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Posts posted by EgyptRaider.3946

  1. @LughLongArm.5460 said:

    For example -(Rough ideas)

    Ranger - swift revive - No 60 sec revive down time if you swap pet while current pet is dead. So you will always have the 20 sec(16 sec when traited) swap option.

    Druid - celestial pet - pet's stats are 20% weaker, While in CA the pet transcend to its celestial spirit form. While in this form pets are immune to all damage(I would love the F2 skill to be replaced while CA with a unique F2 which could even be the same for all pets to not make things over complicated, but I don't want to be greedy).

    Soulbeast - Merged revive - Soulbesat have access to one pet only, merging with the pet will revive it in case of pet death.

    Awesome suggestions! Soulbeast can probably still be as they are. But the idea of giving core ranger a revive skill on high CD and giving the Druid pets some special buff while in CA, now that's cool (especially if they will get the same celestial infusion as the player themselves)! I think it would not only give core ranger a new niche, but in the case of the Druid actually bring forth a synergy between their mechanic and their pets which has been absent since launch, this would def solve it in my eyes, and make the stat reduction a bit better to swallow.

  2. Yeah, well said! The theme of the Druid of combining nature and celestial power was what made it so beautiful. Hell, the ascended staff Yggdrasil showed it off perfectly: in becoming one with nature, you become one with the universe, which is represented by having all the animal pets in the tree. If anything: something with pets should happen while in CA, like them also taking on the stellar infusion.

    I'm all fine with trade-offs (like when they decreased healing potential and allowed you to rebuff it through Lingering Lights), but first give the Druid enough power to make trade-offs be waranted, and then actually have a good trade-offs that's not focused on decreasing the overall stat balance of the player. It's lazy and plain hurtful.

  3. As someone who's been maining Druid since the start of HoT, already planning it before the launch of the game, I've been with the class in both its most OP phases in life as UP. Mostly I've been fine with its downward trend the last year or so, it was def not meta anymore, but competent enough to enjoy the matches. Many of its nerfs also made quite some since, like the Grace of the Land / Lingering Lights split. Now, however, I feel that Druid has been pushed in a direction that just isn't fun anymore.

    The last week playing druid in pvp was a dread because of the pet nerf. Damage has sunk to the ground, even though Druid's survivability and supporting powers are still not up par with FB, and pets have become useless as they are suddenly dead half of the game. The Druid's identity has always been relatively stuck between side-noder and group supporter, and now, that identity crisis has only deepened with Druid's being given abilities for both roles, but currently shining in neither of the two. I had some hope for Glyph of the Stars, and the 'rework' of Gylphs as a compensation, but that has pretty much fallen flat. The cooldown of Glyph of the Stars is waaaaaay too long, making the CA-required rez only viable like once every match (if you're lucky), and the non-CA version is hardly worth the effort of such a long channel/cooldown. Going for a Glyph build in general still not a viable option for the skills are still too weak compared to the survival and shouts skill-lines and all the traits that accompany them.

    Druid already had many trade-offs and the pet nerf feels unwarrented, unnecassary and most of all not fun. Pets are the main gimic of Rangers; having them be dead half a match just isn't a way to market the Druid's play style.

    Half a year ago, I already posted a plea to buff Druid in one way or another, since the continuous nerves on CA (especially the Cooldown) and staff were taking its toll, especially in comparison to the powercreep other specs were going through since the launch of PoF. This... this feels like the final nail in the coffin, and I hate the idea of having to say goodbye to my Druid in PvP, but at this point playing the spec just isn't giving me the enjoyment anymore it has always given me in the past three years...

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