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Posts posted by Lyndina.7984

  1. i can already see the type of review on steam. Story is a convulated mess without the LW Stories. You go from vanilla-hot- and now you have an guild with people like braham or Kasmeer, which you never met in the story so far (because they showed up in season 1...which isnt even avaiable to buy). Who are those people? Well..okay...dont know why mordemoth is there and what happened in between...played through hot...into pof..okay...why am i suddenly huntin Balthasar? "

  2. In my opinion they gave up with mesmer, the recent updates (February 2020? Dont know for sure, its the first time i looked into the forum since they neutered Chrono), show it. Best way to leave this once great game and head for greener hills. This Garbage Game had its golden days, but the devs definitly fucked it up. I remember the hours i spend in guild wars 1..fantastic hours. So much variety on build your Build. Sure, it had its balancing problems... but compared to the crappy Gw2 it was genious. How could they fuck up the franchise like that?

  3. Nerf it to the ground,hell...even patch it out of the game. Mesmer was my main, but since i left the game...to hell with it. Won't come back for the new expansion anyway. Didn't even play the "new" LS, because i couldn't bother. There are a lot of games out there that handle balancing better then those devs...

  4. Yeah,most mesmer that did care probably left the game behind or changed to another class. I was a mesmer main since release of Guild Wars 1...sure some nerfs are rightful, but making it not playable in certain gamemodes...yeah no. So i left and did go back to wow.

  5. Yeah,even if you nerf all of them, one famous..."player" jumps in and still crys how he got beat by a mesmer. His crying will never end until mesmer gets deleted. One might wonder what will be the next class he crys about. However, A-net can nerf whatever they want. I didn't log in for a whole month now, didn't play the new story line, nor my usual roleplay stuff. Gw2 has died for me personally and can go down the gutter.

  6. @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    @Mewcifer.5198 said:Anet should do a developer livestream where they directly and clearly answer as many questions as they can. It would really do well to ease a lot of the disgruntlement of the playerbase.

    I would just be happy if they actually read their stream chat. 99% ignored.

    The stream chat during the event was nothing but people spamming.

    Yeah, maybe that was their plan all along,so that new players could see what they offer,while the negative comments were spammed away with those ridicilous giveaway stuff. puts on alu hat

  7. Why not just make a map with a chest in the middle, First team that reaches it first will win the match. Every Skill is banned.

    The community in this game...urgs...when turned it so bad? Duhh,i want to stay on one note and never leave it. The thiefs and mesmer that you mentioned help you win the game by capping the other nodes. Next thread : "duhhh, i can't beat the group full of scrappers and support guards,heal is too stronk! Nerf them!"

  8. The lack of content, the missing feeling of time/reward, i.e. you grind some champions on the event just to get some useless green stuff that you salvage and put it in a bank. the destruction of my played spec (aka Chrono) and the lack of innovations. Everything just feels the same at this point. A new legendary is announced: Earn it in a raid? A dungeon? Nope...just farm mats and craft it and have fun completing a collection . New living world episode: Some evil emerges -> That evil is beaten but tada...next one is coming.
    But the most important one is the destruction of Chrono. I don't want to play a new class, cause all the other classes feel "slow" for me. Necro especially. i played my mesmer since the release of gw2, even in Gw1 my main was a mesmer. But lost every bit of intrest in Gw2. Only thing i do is watching the forums for positives changes and log in once a week for a 2 hours Roleplay event. Thats it. Spend most my time and money now in Wow.

  9. Asking what is better in a Forum for Guild Wars 2 . Most people that play wow probably haven't heard of Guild Wars2. The only good thing about Guild Wars 2 is its b2p and you can leave /pickup everytime whenever you want. You should ask the question, would you rather play wow or Guild Wars2 if you must pay a 13 Euro Subscription fee every month.

  10. Yeah. Those people that complain about mesmer would have probably played a Ele with meteorshower back then,and complain why the mesmer interupts it every time. Mesmer in Gw1 was awesome, now in Gw2 with the klones and shit its just garbage gameplay. I was honestly disappointed when i played the mesmer in Gw2 but pulled through. However it never came close to the Gw1 mesmer.

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