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Posts posted by Draco.5014

  1. Imagine walking into a real store. You find the perfect running shoes of the brand and look you want. Instead of paying and get the what you pay for, the store gives you a random pair of shoes (high heal pink ones). They say "If you want that particular pair of shoes you will have to gamble. If you want them cheaper, you can pay for 30 pair of shoes and you MIGHT get the shoes you want. You will get a discount per pair. Another option is that you pay for 5 pairs and get the shoes you want. But not today. Sometime in the next coming 30-60 weeks. Maybe"

    Why would Anet, or any other greedy MMORPG, think that it's a great way to treat their customers? If they don't expect to be treated like this in a normal store, they shouldn't do it to us.

    I work for my money and i never gamble. Why would i start to gamble with something that isn't even real but purely cosmetic in a virtual world?

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