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Posts posted by Victory.1297

  1. I will say that I am not a player often - I wasn't able to hit 80 on the first game due to being sick, school, and just an odd playtime that had me playing solo. Heart of thorns was not an expansion I really cared about and hated that it blocked progress till I 'skilled up'. Path of fire was the one expansion I was super surprised by and loved. I was so happy for a fresh take on mounts in a game. Now, I go away for a few weeks due to being sick and breaking my finger I come back to discover, Loot boxes.

    I know I am but one person, but I refuse to play games that have those glorified legal loophole gambling boxes for a friggin game. As such, as of this moment, I am uninstalling Guild Wars 2, and will not return until I hear that these boxes were removed. It was already sketchy with the black lion crates but those keys aren't nearly as bad as this attempt and this blocks an entire segment of content from players who do not put cash into gems.

    I know this means nothing, nor do I expect you to remove them as that is just the state of the gambling gaming industry. I am completely disappointed and sad that ArenaNet went the way of Warner Brothers, EA, and Ubisoft.

    A sincerely disappointed fan,


    P.S. - I am in no way telling people to follow me, nor am I expecting a huge "OMG VICTORY LEFT" crap storm, as I am pretty much no one. But, what I am hoping is that with one less player, maybe.... maybe Arena net will use it to snap out of this greedy attempt at gambling. Just Maybe.

    To ArenaNet: I wish you the best of luck, may this move bring you massive profits and I hope you are satisfied with taking advantage of this legal-loophole gambling bubble because with this move you lost a LOT of reputation.

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