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Posts posted by Distillia.9834

  1. 3 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hi all, I did some looking around on this to see if I could give an update. (Yep, I'm here this week! 😄 ) This is another of those weird bugs where the problem isn't immediately obvious, so like the earlier post mentioned, an engineer was looking at it but it's taken a bit. 

    I can tell you that we have a fix just about ready to go though! We'll get it to you as soon as possible--just hang in there a little bit longer. 

    Thank you for the update!  Glad a fix was found.  Please send the engineer a cookie for us. 

    • Like 4
  2. Further thoughts for everyone who's struggling with this.  Add -mapLoadinfo to the target path where you launch GW2. 


    If you mistakenly log-in and have a long load - check to see if the map info is stuck on STATE_AGENT_STREAM - if yes, log out, you're boned. Here's what that looks like: https://imgur.com/a/Ph142Rm


    Add map info instructions:

    Right click your GW2 shortcut that you launch the game from, select Properties.
    In "Target" add in -mapLoadinfo outside of the brackets. Here's an example of mine: 
    "D:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -mapLoadinfo

    • Like 2
  3. Happens for me. This is my gw2 log. ... is a loop of the local array to Auth server returned response 0. 
    Here's an image of mapinfo when hung. https://imgur.com/a/Ph142Rm

    00249551: Debug: MapLoader: Completed STATE_MAP_ASSET_STREAM
    00349442: Perf: Upcasting vertices from rigid to skinned during mesh combine.
    00351374: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00351374: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00352559: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00352559: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00352740: Debug: Material expected 2 textures but got 4.
    00357408: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00361691: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00366941: Debug: Gc::GcAuthCmdNotifyProc: code 4
    00366941: Debug: Auth server returned response 0
    00368925: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00369118: Perf: Model: Local array switched to heap memory
    00369576: Error: Map load hang on STATE_AGENT_STREAM detected: IsWorldReady: 0, CharLoadingCount 1
    00369799: Debug: MapLoader: Completed STATE_AGENT_STREAM
    00369801: Debug: Material expected 1 textures but got 2.
    00369824: Debug: Preallocated 31296KB of index and vertex buffers.
    00369897: Debug: Material expected 1 textures but got 4.
    00370601: Debug: MapLoader: Completed STATE_READY_WAIT
    00370601: Debug: MsCli MsgSendAgentsLoaded: Context Map Id: 1052
    00370681: Debug: GameView: view changed to gameplay

    Yes, I realize it says completed, but the camera is not attached to a character. The model of the character has not loaded, though the character walks around and uses skills. Majority of the UI graphics are not present, skill bar icons, window backgrounds, etc. 

    Edit: Additionally, I'd like to report that I have 23 characters.
    It takes about 5.5 minutes to load into the broken gameplay state from the black character select screen. 
    If I login to an account with 5 characters I can freely swap between all characters rapidly.

  4. Update the Decoration bundle to allow for "Consume All" deposits, auto-deposits upon pick-up, or better yet: let us opt-out of receiving them all together. The decorations are meaningless with enough play time, and only serve as 'killproof' within the community, instead of their intended use, fun items for the Guild Hall. Evenstill, a guild that raids together can amass more than enough decorations for their hall to decorate their guild. There comes a point in time where enough is enough, and we don't need this trash any longer.

    P.S. The Decoration Trader in the Guild Halls only accepting 1 token at a time is utter bologna and should be considered a bug. Repetitive Strain Injuries are real, and unnecessary reptitive clicking will only worsen the damage.

  5. @Lilyanna.9361 said:

    And here we have almost struggling modes like PVP and WvW, trying to get some sort of response, but no, you guys rather scream about cash than the ACTUAL gameplay that all of you could be playing.

    Dungeons, tune-ups, quality of life changes across all modes. You wish to cry about the #Mounts. I am honestly baffled that people would cry more about this, then trying to improve the game overall.

    To fix these areas they will need to spend time coming up with a plan to bring players back to these areas. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of incentive for people to play PvP or WvW anymore, so what you have now is a community of people who truly enjoy the game mode (leaning more on my WvW love here).

    Dungeons, I used to do a daily dungeon run of all the dungeons. I have zero reason to do a dungeon again except for nostalgia. The only thing that would bring me back to them is CONTENT.

    Only content can swing the player base. And a lot of the content players enjoy are cosmetic. Which a very large pile of it exists inside of the gemstore, rather than through gameplay.

    Anyway, the gripes you seem to have have nothing to do with this thread, and should probably be taken elsewhere since it seems your contribution was only to complain that other people are complaining about what you feel is the wrong area of the game to complain about.

  6. A random mount skin for 400 gems is not an acceptable investment. I like some of the skins, absolutely. But I will not leave it to chance that I will get what I want when I am spending gems,(which let's be honest, probably came from real world money). I don't want to gamble on skins. I want to be able to feel accomplished when I acquire a skin, an item, a feature. You can spend money and feel this way, because you get the item and you're left feeling secure in your choice. But you cannot get that with an RNG unlock. If you have expectations to get something you want, you have a higher chance of being disappointed and as a result you move away from what makes you feel this way.

    GW2 has made me feel this way for a while. Adding more for me to spend on, and less to play, earn, and enjoy, is only making matters worse.

    About the Warhound. A single mount skin for 2,000 gems. While I truly do understand the time to create, from concept to finaling - and I do notice how different the skin is from the Jackal's base form that it wouldn't be as easy as retexturing. I can't accept this price. With complete honesty, 1000 is barely cceptable. It's on par with outfits but has other cosmetic functions that surpass an outfit. This is the high end that as a consumer I'd be willing to accept.

    If it was a different mount, with new attacks, new movement, I'd pay 2,000 gems.

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