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Posts posted by Slyther.1297

  1. On 1/6/2023 at 9:34 PM, Okami.6892 said:

    Had the same issue happen to me last night right after I finished drakkar. Swapped characters to one that hasn’t done drakkar and on a fresh map and starting the puzzle and that somehow got it to appear? Had done this previously before and never had an issue. Was worried I was doing something wrong. Very annoying

    This is still an issue. I've completed the puzzle after doing Drakkar and the crystal is not spawning. Have yet to try it on an alt, just going to wait until reset given Drakkar credit seems to be the common factor here.

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  2. I edited the thread title to include (and solo) to reflect that this issue affects solo play in general. See the 34 page story instance mega-thread. I have also seen numerous threads on both GW2 and reddit discussing disconnect issues and idling is the commonality in a huge proportion of them.

    Suggested band-aid fix: Force communication between the server and client's map thread! Idling seems to be the commonality between ALL these reported disconnects, so stop the idle state from occurring!

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  3. On 4/7/2022 at 8:33 PM, Healix.5819 said:

    Have someone who doesn't have this problem sit in your instance. You'll find that only you are being disconnected.

    Dropping an idle connection is something your router, firewall and network adapter will do. The default timeout is usually 5 minutes, but it could be anything from 1 second up, and not all hardware/software will allow you to change it. If you have no network activity at all, your network adapter could also be sleeping.

    There are 3 computers in the house. I am the ONLY one getting disconnects, and it's specific to GW2. I also get dc'd to character select, whereas a full loss of connection usually forces a game closure. Plus, as I've mentioned, it's only the map "thread" that dc's as chat still works while a disconnect is in progress. None of my other programs ever drop connection.

  4. This issue is still unresolved.

    I talked about the issue with someone with more computer and networking knowledge. We made two changes:

    1) We turned off tkip encryption. We did this because the person has had first-hand experience in the past with tkip causing issues for a past household. (Our household is not having issues. The disconnect is specific to me and only to GW2. We did this as a just-in-case.)

    2) We went into firewall settings to check if GW2 existed. It didn't, so we manually added inbound and outbound rules for GW2.

    To see if these changes worked I stopped using my anti-idling work arounds for SAB. I caught a disconnect in-progress on day 4 during the zone transition of world 2-1. So I either got lucky that I wasn't getting disconnects for a few days, OR the changes we made helped reduce the disconnects, but didn't stop them entirely.

    During their research they found plenty of evidence of people suffering disconnects under similar circumstances. Long dialogues in story instances, map transitions where players are standing around before or after the transition, etc. Spero.1283 mentioned being disconnected in a raid instance with everyone standing around, and thus fitting with the idle theory.

    I suspect the disconnect issue applies to the entire game, but the reason disconnects happen in open world content so rarely is because there's always at least one person doing something somewhere on the map. Remember, disconnects aren't guaranteed, but when they do happen they ALWAYS occur during idle situations.

    The only real true "fix" to this disconnect issue we've seen in these discussions is a change of ISP, and maybe a router swap. I am not going to change ISP for two reasons:

    1) We refuse to do business with our current ISP's only competitor in our area.

    2) I am the ONLY person in the house (3 computers) experiencing disconnects, and it's specific to GW2 under consistent circumstances.

    This disconnect issue has consistent circumstances when it occurs, and it affects a widespread, if small, portion of the the player base. I truly think that the root cause of the issue is something on ANet's end, and may be some sort of incompatibility with network infrastructure.

    I doubt the issue is related to the ISP. I'm in western Canada and many other people experiencing disconnects live throughout the US. Changing ISP's usually also comes with a router change, so it may be that specific routers are causing issues.

    Thus, in an effort to pin down what these incompatibilities may be I am providing my router model for ANet: Hitron CGNM-2250

    Edit: An alternative solution would be for ANet to avoid the "idle" state entirely by forcing communication between the client and server map "thread" more frequently.

  5. Edit: Added (And solo) to title to reflect that ALL solo content is susceptible to this disconnect! See the 34 page mega-thread on story disconnects as an example.
    Note: I originally posted this on reddit but it got downvoted into oblivion, so I've decided to repost it here for visibility with improvements to the original post.

    This is NOT a net issue! At least on the client side. Evidence:

    -I have a solid internet connection.

    -The disconnect is reproduceable.

    -It's a MAP disconnect. Other GW2 features such as chat still work while the disconnect is in progress.

    -I have seen numerous other players complain of similar disconnect issues in similar circumstance over the years.

    -The disconnect ONLY occurs when the player is idle. Actively playing negates the disconnect issue entirely.

    -This disconnect is not unique to SAB, but SAB is disproportionately affected due to the nature of how the content is played. The idle disconnect reaches beyond SAB and is discussed below.

    Original post with some modifications below:

    Over my years of playing SAB I've developed a rule: NEVER stop interacting with the game while doing Super Adventure Box. This means that I have to make sure I have 1-2 hours of relatively uninterrupted playtime to get my daily run done.

    Why? SAB has a tendency to disconnect as soon as you idle for anything more than a few moments. I don't know what the threshold is exactly, but you're risking a disconnect if you sit still for anything more than 10 seconds.

    A few common scenarios where this idling disconnect occurs:

    1. Doing anything outside the game. Chats, internet, etc. This depends if you're in a "safe" spot or not. "Safe" spots tend to be locations in which the server is actively doing stuff such as mobs being nearby, so the start of most zones are safe being as there's usually something happening nearby. If there's nothing around then chances of a disconnect are high. One such spot that disconnects is standing in front of the shop on the glitch route in world 2-1.

    A quote from a guild lead from another guild I'm in: "Seriously, it feels like I can't alt-tab for more than 10 seconds to check something without getting that stupid DC".

    2. After defeating the boss of the zone. Standing still risks a disconnect and thus missing out on the zone credit that pops when the timer expires. It is especially annoying to have to replay the entire zone given that quite a few achievements, including dailies, trigger at the end of the count-down. My work-around is simply to hold 1 until the zone transitions.

    3. Any break in the flow of gameplay. For example, a common disconnect spot in previous years for me is the waterfall log section right at the end of 2-1. There's a specific log cycle you can wait for that allows you to get all the way across the waterfall to the checkpoint in one go. Thus, it's natural to just stop moving when you take the portal to wait for the desired log cycle. I've gotten around this particular disconnect by routing in a 50-bauble chest which kills just enough time for me to go through the portal just as the desired cycle arrives. It appears that the log spawns are just far enough apart that an idle disconnect can occur. (I changed how I play this section of 2-1 that avoids the idle disconnect, so I haven't had it occur so far this year.)

    4. Shortcut Eagle in 2-2 is another common disconnect spot. Given the safe spot it's another natural point in which you just park and idle which risks an idle disconnect. I learned a few days ago that you can get the dc between the bee waves, too. I stopped holding 1 when the first bee wave spawned and it seems the length between waves is just long enough to risk an idle disconnect.

    These disconnects are not rare, either, and are extremely frustrating to experience given the wasted time. Given how long some of the zones are to play through, experiencing a dc feels like a colossal waste of time especially when the disconnect occurs during the zone count-down and not triggering end-of-zone achievements and dailies.

    The idle disconnect is not unique to SAB!

    The Lunar New Year's Celestial Challenge is also susceptible to these disconnects. This one isn't so bad though as the disconnect occurs between rounds which means you can just hop right back in.

    Everybody will loot their chests, and then most players will either leave the instance or stand around waiting for the next round to start. I've noticed that if everyone is standing around then the idle disconnect will occur. If a player is actively moving about then the disconnect is avoided.

    Edit: Story instances are another common disconnect! There's EXTENSIVE reports on this.

    Potential causes of the disconnect?

    We know the disconnect consistently happens when the player is idle, especially while idling in a location where not much is happening on the server side, either. Thus, I have a longshot guess:

    If I'm not mistaken, ANet uses AWS cloud hosting, correct? If this is true, then it's possible that the hardware allocation being given to temporary server instances are being prematurely shut down when Amazon's servers see a period of idle activity.

    New theory: The server reallocation theory doesn't hold water as the issue doesn't effect everyone. Rather, it's a subset of players that consistently have these disconnect issues. There's some sort of incompatibility happening where the game just decides it doesn't like specific connections. The only "true" fix of the issue has been people outright switching ISPs. No other fix is consistent.

    Edit: Suggested band-aid fix until the root issue is resolved!
    Force communication between the client and server on the map thread! Idling of the map thread seems to be what's causing the disconnect, so get rid of the idling!

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  6. The current system is a holdover from HoT's release where the processing time for each individual item was hours and even days long. Back then you'd fill the que then basically check on it once a day to fill it back up to full. Now that things take 30 seconds for most items? Yeah it's a huge inconvenience to have to stand around. Would be cool if any eligible schematics were automatically processed without having to babysit the assembly after we'd already crafted it.

  7. So I've been utilizing the "Guild Plaza" in LFG to do some recruiting, and I've had some success with it. However, there are some critical issues that need to be addressed to make using the Guild Plaza less of a hassle.

    Problem 1: Constant delistingIf you're ever the last one in the party when people who have joined in the group subsequently leave, the LFG ad posting gets automatically delisted. This means that I have to constantly repost my ad. A work around involves having someone stay in the party with you, but then it inconveniences them and when they want to do other group related content you're back to having to relist.

    Problem 2: Lack of control of your groupThis comes in three parts.A) People who join the group can remove your ad from LFG. In my experience most people who do this are legitimately new to the game and don't know how the LFG system works, so it's removed by mistake. However, there's potential for trolls to abuse the fact that they can keep delisting you.B ) You can't kick another player in a party of 2. This is something that I experienced just today for the first time. I like to play SAB solo, and often do so while I've got my guild ad up. Today I had someone join my group and kept joining my SAB instance, too. The first time they did I wasn't too far into my current zone, so I left and restarted only for them to join again. It got to the point that I had to bring in a third player so that we could keep kicking the guy until they eventually gave up. Under normal circumstance I'd delist the group, leave, and repost, but you can't do that when you're doing instanced content like SAB because you get kicked out and lose your progress.C) Blocked players can join your LFG ad. I still don't understand why this is a thing as it's a problem with LFG in general. In addition to the guy in B continually joining my group, I've seen this be a problem in other game modes, too. Last week in WvW I was in a squad where a guy the Commander had blocked was able to continually join the squad, who was on another team as well. The Commander had to set the squad to private which limited the ability for other players on the map to join.

    Problem 3: New players often don't understand how the ads work.I've had a number of players join my LFG ad thinking that it was the method of which you actually joined the guild. It's a minority, and I'm not sure how this one could be fixed. I do try to communicate with the people who join my group and ask if they have questions before sending an invite.

    Problem 4: Guild Plaza doesn't allow squadsMany of the above issues could be addressed by allowing the use of private squads, but the Guild Plaza only allows parties and all the limitations that come with it.

    Solving these issues would significantly improve the quality of life of guild recruiters.

  8. My statement, for the record.

    With the Holiday season approaching and having some spare cash for the first time in a long time, I was getting ready to treat myself to a gem purchase. With yesterday's introduction of the mount adoption license, ArenaNet will no longer see a single penny from me until they backtrack the line they have egregiously crossed.

    While I've never been a fan of the BLC's, they are at least 'fair'. The items they drop are, for the most part, trade-able with player-assigned values and give the option to purchase the item or take a chance at a gamble.

    These adoption licenses bring gambling to the game on a level we haven't really seen before. The mounts are only obtainable through random chance with gems, with no alternative means of acquisition. Sure, I could get lucky and get the skins I want right away, but odds are that I'll have to spend considerably more money than I am willing. Even if I bought a 10-pack, that's still only a 1/3 chance of getting the skins that I want out of the 30 available. I'd much rather pay a reasonable price for what I want to buy, rather than get a bunch of stuff I don't even want.

    ArenaNet have established that mount skins are worth about 400 gems to them, with the Halloween pack working out to 400 each non-discounted, and these adoption licenses costing 400 each. Gliders have already set a precedent, priced at about 500-700 gems each, a price I'd be more than happy to pay for mount skins.

    As a side note, I also am a bit disappointed that a few of these skins are essentially nothing more than unlocked dye channels on the default mounts, a feature that could have been baseline to allow customization of the base skin and instead selling new models for those that wanted them.

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