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Posts posted by sebychu.5832

  1. I'm really glad you guys opened up a discussion post about this topic! To be fair, I've never used these forums before, but I feel so strongly about this that I'm dusting it off!

    While GW2 has had lootboxes before, they were never really that bad. Yes, it sucked that nice stuff was locked in there but most of it you could buy off the TP if you had enough gold or if you were lucky enough to save up enough scraps. There were the dye kits, which in my opinion are a huge ripoff and nearly impossible to buy off the TP (some of the dyes cost almost as much as a legendary precursor! Comon!) but again, not super in your face as you couldn't even preview the new dyes in game without going to an outside source and finding the codes.

    But these mounts? These mounts are completely different. You've never locked something so cosmetic inside an account bound RNG based box before. Gliders were never RNG based , Most outfits are sold as is, even cosmetic infinite tools were sold separately. Even Minis which would make the most sense to be in a loot box are sold as individuals! (Although recently I've noticed gliders and outfits in the BLC....humm, a trend?)

    The fact that these mounts are in RNG boxes means you knew they'd be popular and hard to ignore, it just screams 'cash grab'.

    I'm not upset over the prices either, 400 gems seems fair for SOME of the mount skins like the cosmic/fire/ice ones. Especially since there are things far less cool that sell for 400 gems in the store, like a cosmetic backpiece that's a plain....quiver. Also the 25$ price tag on the completely remodled mount with new animations also seems fair! Especially cuz' it's inline with what Blizzard sells it's optional super cool mounts in WoW for and it's not like you threw it into a $25 RNG box.

    I ate up the boxed 1600 gem halloween mount skin pack with relish! Though a number of my friends were dismayed that they couldn't just buy they skin they wanted. Also it really sucked you put the skin pack into the BLC. I overheard on mapchat someone bought the mounts, then had the pack drop in a chest and....couldn't do anything with it since it was account bound.

    I'm wondering where this path will lead you, are you going to keep adding mounts to the stable? Eventually a new player will have to gamble with 1 in 50 odds? 1 in 100?

    I'm begging you, as someone with an addictive personality, please don't go down this road. (Every time I log in, I have to say the mantra "Don't gamble, you've spent your GW2 money for the month, don't gamble....play the game. Forget the mounts.". It's a buzzkill.) There are plenty of options for you to market these skins and still make money. Let us pick them out of the box, or just offer them like you've always offered all your other items. As limited timed individual items for sale. I would easily spend another $30 on the skins I want if I KNEW I was buying them.

    Thanks, and again, I'm glad you are at least offering to hear from us.

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