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Posts posted by Star.8401

  1. On 3/18/2022 at 5:59 PM, Jaricko.6143 said:

    It seems silly to be comparing classes when the elite in question is benching 40k in multiple builds. Ele benches higher but is squishier. 

    Power Willbender can only reach 40k with permanent aegis uptime, and ally support. Permanent Aegis is not goign to happen 99% of the time and without that its like 34-5k dps. Middle of the pack 

  2. @Shao.7236 said:

    It objectively wasn't.

    That's why all the really good PvP players quit ages ago, why the game has lost all entertainment value, why PvP population is seriously in jeopardy compared to how it used to thrive.

    Oh wait, you are so wrong.Spvp started to go wild when HoT added elite specs and its been a downhill trend/train since then. Balance will never come again. There are too many factors, and this is why Spvp has lost its population growth and its in a downhill trend.

  3. @Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

    @Star.8401 said:Also lore wise it wouldn't make any sense for sylvari to be living in this floating city.

    Why? City dvelers need to eat, but they can't have many animals, so what would they eat? Maybe fruits, vegetables and berries, and who else is better at tending to plants than Sylvani? Also, lore wise Sylvani are already pretty keep on whole ancestors thing.

    Sylvari are only born from the pale tree. We know roughly the whereabouts of the firstborn and the sylvari that followed. There is no place lore wise for an entirely new floating city to the north to appear populated with sylvari.

    And yeah this sounds a lot like the revenant; could take some of the ideas and turn into an elite spec. I say that because I dont think anet will ever be adding a new profession to the game as they've gone the elite spec route which in my opinion is better.

  4. Interesting take on a profession. Lore wise I dont see it working especially since we have revenants now that channel spirits from the mists. Also lore wise it wouldn't make any sense for sylvari to be living in this floating city. Traits and skills also remind me alot of ones in game currently across various professions.

    All in all an interesting read and idea but I don't see it fitting in.

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