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Posts posted by Quadtwo.9347

  1. whats the point of being an elit spec then? core ele can share aura to five people too..if u say so, whats up with this heavy armor class with high hp high defense big damage that could share his boons up to 10 people? whats up with that? thats even more broken than 3s aura share. guess what, the boon share heavy armor class got his boon even more ridiculous, it linger with him forever and every 10 people arround him. wouldnt that a stupid idea to begin with?

  2. yeah I try it and its dumb now, parking it forever until Arenanet change it. May aswell reduce all those shouts radius into 180 so it fits well with smallscale fight. thank you arenanet.oh and anet, u know that elementalist got this OP cleanse skills from fire trait that allow them to cleanse too much condi by transmuting their aura..u should have nerf that too bcz they will compete with scrapper. squishy ele should not cleanse that much, right?. nerf this too. then no one would play ele anymore. everyone in anet dev is happy. :)

  3. tempetuous aria nerfed with this patch is enough to discourage me to play my tempest on big scale zerg n gvg, even pugfollowing commander. if they do nerfed this, may aswell nerfed scrapper boon converter skill into something like, cleanse all condi into one boon..that will balance it. if this nerfed stay, no one need ele anymore. bye

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