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Posts posted by Felippe.3879

  1. 56 minutes ago, EpicName.4523 said:

    I suppose this thread will be banned for reasons unknown to me due to the extremely harsh censorship, but what the hell. Been banned before here, even when I believe I keep a civil tone, so probably gonna happen again. Never give a small man a sip of power or he or she will get thirsty beyond belief...


    Been thinking about the writing in GW2. Was not gonna make a post until I unlocked the new episode a few hours ago and heard the words uttered in the title of this thread. 


    There are some very interesting trends going on in the writing of this game. I don't really pay attention to the story, but since you have to play it to fully unlock a new episode it is unescapable. I am somewhat interested in writing myself, so I cannot help it but listen from time to time. Writing is indeed a very personal process because to make it good you have to add a piece of yourself. Of the things YOU consider important and the way YOU view the world as a whole. So, by examining certain trends you can analyze the opinion of a writer, his views and his agendas...


    Let's take a look at some factions in this game, starting with the main enemies of two playable races - Flame legion and Svanir.


    Flame legion are like misguided, fanatical worshipers who like to use magic, while the rest of their kin likes neither gods nor the use of magic.

    Svanir are like misguided, fanatical worshipers of a dragon, while the rest of their kin likes to worship proper spirits. 


    Do you know what both of their groups have in common? They are not particularly fond of...females. It is as if someone decided that these guys were not evil enough, so they made them uh...misogynistic and that man, THAT WAS PURE EVIL! KILL THEM!


    That is just a small thing, to be honest. An obscure piece of lore which shouldn't bother anyone. But, if you take a look at the general story...


    Have you noticed the male characters in GW2? How they behave, how they are portrayed? 


    Braham...I think, he should be called Bra(t)ham. How and why he is annoying can take several pages to explain.


    Mr. Thackeray can be described with a simple word, but it would be rude to say it, so let's try to give graphic explanation without being inappropriate. The marshal is something combining a synonym of the word "cat" + a type of weapon/tool called "whip". Combine cat+whip and you will know exactly what he is.


    Something similar, but to a lesser extend can be said about Gorrik, because "Don't tell Taimi".


    Rytlock is mostly sparred, but he is a furry, so it's hard to put him in the same basket as the rest. You must be aware that he is kind of a failure, though. He failed his legion, he released Balthi, he was never there for his son. If you take a deeper look at it, most of the recent messes were because of him.


    Canach is...ok? Probably the only guy that is ok, maybe that is why you don't see him much in the later episodes.


    How many of the female story characters have issues like these? How many are outright dislikable/annoying and constantly make bad decisions? 


    Look, I am not angry, sad, disappointed and I don't even care that much. I really don't. But it is funny. And I really think the people making the story should try to be at least a bit more subtle. Peace. Waiting my ban for daring to question the narrative.

    Well, what you wrote does indeed show you have not been paying attention.

    • Like 5
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  2. @aleron.1438 said:It's baffling how you all (players not Anet) don't even use your brains. If you would have checked your achievement point score by hovering over it to see the daily+monthly score and the permanent score, you would've noticed that the +1 AP you get from each Light Puzzle counted towards the daily score, as they are daily reset puzzles. This is why the complainers are 'losing' AP on reset. Because you've already reached the daily cap of 15K and you can't cheat the game to getting more ap over it.

    This repeatable Light puzzle is made for those that haven't reached their 15k daily cap. So essentially , those can get up to 10+4 AP daily. Think of it like a boost to get to your account daily 15k cap faster.

    Nope, you are wrong. I havent reached my 15k daily AP cap and am having the problem of losing the 4 ap. I do those daily, and sometimes (not every time) on the very next day I lose the AP I gained from them. So there is a problem there.

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