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Freedom Panic.8201

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Posts posted by Freedom Panic.8201

  1. Trying not to be hyperbolic but; After you did so well with Path of Fire and presumably introduced many new people to this wonderful game, after what appears to be an excellent overhaul patch, you bundled in one of the most anti consumer moves you've done in a long time. Arena net has always walked a fine line between what is acceptable motorization practices, to mostly great success. 30 dollars for Path of Fire is an incredible bargain and the addition of 4 armor skins and a lot of progression systems in the expansion is appreciated. The gem store has always been a smart way to finance the game without ripping off customers or creating a pay to win scenario.

    One major issue that has always existed in GW2 is the fact that the primary incentive to progress is cosmetics, however many cosmetics exclusively exist behind the Gem Store. Factor this in with the obnoxious loot boxes via Black Lion Chests, it's always been somewhat problematic, but not horrible. I am not a fan of loot boxes and I think they are toxic, but the black lion chests were somewhat harmless. The addition of this new mount loot box is atrocious. I got drunk last night and bough 10 of them, and I wasn't overly disappointed with the drops I got, but that's not to say this is in any way a compliment to your business model. Loot boxes are exploitative and this is by far the most atrocious implementation I've seen. This is a bad image to the community at large, when we as fans are desperately trying to expand the community and get new people in to our game. This mmo deserves more people, but we as players deserve respect. This is additional loot box is shameless, arena net.

    My suggestion: Include more rewards into progression systems in the main game. Allow us more awesome cosmetic unlocks through new quests/achievements and in game rewards. You did well with Halloween and you can clearly pump out these mount skins like no one's business. The mount skins you DO sell on the Gemstore should have the option to buy the mount skin you want, and 30 dollars for a wolf skin is ridiculous. Each mount skin should be no more expensive than a glider skin (and even those have always been over priced). Then, reduce the price of a roll for each mount adoption. I think a fair price would be 200 gems fro a roll on the mount adoptions, and 600 gems for buying the one you want. Bundle that in with additional cosmetic rewards in game. I understand why you need to find ways to finance your game, with the amount of continuous support you give the game with living story and expansions. That said, you've gone too far.

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