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Posts posted by charibdys.2835

  1. The skins are great, the price is great, the RNG is awful. I think there's several ways to easily fix it-- make the skins tradeable on the trading post instead of auto-unlocked (like dyes!), make the skins selectable from the box instead of random (like armor/weapon skins!), or at least make the breed selectable (I don't even have a griffon, I don't want griffon skins I can't use). I'd prefer the first one-- I'm happy to sell out hundreds of gold or whatever it would settle on for a single mount skin, just like I am for weapon skins, but the accountlocked lootbox RNG is a HUGE dealbreaker for me and, frankly, makes me lose some respect for ANet as a whole.

    That may sound overly harsh, but one of the things I admired about the company was the ethical way they run the gemstore, and this undermines that in a big way that makes me EXTREMELY concerned about the future. I've ridden the pay to play gambling downspiral on several MMOs already and it hurts my heart to think GW2 is heading down that path as well, because I love this game.

  2. I'm glad there's no risk of duplicates, but I'm not interested in gambling for skins I don't want and won't use. I do buy gemstore armor skins, gliders etc. and I understand how important they are to the health of the game, but if I want (for example) a lopear springer bunny or one of the simpler, neat designs I'm not going to spend $120 for a ton of other garish skins I'm uninterested in.

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