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Posts posted by Zania.8461

  1. Anything said in this thread will obviously be a guesswork. However I think that now expansion is a lot more likely. NCSoft is interested in revenue, which is a lot higher from expansions vs living world. If anything the fact that ANet did not plan on releasing 3rd expansion for GW2 in 2019 is what could have partly contributed to the layoffs.

  2. From lore prespective, I don't see many races siding with charr, given that the legions would be existential threat to them after Kryta's fall. Some might maintain neutrality officially, while supporting humans by unofficial channels.

    From the gameplay perspective, if such thing happens it will be charr vs all playable races (including iron legion/PC starting in Iron Citadel). So that should give you an idea as to how the main races will react.

    On a less serious note, since 60% of the population are human females anyway, Blood and Ash legions will be crushed by a sheer swarm of HF commanders. That, and we might have a friendly elder dragon by the time that happens (although I would be curious to see if Aurene would interfere in such affairs, as that would push her into a permanent policing force).

    On a speculative side, I would not mind having the pre-assembled invasion force having to deal with Kralk or another Elder Dragon. Kinda like we utilized the Awakened against the Forged.

  3. Personally I would like a system like this, but realistically, this will never happen. I will refrain from going over the requirements for veteran status and the reward pricing. Those are easily adjustable. I am also not going to get into "rewards are a band-aid, content is the solution" argument as it has already been covered. Other consequences of such system:

    1) There is no longer a point in going to specific maps. Certain maps with large meta events will become less used much faster, making people who weren't able to complete their collections/achievements in the first few weeks of episode release SoL. Current Tyria is already enormous and largely barren. It will feel even emptier.2) On the other hand this will make min/maxers aggregate to certain meta/event trains to maximize the currency income. This in turn will lead to disruption of the maps. Think old champ trains in Queensdale.

  4. Same issue for as the OP. For me it seems to happen more often/always when mount's ability is used. Only way I found to avoid restart is to use ctrl+escape (or windows key) and log my account out (saves a bit of time on restarting). GTX1060. Originally blamed it on my aging mainboard/cpu, but replacing everything short of video card (and PSU) did nothing. Based on previous posts this seems like Nvidia driver issue with GW2.

  5. Re: OP. It would take some really messed up people to kick someone after a 16% wipe unless the said person died at something like 98% and then stayed dead through the fight, or died right after revive. Still a shitty thing to do considering the LFG description, but16% feels way too close to win to go on a "lets check everyone's title" rampage.

    Re: kicking. No system is perfect. When instance owner system was around, I personally had a number of times when instance owner would go AFK half way through a dungeon and your only choices were to start from the start or carry them.

    Re: elitism. It is very difficult to tell how the population changed through the years, especially if using the forums as the gauge. The amount of people who did dungeons is a lot higher than raiders. The amount of people in the game in general seems to be declining. The volume of posts on this board seems to have dropped pretty dramatically in the last couple of years. But yes, I can definitely remember the good old days of "4 warriors 1 mesmer only" CoF runs where people would get kicked in the first 30s of the instance.

  6. To me, there are a couple of issues with the current system:

    1. Inability to get the mount you want with any reliability short of spending 10k+ gemsThis one is a bit of a catch-em-all. The price per mount (400gems) is actually on a lower side, however due to inability to get the mount you want, a person who wants a (say) starbound griffon, can spend anywhere from 400 to 12000 gems before getting it. This is not reasonable. At the very least, one can improve the system by splitting mounts either by rarity/desirability or by mount type (ie, if I am looking for a griffon mount, I don't want to get another skimmer!) and then upping the price on individual skins.

    2. The system promotes diluting the pool with lazy recolorsI am sorry, but a lot of new mounts are bad. As in lazy, fast re-textures that likely took about half hour to make. Those would not be bought by practically anyone. The only reason they are being unlocked now is because they are present in the RNG pool. I do not want to support the practice of making lazy recolors then shoving them down our throats for gems. Make high quality models/maps/textures that people would be willing to shell the gems out for, and I will buy them. Have every one of the 30 mounts in the stables been unique and great looking (I am looking at at least normal map tweaking with a few model changes), the number of complaints would go way down.

  7. Good:

    • Story
    • Visuals
    • Music
    • Random fun places like dwarven minidungeon

    Needs work:

    • Replayability of new content
      1. No meta events with good rewards to draw large number of people
      2. Large maps spreading population too thin
      3. No world bosses
    • Class balance
      1. As expected the elite specs are all over the place on the power curve. A lot of work needed here.
    • Mounts
      1. Some mounts are largely useless with exception of some very niche cases
      2. Handling of the mounts can be better. I understand why the skimmer handles like it does but its a real pain in a "jumping puzzle" areas of the brand where you need it to avoid lightning storm
      3. Dye channels, different skins, etc...although I suspect this will be gemstore fodder.
    • Storage
      1. I understand the need for money sinks, but isn't 200+g per bag a bit of an overkill, especially for those unfortunate of us with 10+ characters?
      2. Please add more ways to get the high-capacity bags. If I need to spend 200 pristine fractal relics per bag, fine. At least I'll have a use for them.
  8. Fight was absolutely trivial on a zerk thief with p/p as secondary set (which I ended up camping). Headshot was enough to break his bar (which means that practically any minor daze will work). So I suspect that any class with on-demand instant cast interrupt will be fine (ie mesmer mantra). Note that the boss has a breakbar right before his leap. If you break it, he never even starts channeling lifesteal.

    With that said, since not everyone has the access to these skills, the fight becomes very lopsided in difficulty. Can every class adapt to it? Sure. However it is a lot more difficult for some than others.

    One GOOD thing about this boss, is that you can't facetank it and win.

  9. I understand that the features is added to increase security of the forum account. And I suspect it is not a bad feature to have on public computers. However it is quite annoying when used at home. I suggest either being able to tag an individual device from which forums are accessed as private/public or an ability to change logout timer in account settings.

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