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Posts posted by penguin.6491

  1. When was the last time we had character customization options added to the game? I know we had a string of hair colors added for a while there and before that a lot of hairs from other races moved around. I feel like I need a change for my Norn Ranger, but I also feel that if I waste a total makeover kit and we finally get something added I'll be frustrated. And not to waste a thread on me asking a question of how long its been, feel free to show me pics of your characters! Im trying to break the mold of color matching, myself, but its hard.

  2. Read this, rarely comment on posts, but I just wanted to say that the actual game play in this game has always floored me. It's amazing, its different, I love the events that pop up that you don't have to beg people to help with - you can literally just walk in and help out as much or as little as you want. The weapon swapping! Just so much makes this game real for me and other people - that coming here to complain floors me! You aren't happy that a rifle skin doesnt transport you into a shooter MMO? You arent happy about the lack of expansions? The game has been out many years and they released more content with Living Story and all the zones and so much MORE than other MMOs that this entire thread is hilarious to me. Chill out. Have fun. Play something else if a rifle skin makes you wish you were in a shooter. Play something else if you cant find anything to do.

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