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Posts posted by PepperPatrol.2139

  1. I think an important thing to remember is that while gw2 does have a very friendly community overall, this doesn't negate the existence of toxic people. Particularly, toxic people who might have been your friend before their toxic behavior started. Blocking them doesn't take you off their friendlist. The fact that I cannot stop a toxic person from following me and knowing when and where I'm online, is a real problem. The only solution anet have given me to a toxic follower is to completely isolate myself and appear offline to everyone. No whispers, no guild chat. And this problem is not a wvw thing bc I generally didn't play wvw at the height of encountering this problem myself.


    I literally inherited a guild bc "guild leader got a stalker and basically disappeared." And to be frank theres 101 ways to get around being blocked in game and that doesn't even touch on the fact that they can still figure out you're in game, where you are, and contact you on some other form of social media. Anet will not do anything about them harassing you on discord even though the inability to remove followers is a direct cause of that harrassment. I have watched this, over the last 9 years, happen to at least three people. Where just one sufficiently determined person made the game unplayable and blocking them actually made it so anet wouldn't do anything about them.


    The game has definitely needed an update to the follower system for a long while. Even just the ability to say no when people follow without necessarily making it a mutual friends system. There's plenty of people on my current follower list that I'd just prefer if they weren't bc I dont particularly like them and not bc they annoy me to the point of blocking them. And I can't think of a single, acceptable reason why people you block can still see what map you're on. There is a divide between "who I'm willing to play games with" and "who I want to actually know where I am at all times" that the current friendlist doesn't allow me to make.

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  2. I never complained about black lion chests because keys are relatively cheap, available through gameplay and most of what comes out of them are things I could directly buy if I didn't want to gamble. Not to mention that I am always getting more than I paid for out of a BL chest. I, every few months, buy some keys to see if I can get myself a nice pretty Perma hairstyle contract and when I don't get it I've got lion tickets and other useful stuff. Additionally, if I was capable of saving 3k gold without spending it (I'm really not...) I could straight up buy the thing that I want out of the bl chests anyways. I didn't complain about Black Lion skins because tickets come out reasonably often and if I don't get all the skins I want I can buy the ones I lost out on at the Trading Post. I DID, very loudly complain the one time I bought a dye box because I got some ugly blue level dye I already had that sold for a handful of silvers on the TP and I never bought one again. BUT. All of those dyes are ALSO available on the TP, so I have bought the exclusive dyes I liked and wanted from there. (and later you started giving them out in birthday gifts so I really have no cause for complaint on that front.)

    I am not interested in spending my hard earned money on gambling schemes. I don't mind giving anet money to support a game that has never charged me a subscription fee, however I am not going to spend that money on random crap I can't use. If I don't want it and I can't sell it on the TP, I am not going to buy it. Maybe if some of these were available in game I'd feel differently but there hasn't been much playable content added between expansions in a very long time so I can only imagine most of the money I do spend is spent on this content. It might as well be something worth spending money on. I'll gamble all day with ectos and in game gold because those are not real currency that can pay my rent. I will not play the lottery, I don't go to casinos and I'm not buying 31 rng boxes here because I don't have the money to waste on gambling.

    There's been a very worrying trend as of late to lock gemstore only content behind RNG boxes and frankly this is just the cherry on top of the cake you've been serving us for the last two years. Tbh one of the main reasons I supported anet for so long is because Anet gave me at least 10 options to accomplish anything including items available in the gemstore for a variety of different prices or gems to gold to buy rng skins on the TP. Now everything is accountbound or locked behind one lootbox or another and frankly none of it is worth the amount of money I'd end up spending to buy it so I'm not really encouraged to spend any money at all.

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