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Posts posted by areliorn.3165

  1. @Fueki.4753 said:Before, you had both options in the list by default, with the option to turn those two functions into buttons (as far as I remember).

    Before you always had both options in the list, with the compact option right after the deposit option by default, but with an option to move it to the end of the list, where it is harder to click by accident. Now both have been moved out of the list, right next to each other, and that option got removed.

  2. @Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet should simply revert this change.

    Not quite. I think the 'deposit' button outside was a good idea, for everyone. The 'compact' button should have been configurable, like before. I can see that it could be very helpful for those that like to compact, and also to have them right next to each other (or even configurable one button for both actions?). Both 'compact' and 'deposit' are both not easily undoeable if you accidentally click them, however while all (?) players typically like to 'deposit' stuff, the same is not true for 'compact'. And, because both buttons are now, again, right next to each other, mis-clicks will happen and the consequence is really, really annoying - in a game that is supposed to be fun.

  3. @"Hannelore.8153" said:For what its worth, Fractal boxes (150 relics/20 slots) behave like normal bugs but otherwise don't compact.

    I only see the "uncommon", "rare" and "exotic" boxes. They do behave differently than a regular box: they distinguish by rarity. But aside from that: they do require players to pay using fractal currency, which they might not have enough of or even at all. Also, are there 32-slot versions of those and how can I exchange my current bags for those? Yes, those (and similar bags) are nice-to-have, and thanks for noting it, but they are not at all a replacement for a simple UI option. If this would be the intended solution it would be quite some discrimination against those with ... let me say this quite subjectively ... more self-organized inventory management.

  4. @Linken.6345 said:I seen people saying they have 1 top or 1 bottom invis bag but your saying you got 2 what do you have that take up 40 invisible slots?

    Oh, you know, stuff you don't want to sell, salvage-all or deposit.

    And I mostly only read about people being top or bottom-focussed. Am I the only one that has special places for things not only at the top and bottom, but basically all around the edges, where they are easy and most of all fast to find?

  5. Before today's update, both options were inside the "cog" menu of the inventory. There was a setting which players could use to place the 'compact' option either right next to or far away from the 'deposit' option. This facilitates players that just prefer to organize their inventory in different ways.Todays update pulled those two options out of the menu and made them separate buttons next to the "cog" icon. But they were both pulled out, regardless of the setting "please move that option away from "deposit", moreover, the whole setting is gone now. In effect, the "compact" option is, again, right next to the "deposit" option. For some players that's perfect. For others, it's terrible. I am one of the latter.Why it is terrible for me? Because I prefer to order my inventory in a specific way. Where ever I put items I like them to stay there. I would like to never use that "compact" option. Every time I do, I have to resort my inventory for a long time, which is very, very frustrating. I would really like that option to be inside the menu again, out of my way, where it is difficult to click on by accident.There are suggestions to "simply" use special bags. Except that is a bad idea. I already have bags, some of them account-bound. I don't really fancy crafting those expensive bags again, just for a different type. Also, all of the "non-compact"-bags also have other side-effects I do not want. Some of them prevent vendoring, some prevent depositing, for some, no 32-versions exist. I am not aware of any existing 32-slot bag that would just be a regular bag but prevents "compacting". Even if it would exist: how would I exchange existing bags to that type? Why should I be forced to use that special type and be "locked out" of bags like the Bandit Coin purse or Halloween bags, just because I do not want by inventory reordered?

    TL;TR: Please, please, please re-add the option to hide the 'compact' button. It wouldn't need to be off completely: maybe just add an option to have it back inside the "cog"-menu again. I really like the change of the "deposit"-button being outside, but the "compact"-button being there as well is a terrible regression for some players.

  6. Grenadier: Fall damage reduction has been removed from this trait. This trait now also casts Lesser Grenade Barrage on your location when using a healing skill.

    Please, pretty please realize that this is a terrible idea. Here is why: it puts an offensive skill on a defensive action. You don't always want to do damage. In fact, sometimes you have to actively avoid it. Putting this on healing means you now have to avoid healing to avoid damage, which is quite some disadvantage and was likely not intended (or was it?). Also, Grenadier is a trait that is a "must" for lots of builds, so it is not something you could easily not choose.

    I can understand that you likely just wanted another trigger for the falling-damage-effect, but please do not use healing.

    Just some things that would be really awkward with the proposed change:

    • healing close to Subject 5 (reactor fractal) while it is shielding
    • healing while running away through crowds of mobs. You might be close to dying, so you want to go fast and you want to heal yourself. Getting ooc is key to be fast. But you cannot heal, as that would hit mobs close to you, keeping you in combat a lot longer
    • healing being close to neutral NPCs: oops, I didn't want to kill you, only heal myself
    • healing while "enemy players" being close in certain raids
    • healing while being invisible (and staying invisible)
  7. @Robert Gee.9246 said:Thanks for the feedback everyone. I've been following this thread and I wanted to respond to a some comments that have come up a few times:

    First of all: thanks for the reaction!

    One thing I was missing is a stance on the damage-on-heal issue engineers would have. Putting a damaging skill on healing is something that puts players longer into combat or out of stealth exactly at moments they might not want to do exactly that. There are always situations when you want to heal but want to avoid damage. This comes especially if it is combined with a trait everyone using that kit would call essential. Please: reconsider combining healing with damage. It would make for terrible game-play.

  8. EngineerGrenadier: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Additionally this trait now casts Lesser Grenade Barrage on your location when using a healing skill.

    Grenadier is one of the traits that lots of engineers use, so this is an important change for them. And yes, the main incentive to take it is the first sentence, not the second. But it might have better to just remove the second sentence instead of adding the barrage-on-healing-funtionality. On paper it looks fine, you replace Explosive Descent with something similar, but make it proc on healing instead. Assuming the cooldown is similar, though, it now is far too hard to proc on purpose. You are not going to wait with healing just to proc this, while falling is something you can control a lot better. Worse, you now have to be careful when you heal in order not to get into combat with more things around you or hitting the wrong thing. Just one example would be Subject 5 in the reactor fractal. I would now have a problem healing myself when Subject 5 is shielding, because healing myself would hit it, which is what I need to avoid.

    Combining obviously defensive skills with offensive one make controlled game play really, really hard, especially when it's on a trait that you take for other reasons, so you are kind of forced into it. And it is not the only one of these, look at Evasive Powder Keg. If you take the trait line, you have no choice, you get it, making staying ooc sometimes a real hassle: dodge and you might be in combat. Please, think about game play and not just the numbers.

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