggestion, there are some new community guilds that invites those "randoms" or "casuals" , whatever name you wanna give them.

    Remember that this is still an idea in discussion, this is not its final form, means that there might be multiple drastical changes in the system . Because in theory, you may not even need an alliance, you can just gather entire Blackgate in same server again.( Lets say its 500 players since lower cap for alliance system was proposed as 500 and guilds can hold that many) ,

    On the other hand, this system will end bandwagoning to good servers and bring a balance to the numbers

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