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Posts posted by Treize.3578

  1. @Reverielle.3972 said:

    Games are for fun/relaxation/enjoyment, but just what those things are varies from players to player, so in the end for the most part development must persist with their vision of the game (we all know you cannot please everyone). After all it is their game, not ours. We choose to play or not. The game is not a public service, and we do not have any rights as such to demand X or Y from them.

    Can we then please have raids that are not possible to success with less than 10 players fighting perfect?

  2. @Robert Gee.9246 said:I need falling damage reduction for some jumping puzzles.Right now we think the only one that really needs it is Griffonrook Run because it integrates fall damage into the critical path (the red eggs restore health for this reason). We'll be adding fall damage reduction into the bomb buff as a result. We don't think this necessary for the other jumping puzzles at the moment but are open to adding it as the need arises.

    Hi, this is Trixx from [PINK] Community Portal, the EU JP portal guild.The reduced falling damage is essential for many portal skips. A save way down is often blocked due to the no flight/mount zones and only with a fall damage reducing trait a save portal to the end of a jumping puzzle is possible. With this changes you will lock out the ppl that can not jump, due handicaps or lack of patience or skill or ... , from achievements and dailys. We provide a special service to the communtiy and we won't be able to continue this service in its entirety with these future changes.

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